I never imagined it would come here. No, it's more like... how can you move? What the monster showed Baek Hyun was the source of chaos, part of it. How are we supposed to move in the face of that?

‘It's not a breakdown. ’

There was no place to set foot thanks to the whole collapse of the altar. A monster in the air looks at the eyes of a white man narrowing the distance. The eyes on this side were clear without a single madness caused by the chaos. It aroused the nerd's interest. It was too much material for me to be interested in even when I first saw it, but I never thought I'd do this.

I don't know the identity of the monster. It was just unpleasant and felt dangerous. Who told you the attack was the best defense? Of course, Baek Hyun decided to attack, so he didn't think it was a defense. In this situation, the monster threatened Baek Hyun and was the enemy of Baek Hyun.

I targeted a swinging fist monster, but the attack was unsuccessful. The monster's body collapses into darkness before it even touches its fist. Baek Hyun pierces the darkness into his bare body.

The time taken would have been extremely short, but Baek Hyun felt that short time was very long. Stall time... No, it seemed like time really slowed down. It felt like diving deep into an endless abyss.

The darkness is sticky. White Hyun reflexively stops breathing, but the darkness he passes erodes the mind, not the body. It was also the first time I felt this way. Woohoo! The Pacheon Shinhwa, dragged inside Baek Hyun's body, protected his body.

“I see.”

When it came out through the darkness.

The altar that collapsed was as intact as it had never been. The monster was still sitting at the top of the altar looking down at Baek Hyun.

“Monsignor. You've had an unusual experience. ”

It seemed possessed by a ghost. Baek Hyun looks up with his eyes twitching. The monster raises his body with a dragging smile.

“It's not uncommon for me to train my soul, not my body. Besides, it's a celestial...! I said it, you're not uncommon. ”

“How do you not know? ”

“I just got it. Your name, your past, your learned craftsmanship... you have a great teacher. A pagan mythological republic, which means that man can become a god through nothing. I thought it was blurry because I only knew the case, but I don't think it's necessarily the case with you and your teacher. ”

Baek Hyun stares at the rising monster. The freak just said he knew, but Baek Hyun never told him about the past. Was there such a trait in the darkness that went through the body? Baek Hyun made enemies again, but the monster laughed.

“I'm not your enemy. ”

The monster moved a few steps as he said so. The large iron door behind his back was still a little open, and there was an ominous, unpaired darkness in it.

“I don't want to fight you. I'm not lying. I'd like to be friends with you if I were a king. I don't know. I don't think you want to be friends with me. ”

“Who are you? ”

The monster only laughed without answering the question. What happened after that was the same as when the monster first appeared. The monster disappeared as if he had not been there since the beginning, and Baek Hyun shed a tearful laugh.

[You don't have to think too hard.]

In Baek Hyun's head, the voice of the monster rang.

[If the spirit were intact, you would never be able to handle him now. But now the spirit is... hoo-hoo. I can't handle the chaos, so my kidneys are collapsing and I'm barely holding my brother's bay. Maybe you can take it down. If he had been given enough time, he would have been completed by the monster of chaos... but he doesn't have time. You're here.]

Baek Hyun chewed his molars with the voice of a monster. I didn't ask for that. Baek Hyun tried to chase after the whereabouts of his voice, but the presence of the monster was not felt anywhere.

‘I didn't even feel it in front of my eyes. ’

If there's a real ghost, it's like that. I thought I'd been through the prenatal period, but what I just did was an incomprehensible story. Baek Hyun had an unfolding feeling.

The voice of the monster was no longer heard. But Baek Hyun stood there for a while, and faced the monster, he chewed up what he felt. Especially deeply impressed was the endless darkness behind the monster's back. Different from fear. I feel like I don't belong in this world, I feel like I'm seeing something that doesn't exist or can't exist. When I was a kid, it was a deep-sea phobia on the Internet, a landscape in the deep sea that came up... just like concentrating the feeling I felt when I saw it.


The monster said the darkness was chaos and abyss. Even if it's a mediocre rapidity, it's crazy to watch. ‘The source of chaos.’ Baek Hyun thought of it.

‘Is that just the source of the chaos? ’

Then, is he the Throne of Abyss of the Monster? I didn't get it. The serpent of regeneration said that the throne of Abyss had returned to chaos, and that he did not have the right self.

I didn't know if the monster was the throne of Abyss, but I knew one thing. Rai Lung said he would understand if he came face to face with the source of the chaos.

‘No one can handle the source of chaos. ’

The impression felt by Baek Hyun was the same. That wasn't the power I could handle. Therefore, the identity of the monster was no longer known, and only the unpleasantness remained. Baek Hyun scratches his head and climbs the stairs.

I was curious about the identity of the monster, but there's nothing I need to do right now.

Baek Hyun stands in front of a half-open iron gate. The darkness that was seen in the breach of the door did not flow out, but remained in it. Baek Hyun took a deep breath once and entered the gap.

The darkness was dark.

