She couldn't understand Baek Hyun's choice. If you don't want to go like that, you can't just go. I didn't formally line up, but it's already a fact that one day I'll be. Beak Hyeon's natural talent and speed of growth will qualify for the lantern in years to come.

Moreover, even the martial arts master, Baek Hyun, was virtually silent on the ship. Then in the end, all you have to do is hope that Baek Hyun will stay. And yet, she stares at Baek Hyun for a while.

“Are you sure you're okay? ”


Once again, Baek Hyun nods. That's the end. The lexicon no longer asks. There is no reason for Yeohyun to change Baek Hyun's choice. She was a vigilante lion who only did what she was told, and what she had to do now was send Baek Hyun back to her original world.

She reached out to Baek Hyun and said,

“Well, I'll send you back where you came from. ”


“We'll meet on the plane again someday. By then, I'll be a dragon. ”

“I'll be fresh. ”

Yeon-hyun laughed at Baek Hyun's answer. She holds Baek Hyun's hand and nods.

“May you accomplish what you want. ”

That voice, the last one, sounded far away. Baek Hyun hears her heart pounding instead of her voice.

I thought it might be like this. He said he was returning to where he came from. The place where Baek Hyun came was Abyss' Underground, so it was natural to come back here.

Baek Hyun stood in the dark, invisible, and listened to the beating of his heart. Come back here, what happens now. Baek Hyun operated the Pacheon Shinhwa Republic. A month ago, he was suddenly taken to the ship, starting with the operation of the Pacheon Shinhwa.

But not this time. A month ago, a massive internal pore moved and Baek Hyun's body was surrounded by self-defense forces.

“I'm a little curious about who you are. ”

At some point, a small light floated in front of Baek Hyun. A light I've seen a few times already. I even felt a little glad to see that I got used to it.

“Is it not enough for me to know him? ”

I asked once, but the light didn't answer. Instead, Farr shook his body and began to move. Baek Hyun shrugs and follows behind the light.

The martyr left that light in White Hyun and said, 'It's strange.' I rated it.

Baek Hyun thought that light might be the throne of Abyss, but the martyr denied the opinion from the front. There was no reason for the throne of Abyss to return to chaos that was born. Then what is the identity of that light? Baek Hyun heard the voice of light himself.

Oh, Jim.

Now, no strikes, no strikes.

You, my friend.


A voice that was cut off. An overwhelming difference that I couldn't even dare look at.

‘Perhaps the invincibility I possess. Maybe that's it. ’

In the end, it is nothing more than speculation. I'm curious about the proper identity, but I have no way of knowing right now. Even so, it is true that he has been helped by many things so far. It was thanks to the guidance of that light that I was able to get to the ship.

And again this time.

Darkness fades. Light fades together. The light continued to move forward, and as quickly as its size decreased, it became as small as a new nail. The light he shines is now only flickering.

“Thank you.”

I said thank you.

Again, the answer didn't come back.

The place that came back was a ripe ruin. Baek Hyun looks around. This is where I was a month ago. The entrance where the flesh was howling was lying, and the hole where Baek Hyun had fallen was filled.

I came back. This must have been Abyss. I finished checking by opening the status window and inventory.

“What's that again? ”

Baek Hyun frowns at the yellow lines at the entrance. It was a blatant, no-go sign that anyone could see. On that subject, there were quite a lot of foundations in the ruins, and they were all coming this way. I think they noticed Baek Hyun, too.

Baek Hyun decided to just stand still. I didn't even know what they were doing here. In fact, the most curious thing happened to Abyss and the outside world in a month when he was not himself.

Soon after, people came. They were well-equipped hunters, except for a few heavily armored hunters who were wizards. The armored hunters quickly identified the white man's outfit. I checked if Baek Hyun is an associate or not.

“You can't come in! ”

One of the hunters who found Baek Hyun yelled like that. He was a white man in armor. He approaches Baek Hyun and points to the yellow lines that lie at the entrance.

“This is a no-show. There must have been a guard over the aisle, but how did you get in? ”

“Hey, so. ”

“No, more than that, how the hell did you get down here? Was there anyone outside? What were you all doing...”

I didn't see a sign until the shooting was over. Baek Hyun scratches the back of his head and releases the inner ball. Aggravation! The hunters' faces are whitened by the overwhelming intimidation.

“Let's have a nice talk. ”

Baek Hyun said with a nice smile.

The hunters in the ruins were investigative hunters belonging to the association. They've been completely destroying the monsters that have remained here for a month now, and they're investigating what happened here through magic.

“... I can't tell you anything about the findings. ”

“Don't worry, I won't ask. ”

“By the way... I heard you were dead then...? What happened? ”

“I'm lucky I didn't die, so here I am. You think I'm a ghost? ”

It was a joke of repentance thrown to unravel the stiff atmosphere, but the atmosphere did not unravel. The eyes of the hunters looking this way were demanding a detailed explanation of the birth of a month alone. But how did you convince them to wander off into the underground darkness and go to the ship and meet the freshmen...?

