Learn Martial Arts

One day you'll reach it.

‘Murder is, in a sense, something that beats the causal rate. ’

It reminds me of a conversation I had with the Duke.

‘In a sense, it's also a miracle object. However, the miracles that murder causes are very limited. Murder cannot save a dying human being or an already dead human being, nor can it cure someone's illness. ’

I know. This is not something you can use so conveniently.

‘A situation where you can use murder, simply put it this way. When you're fighting someone you can never win. ’

‘When someone tries to kill not only you, but everyone with you. ’

Then the current situation will not be very bad. Although she is with the nightmare maker, her body is in an external dimension. When the sewing doll is destroyed here, the handset disappears, not the nightmare maker dies. To put it bluntly, it is the existence of gummuhee.

‘You will never escape there. ’

I don't even want that. Baek Hyun didn't intend to run away. In fact, there was no way to escape. I don't see it on the run.

‘You cannot overcome that situation. ’

That's right. As I was assimilated to gummuhee, I completely revised my mind temporarily. But what is possible with these eyes is to fight similarly with a plasma that does not hold Baal. Even so, it is unstable enough to collapse if you misreact to one of the Blood Death's attacks.

‘The opponent will never be merciful. After all, you must die ruthless and powerful enemies. ’

The blood donor will show no more mercy to Baek Hyun. The end of Baek Hyun's decision was either subordination, or death, or both.

Of course, Baek Hyun didn't want to reach that end.


Oh, yeah.

Right now.

‘Hoping earnestly, sound the slaughter. ’

The rattling sound continues for a long time. The sound was clear and brilliant.

‘Then somehow. It really does work somehow. ’

I don't know what's going to happen. Even Baek Hyun didn't know. It's natural that I've never used it before.

‘If you want to run, you can run. ’

I don't want you to.

‘If you want to kill the enemy, you can kill him. ’

That's exactly what I want.

‘But when the wind is done, a backstorm of what has to happen doesn't come to your body. ’

I prepared the preparations. I didn't know if it was enough, but the preparations I had now were the best that Baek Hyun could prepare. Paranect that gives you falsehood immortality. Death is the cause of death, Havel. How far can we handle the post-storm for twisting the causal rate?

A friend who said he gave the assassination to the Duke said he was dead.

"It was a miserable death. That's the price for going against the causal rate. I can't avoid it. Even if you get falsehood immortality with Paranect, the price of causality will surely try to kill you. Even if you don't die. You have to pay for the Biton Causal Rate. ’

Yes, sir.

Well, I'm not sure about that. An angle that can handle the afterstorm that's coming. Rather than not, I never thought about it. That was still the case now. I'm just wondering. How the twisted causal rate of murder will create new causality.

Baek Hyun will never win the bloodline. The nightmare maker said that the power accumulated in Baal would not be known to the blood donor himself. The blood donor holding the Baal used only a ‘fraction’ of the accumulated stretch to make the white sputum into a dead state. If the Dragon King's scales hadn't protected him, he would have been dead already.

This is a situation I have no choice but to use. If you don't use it, you die. You can use it to die. If you only end up dying, of course you'd rather use it and die. At least I can ruin that arrogant bloody and counter-intelligent shit. Yes, in the end, there is only one option.

The next thing I think about is when I:

Right now, we're going to have to deal with this situation. It inevitably has consequences to be achieved.

Drops disappear.

Baek Hyun's wishes were clear, and Baal's divine power wiped out the scales of the Dragon King who was protecting Baek Hyun. One more time there. The blood donor swung Baal.

I don't know why Baek Hyun is protected by the Dragon King's scales. Maybe there was a connection between him and the Dragon King. Even so, it didn't matter. As long as he started using Baal, he was convinced that even the Dragon King would not be his enemy.

If the Dragon King is angry with his death. Rather a good thing. Anger clouds judgment.

That's a little bump.

I would not have thought much of it, even if I had heard it from the blood donor.

I didn't hear the sound. But the blood donor now intuited that something was about to happen. That was really an unknown instinct. The fight is over. It's humane and awesome, but it's all the way here.

I had to.

Baek Hyun saw the remnants of the scales disappear. The root of the scales given by the Dragon King. That's not much left.

‘You cannot use that scale in your fight against the Maiden. ’

That didn't happen.

‘If you must die. I think that I want to kill you by the hand of my own daughter, not by any other means. ’

If there's anything else.


That voice.

‘I'll try not to take too long. ’

The answer I gave you.

I also said, "Thank you. I know that Sarah is caring. Perhaps if there is a 'next’, you should say something else. I'm sorry I'm late. When he left the perforation, Sarah's gaze stared at him without a glance. The look on his face, which he let go without grasping, rises up at this moment and goes on for a long time.

I'll try not to take too long.

“I didn't say anything. ”

Baek Hyun muttered in a small voice. Even if I didn't know this was gonna happen. I didn't make promises I couldn't keep. I wish I hadn't said that in the first place. There's nothing foolish about each other. It means he'll be waiting to see the ocean or the sea. I spent time at a cafe, and when it was too late, I said I'd stay in an expensive hotel room. You really want to wait that long?

I hear rattling again. Baek Hyun slowly raised his body. Time has stopped. No, it's just slowing down. Scale remnants scattered. The blood lion wields the Baal. The divine power emanating from Baal is an attack with terrible power. It is a reality that proceeds slowly. Baek Hyun looks down at his body.