It was sticky, but not as much as the darkness of the monster before. Yeonlyun sat motionless as soon as he came here, but Baek Hyun was just upset. Baek Hyun walked forward without stopping. White Hyun could see as bright as daylight, even in the absence of a single light spot, but the darkness here could not penetrate through his eyes.

But even in that darkness, two things could be seen.

No one sits. An empty, splendid throne.

A man stood near him. He leaned down and looked at the throne, and his head was gray like the color of ash left on it. Even in this darkness, the two men's eyes were shining bright orange like flames.

The spirit slowly touches the throne without seeing Baek Hyun. With a gentle touch like touching a newborn, Baek Hyun leaned and said.

“If it's so precious, why don't you sit down and touch it? ”

“... you don't have to. ”

The spirit opened his mouth and replied. The low voice shook the darkness, but I could not feel the same devastating power that I had heard from Park Joon-hwan before. An armed man turns his head and looks at Baek Hyun.

“You're finally here. ”

“I was strong enough to hit my son who grew up right. ”

“... what do you mean? ”

“Domestic violence is bad in any world. ”

The spirit saw Baek Hyun with the eyes that he could not understand. But he did not respond to the words of Baek Hyun. Baek Hyun sees the darkness shaking in the eyes of the spirit who looks at him, and the spirit lowers his hand that touches the throne.

“I have no choice but to admit that you excel at being human. ”

“Now you admit it? ”

Baek Hyun was ridiculous and asked, but the spirit did not faint. Raised the body that the spirit was bowing. - Kuwuung! Then a huge presence that I didn't feel pressured Baek Hyun. The darkness that was attached to Baek Hyun's body was dispersed and disappeared.

“Don't be shy. Admittedly, you didn't become a bug. ”


Baek Hyun laughed as he listened to his arrogant words.

“So what are the envoys I lost? And your son?”

“If you're defeated by a bug and you're dead, it's just the same bug. And what the hell are you talking about? There is no such thing as a son to the throne. ”

“Said Yeonlyun was your son. ”

“I was once a human being. But now that we're not human, is there a reason to connect with an enemy who might have been human? ”

The darkness of chaos has fallen from the eyes of the two spirits. He stares at Baek Hyun with his eyes like a burning flame. It was a whirlpool. The chaos, which had stirred up the spirit of the spirit for several years, eventually completely wiped out the rapids he had achieved. But the spirit was not feeling it.

“The throne has conquered chaos. ”

The spirit declared him with a voice full of pride. At this moment, the spirit did not feel any dizziness or distressing lightness that had been felt in recent years. The head was very clear and the whole body was full of vitality.

“How can you not be glad that on this wonderful day you are before a worm who dares not know the subject and has been roared about? Hey, come here, bug. I will let you know the existence of the sky, which the worm dares not know, drunk in arrogance. ”

Armed forces carried their backs and said, He said Baek Hyun was arrogant, but now he was arrogant more than anyone else. The spirit roams toward Baek Hyun Sun-woo.

“What? Are you afraid to come now? ”

Baek Hyun operated the Pacheon Shinhwa without answering. The spirit laughs as he watches the river of slaughter soar from Baek Hyun's body.

“The Martial Arts of Bugs. It is too early to say the love of nothing. ”

I had no intention of accepting a word full of pride. I don't know if it's true that the spirit has lost its rapidity, but the momentum felt by him was never to be taken for granted. The loss of rapidity did not mean that the futility and power that the spirit had ever learned to be human were completely lost.


I was going to leave without rushing.

Baek Hyun's appearance disappeared. The spirit who was at ease standing behind him laughed at him without hiding him. There was no sense of humor in wanting to see a battle against the rapids as a human martial arts lesson. It seemed like he didn't understand what fighting with God meant. The Iron Blood Palace, especially the room with the throne, was the sanctuary where the spirits could be most powerful. Why aren't monarchs invading the sanctuaries of other monarchs? I can't, but even if it were possible, it would be insane not to engage in sanctuary. No matter how high-ranking, fighting in other sanctuaries is a tremendous burden.

"I can see..."

No, I'm not.

It was only then that the spirit realized that his creed was gone. Why didn't you realize that? The spirit quickly retreated half a step back, swallowing the sound of gasping. Why has the creed always disappeared?

‘Then what is this vitality..? ’

As he stepped back, the spirit quickly grasped the side of what had happened to him. After the chaos eroded, the headaches on the ropes disappeared, and I didn't feel the same madness that made me not myself. It felt like waking up from a long nightmare, but everything that had happened and feelings remained. But that vibrant freshness was surely the truth! So of course I thought I had overcome the chaos.

It wasn't.

Internal combustion?

The source of vitality was the endoprosthesis that filled the innermost parts of the body.

When I knew it, the face of the armed spirit was wrinkled like a demon.


The full divinity disappears and the inner ball takes its place.

Because it was proof that the armed spirit became a God, not a God.

Baek Hyun could not understand the spirit of shouting aloud, but I knew one of these.

The current spirit was a gap.


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