Learn Martial Arts

If you don't have a chance,

About Lei Lung.

The first thing I met was when I got a joint venture with Carpago and Yellieun. With the help of Lei Lung, I was able to save my life. Afterwards, I had a few more meetings with myself. Rei Lung's help in getting to the Horn, and Rei Lung's help in escaping it. They competed with each other with perforations when they fought, but they also cooperated with each other to some extent.

And even when fighting the Dragon King.

I heard from Wikipedia and went to get Lei Lung. In fact, I didn't really know who saved who. I went to save him, but Baek Hyun couldn't defeat the Dragon King. Rai Lung made room to escape. I sent him all the time, and he said it was a problem to come back, but if Lei Lung hadn't come back and given him time, he wouldn't have been able to open the door.

Thinking about it, there are many things that are intertwined with Rai Lung. She saved Baek Hyun's life once, and Baek Hyun also saved Lei Lung's life once. That's how the debt was liquidated.

Rye Lung, whom Baek Hyun knew, was a very proud woman. Ever since we first met. Even when I met him in the Perforation, he had the curse of the Dragon King. I told him I would help him first, but Lei Lung didn't ask him to help me. But I need you to come help me now. Baek Hyun stands still and looks down.

The landscape of Beijing I've never seen before has given Baek Hyun much of an impression. A city full of people. That was it. At least it was a big fundraiser. It was so impressive that I actually saw what I saw in the history textbook, and I didn't make or admire it.

It would have been a little different if it had come to tourism. Baek Hyun looks down at his phone. The location that Rai Lung took is down there. I didn't know what was going on, so I didn't even know what Ryu Lung was saying to help.

‘I came as soon as I could. ’

I was contacted by Lei Lung shortly after I left Rosedam. I told Sarah about the situation and immediately came to Beijing with perforations. The world is noisy with regard to the recent Hunter. It may be problematic to come to China in a perforated plane without asking permission.

Baek Hyun didn't know.

“He has a lot of mischievous ideas. ”

“I need your help.”

“Is that all? You're not helping because you're Lei Lung? ”

“That's not true. ”

Baek Hyun nods without denying. Sarah's eyes became sharp. Baek Hyun looked back and replied.

“You don't even know. I think loyalty to help you is a relationship. ”

“Oh, my God, you're so good. ”

“And honestly, you're curious. What the hell is going on, Rye Lung asking you to help me? Without even informing you about Katabuta. ”

I was genuinely curious about the situation. This is a reality, not an Abyss. What is the situation in this world that Lee Lung, the Apostle of the Dragon Army, can't handle to ask for help? In Abyss...

"Dragon King?"

Baek Hyun stepped on the window frame. He opens his eyes and looks down. In the vast, northern concrete jungle, Baek Hyun was looking exactly at Lei Lung.


Finding it was harder than I thought. It would not have been difficult originally. Lei Lung's presence in this huge city is unique. Hunters may be as numerous as the urban population, but the apostle's presence is only Lei Lung.

It had to be Lei Lung.

"What the hell is that bastard? ’

Baek Hyun opens his eyes and looks far away. It's a long way from where Baek Hyun is now, but Baek Hyun's eyes were looking exactly at him.

I've never seen him before. And yet, I think it's a squeamish character, a kid with a face who wants to squeeze his head. If that's all, there's nothing for Baek Hyun to look at.

I can feel the power of the Apostle from that boy. In fact, it must not have been convincing. Focusing on the Apostle, while looking all over this city, I couldn't find Lei Lung who was looking for him, but I only found him who didn't know what he was. The apostolic horror felt by him is so weak that even at this level of reassurance, he has not been properly interrogated.

Who is it?

An apostle, or a prefect. Baek Hyun doesn't know. The only thing that does not have an apostle among the monarchs is the Spirit, the Black Rose Queen, and the Reverend Angel. Is it three because Jin Wei is dead and Hyrod doesn't have an apostle? There is no way Baek Hyun wouldn't recognize the Apostle of the Ghost. Faint enough to recognize, then...

Baek Hyun's doubts have been narrowed to the fact that the boy may be an apostle of Reverend Angel. I want to catch his neck lice right now, but I didn't come to Beijing for that.