I used to fly underneath my chest. It was regenerated one day.

‘It's different.’

This is not regeneration. The clothes you were wearing, the shoes. It's all coming back as it is. It seems like time has passed backwards. It's because of the slaughter. The sound of the drops that stopped is ringing again, leaving a long fox. I looked up, but there was no murder there.

My heart pounds and jumps. Visibility is different. Breathing, even the taste of the air was strange. It wasn't the only one. The whole sensation is strange. Baek Hyun felt the enormous power blooming in his body. It didn't feel familiar. Baek Hyun also knew the power well.


The beating heart beats with a palpitation. The seal of the Demon King is hot as the pharynx, supporting the heart of Baek Hyun. Breathing faster with the heart. Blood boils and the brain repeats contraction and expansion. The instantaneous vision is distorted. Everything became red, dark, and bright. The temples are getting bigger.

Baek Hyun saw a huge flow of self-consciousness. It was a defeatist flow that could never be interfered with by a thousand rods of duty. No, I don't know if that's the flow. It is different from the flows we have seen so far. Abyss' chaos wasn't as messy as mine.

Now, Baek Hyun was watching the absolute ‘law’ bend his body. I didn't even know who explained what it was, but I realized it naturally. He interpreted the phenomenon of wide open thinking and gave his own answer.

You can't beat a blood donor.

I can't stop the reverse puncture.

I cannot survive this situation.

The reality is caught up in the absolute law of murder. The consequences that will inevitably be reached in this reality change.

You can beat the blood.

I can stop the reverse puncture.

I cannot survive this situation.

Only that is fixed in return. Baek Hyun smiled. Yeah, 'cause I get it.


The answer doesn't come back.

[...] is alarmed.]

Slow-flowing time accelerates. Only Baek Hyun feels that the speed of time is adjusted properly. Baek Hyun reached forward.


The ruthless creed that overwhelmed Baek Hyun was broken. Looking at the divine power dissipated and scattered, Baek Hyun slowly walks forward. A strange sensation. Still strange, but not so natural. Baek Hyun, who could not defeat the blood donor and could not stop the inverse puncture, turned into a creature with the power to achieve the outcome he hoped for. The absolute law of murder gave me the power to lead to an unprecedented outcome.


A blood lion opened his eyes as he saw Baal's divine power scattered. Gummuhee screams, shaking his sword. The decision maker of the nightmare said nothing of too great a terror. All they saw was the reality of the moment. As a result of the current reverberation of the killing, no one understood why it was like this except Baek Hyun.

[You... look like that...]

The nightmare maker stuttered and said, A voice still mixed with noise. The horror also remained, but she desperately tried to understand the whiteness of 'now’.

“I know.”

Baek Hyun replied in a dry voice. There is a heterogeneity in the temples. The Devil King's Seal is still hot. However, Baek Hyun did not feel the heat of the 'seal’ burning. What was truly hot was his heart.

[How... are you a human...]

“What does that look like? ”

When the nightmare maker couldn't calm the chaos and stuttered, the blood lion opened his eyes and shot him.

“You must be human. How... how did you...? ”

“I guess I had to be like this to do what I wanted to do. ”

Baek Hyun murmured as if it wasn't algebraic. I don't understand. The blood donor swallowed a gulp of saliva. What kind of magic? Welcome? No way. The blood lion tries to calm the agitation and sees Baek Hyun again.

It's not that far. You can't see wrong. Even if it's a long way from here, it won't look that wrong.

Baek Hyun was in the dark. It's like a robe at night. The red eye, which is the symbol of the pagan mythological republic, remained, but had a completely different ominy than before.

[It can't be. This can't happen. Absolutely. Impossible. You're a human. The seal of the Demon King? I don't have that kind of ability.]

“It doesn't always look like this. ”

After answering his groaning and spitting, Baek Hyun slowly walked forward. The blood lion twisted his face. He swung Baal again. The divine power that was determined and emitted hits Baek Hyun.

That power contained too much power to kill Baek Hyun. I knew that, too. But now, from now on. You can never kill Baek Hyun with such power. I don't know about the blood, but Baek Hyun knew it well.

Reach out again. Magi spurts with his mind. It was a brutal force that was hard to handle, but now it's as natural as breathing. Mago no longer collides with the inner pores. An unfolded vein blocked the blood donor's vitality.

Preventing it is not enough. One more step. The blood force of the lion is swallowed by Maggy. The divine power accumulated as King of Resistance was swallowed up and spoiled by a forged myth. Hahaha! Eventually it bursts and scatters. Baek Hyun looks at it and shed a dry smile.

[How human.]

[To the Demon King...]


A long horn protrudes from the temples.

[More than the Demon King.]

Murder gave the answer to the desired outcome.

Something that could not have happened.

The seal of the Demon King was assimilated with Baek Hyun and changed his flesh to that of the Demon King. Along with him.

I made the limit of nothingness that Baek Hyun can't reach now.

“If you have the power you care about, you'll have to use it all. ”

Baek Hyun murmured against the roaring blood.

“I have a lot of work to do. ”

This twisted reality, this twisted outcome.

Baek Hyun was adamantly convinced that murder would kill him.


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