“Anyway, he's not dead. ”

So I decided to just keep my mouth shut. Even the Association's hunters could not ask more about the birth of Baek Hyun unless Baek Hyun was willing to explain it. At least this place was a punch ahead of the horse.

A month ago. The hunters who escaped here were able to rebuild safely thanks to Lei Lung, who was beyond the passageway. It was a good thing, but the world wasn't quiet for a month while Baek Hyun was on the line.



When asked in astonishment, Hunter replied with a stiff face.

It was just a week ago, the end of November. A monster pops out of Abyss as always. It wasn't a problem until then. Monsters pop up at noon every month at the end of the month. It's always been there.

However, Abyss in Greece went through something different from Abyss in other countries. It wasn't hundreds of monsters that came out of it, it was just one monster.

“I don't know if I should call it a monster. ”

It was a completely different case until now, so the hunters who were gathered there suffered a natural panic. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything. They went out to subdue the monsters.

The result was annihilation. It didn't take long. Immediately. Indeed, in an instant, all the hunters who were gathered to defeat the monsters were annihilated by one monster.

“The monster that ended the massacre flew straight out of the sky. The Greek government tried to track monsters by flying fighters, but in the process, they were shot down by the fighters who flew all the way. ”

It's been five years since Abyss appeared on Earth. Although Hunter's power was not so strong and the laws against monsters were not in place, it was the first time that Hunter had been destroyed and lost to monsters protruding from Abyss in recent years.

“The Bureau and the Guild, of course, and the governments of different countries are after the whereabouts of the missing monsters, but there is no such thing yet. ”

“What kind of monster was it? ”

“... I don't know if I should call it a monster, as I said before. It was different from any monster that ever appeared. And what it looks like...”

Baek Hyun painted it in his head, hearing the look of a monster depicted by a man. Soon, White Hyun's eyebrows frowned.

‘That bastard. ’

I'm not sure yet, but the monster that popped out of Abyss, Greece, seems to be the one who buried Baek Hyun underground. That face definitely remembered. The sudden attack caused a fever to reach the tip of the head, and the moment I looked back, I was so annoyed by the cheerful laughter he was building.

There was nothing else to say about the incident. The Monarch, who defeated Baek Hyun with overwhelming power, remained silent for a month without causing any surprises.

‘There was no talk of a monster. ’

King of Dragons and his son. I don't even know the name, so I don't deserve to be called. Don't you think there are any awake monarchs besides those two? There were five meatballs in front of the monster. I wanted to ask you more, but I didn't think it would be easy. Baek Hyun turned around without asking any more questions.

“Wait, where are you going...”

Hunter hurriedly spoke to Baek Hyun, but he quickly crossed the yellow line without listening to him. He crosses the meandering corridor in an instant.

I looked for a nearby gate and came out of Abyss. I go home in a month. It was only then that I realized that I had left the ship completely.

“... Huh. ”

Back in a month, the living room was an opening.

The floor was covered with confectionery bags and pizza boxes, and the beds in the room occupied the front of the living room. In the winter of December, the veranda and windows were wide open, and the living room was filled with cold winds.

Looking at the side of the table, it was the same for you. There were also tons of food delivery envelopes piled up. At least the kitchen was clean. Or simply because I didn't use it.

Open the refrigerator. It is a soda and ionic beverage, juice, etc. Beer, soda, soda. Various beverages and drinks. Is Vienna Sausage the mistress? I opened the freezer and it was filled with frozen food. I saw some envelopes ripped off, so I had to eat them myself. I said I did the dishes.

The kitchen has been cleaned, but the floor is dirty. What the hell are we doing here? Baek Hyun stares at the ice cream filled with a compartment of frozen room. He closes the refrigerator door and turns around slowly.

A house back in a month. Open your own visit. How can an ominous foresight be wrong? Baek Hyun's room was turned into a single trash can. Large mass envelopes and separate and divided envelopes are placed on the floor. Still, there was no garbage on the bed.

Baek Hyun closed the visit and checked the other rooms. Toilets were clean and dressing rooms were clean. Sarah's room was also clean.

Why have you been living like this for a month?

Only the living room floor and dining table were stained. Besides, Baek Hyun realized and snorted. I can't smell it. I opened a box of chicken that was choking on the wind, and there was no marinade in it. The same was true of the confectionery envelope.

I washed all the food boxes and envelopes with water and threw them on the floor without throwing them away. Even the hamburger envelope! Why would you do something so useless?

“Where the hell have you been...”

Moments of murmuring around the opening with lots of balls. Pickup. I heard the door lock open.

Baek Hyun turns his head and looks at the front door.

It was Sarah who opened the door.

She came in with an ice cream padded with a fluffy hat, which she never bought.

Sarah saw Baek Hyun standing in the middle of the living room and hardened.

Baek Hyun stares at Sarah without saying a word.

‘Confirming that... ahh. ’

Baek Hyun's fist parr trembled. The words I heard from the atheists and snowflakes on the ship held the reason of Baek Hyun firmly.

“... what the hell have you done...”

But I have to say something, so I'm lucky.

Tears fell from Sarah's eyes.

In the end, Baek Hyun couldn't even shoot and kept his mouth shut.


c. Carousel