What made you so weak? ’

Baek Hyun looks down at Lei Lung again. It was hard to find Lei Lung, but she was so weak that she couldn't even think of herself as an apostle. It was almost indistinguishable from the Hunter who had just entered Abyss.

Rai Lung, who was so weak, was squatting in the deep of the alley. I don't have a sense of reality because I keep looking at it. Rather I thought it might be a trap. I took another look, just in case.

As Baek Hyun imagined, the worst case is when Lei Lung asks for help in reality. It was the case that the Dragon King moved from Abyss to reality. If that's the case, there's no shortage of pride for Rye Lung to ask for help.

However, no matter how you look at it, I can't feel the power of the Dragon King. I'm embarrassed to say that instead,

Several of the chaotic pilgrims were approaching the alley where Lei Lung was hesitating.


Maybe it's better to move.

This is a place far from safe. It is separate from China's security. A city full of people means many hunters. Some hunters who signed with the Yongseong Army might come after Ryu Lung by the will of the monarch. "I don't want to do that," Yong-seong said, but Li Lung could no longer believe Yong-seong's words.

Even that thought is being conveyed to the Yongseong army. However, the Yongseong Army has not said a word before. Lei Lung chewed his lower lip. As long as she lost her power as an apostle, she is now powerless. Did you ask for a safe house? I regretted it late.

I just didn't have to. Lei Lung's Gossip Mountain was the safest place in the world. There was not a single person in China who would threaten Li Lung. Even if it was annotated, it could not be pressured openly by the only apostle in China, Rai Lung.

"I'd rather protect myself against the public..."

That's meaningless, too. Lei Lung takes out a cigarette with a laugh. Public security is made up of a variety of hunters, many of whom have contracted with the Yongseong Army. It is also hard to think that public security will fully protect those who have lost their apostolic power. Rai Lung, who had received many privileges, had so many enemies.

The rattling footsteps are approaching. Rai Lung, who was lighting a cigarette, hardened his eyes and listened. Some hunters were walking into the alley.

They were familiar faces, but I felt no pleasure at all.

A tattoo full of blond baldness. Yen Chao, the leader of the Black Revolt Guild, is the next highest level in China. Next to him, there were several hunters who could be called Yen Chao's Heartbreak, all of whom Rai Lung knew. However, it was not because Yen Chao was there that defiled Lei Lung.


“You're too brave. ”

Lei Lung ended up like that. Calling her a master is only her guild, the Thousand Dragon Congress Hunters. Lei Lung stares at the hunters with his eyes full of enemies.

I didn't expect them to come. The Hunters of the Thousand Dragon Congress all signed a contract with the Yongseong Army. Yen Chaoya is no stranger to me, but it was enough to feel betrayed by the members of the Cheonan Dragon Guild, who could be my direct reports.

“Let's go back together and pray for forgiveness. ”


“The Lord Himself said to us, If it's now...”

“What did the Yongseong Army promise? ”

There was nothing more to hear. Seeing the fortune of forgiveness, I thought I could see what the Yong-seong army was talking to them about.

“Level? Power? Or did you promise to be an apostle? ”

Speaking in laughter, Lei Lung thought about how to break through this situation. But no matter how much I thought about it, there was no answer. I'd rather run to Abyss. Then you can avoid the crisis right now, but Lei Lung is weak enough to handle any monsters near the Pandemonium.

“Here we go. I don't know about the situation, but it's the apostle's body, so don't be so gross...”

When Yen Chao took a step, talking in a gross manner.

The light disappeared from his eyes. He fainted without even knowing that he had been attacked. Lei Lung's eyes fluttered. When Yen Chao fell, other hunters were alarmed and alert.

It was meaningless. In Lei Lung's eyes, the black wind only seemed to touch once. All the hunters lost their minds and were brushed to the ground. Rai Lung opens his lips halfway and looks forward.

“Timing's jammed, isn't it? ”

Baek Hyun shook his hand and asked. Who was it? He stares at the bald man who fainted first. I didn't forget it was such an intense impression, but I didn't remember when I saw it. Seeing that I couldn't remember, I wanted to make it look like it wasn't a big deal.

“Did you say you were going to kill him? ”

“Oh, no. ”

Rai Lung stuttered and replied. Not much time has passed since I sent the call. It was just like Baek Hyun said. It was a crazy time. Baek Hyun approached Lei Lung with a loud voice and reached out his hand.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Rai Lung looks at the whole hand in front of his eyes. I asked you to help me, and I even heard the answer to understand... but I didn't really expect you to come like this. Rai Lung chewed by pressing his lower lip. I was agitated by the helplessness of myself and the inevitability of this situation. Baek Hyun panicked as he watched Liu Lung fill his eyes with tears.

“Why are you crying? ”

“... I don't cry. ”

“You're crying. Why are you crying? ”

“I told you not to cry...! ”

When asked a nonchalant question, Lei Lung said in a stubborn voice. I said that, but there were tears running through my cheeks. He says to flee by will, and the appearance of the dead Aso comes before his eyes. The Heavenly Dragon Society that you took care of. Hamir who cried out not to do it, but answered with something and tore Aso to pieces.... said she was my daughter. For goodness' sake, you'll be a dragon. That's what Yong-seong said. The betrayal of them weighs down Lei Lung's body with despair.

“... what the hell is going on? ”

Baek Hyun muttered and leaned. He raises Rai Lung and establishes his position. Lei Lung only shed tears without crying. Baek Hyun regretted not carrying a handkerchief. Hado cried. He took the back of his hand and wiped Rai Lung's tears.

“Do we have to stay here? ”

“... no. ”

“What do they do? ”

“Leave it... leave it. ”

“Can you move? ”

Lei Lung nods slightly. Baek Hyun sneaks up with his hands up to support Lei Lung. I stood in the air and looked down at Rye Lung, but Rye Lung stared at Baek Hyun with a desperate expression.

“What are you doing? You said you could move. ”

“... ”

Rai Lung's shoulders twitch and tremble. She jumps up as hard as she can with her evil teeth. But her leap was lousy. Baek Hyun snorted as he looked down at it.

“I didn't say that. ”

Shame was added to the feeling of helplessness. Rai Lung shrugs with a red face. Baek Hyun moves his hand as he sweeps, making Lei Lung rise up.

“Go first. ”

“... what? ”

“I care about something. ”

Baek Hyun replied and blew Ryu Lung's body to perfection. Lei Lung was embarrassed and yelled at me, but I couldn't really understand it because it was so fast. Baek Hyun shook his hand as if he was peering at Rye Lung, who was moving away from the perforation.

Then it flew in the opposite direction to the perforated direction.

‘I don't know who it is. ’

I was going to catch him first.


“Disappearance, I don't know. ”

Harry walked near the funding castle whining. It was against this backdrop that the article that the Apostle of the Yong Seong Army was missing made Harry come to China in this vast, useless way. Honestly, he didn't know where Lei Lung was going to go or where he was going to die.

But the idea of the highroad he served was different. It is important that even small information is clearly identified in the current situation. In particular, Matadorna's trend towards Amazon did not fully grasp the Highroad, which had almost complete control of the administration.

It was annoying and annoying to come to China, but honestly it didn't feel very bad. The follower group of Reverend Teber, eroded by Pure St., became a lowly beast that could no longer be called man. I wish I could, but it was Harry's job to take care of the beasts when Drave was on a public schedule.

However, because of Li Lung's disappearance, he came all the way to China, so the idiots who couldn't pee didn't have to see him for a while. I didn't earn any income in China.

The Bureau has been dismantled, but Highroad's eyes and ears are not closed. Even though it has been disbanded, the role of the Bureau is being played by governments in different countries instead. Virtually nothing but decommissioning. It is right to see that only the director and the chief executive officer are cut off and merged with the government. The eyes and ears of Highroad are delighted by the new government institutions that merge with other governments and act as management bureaus.

I learned about Lei Lung's trends from them, but I did not hear any answers to support his disappearance. Since the disappearance, Lei Lung has been in Abyss for only three days. It was not once or twice that Lei Lung spent that much time in Abyss, so Lei Lung's disappearance was only an unfounded stupor to attract attention.

But I came to China, and I personally visited the lobster management committee of the fund. Lei Lung's disappearance was just an absurd tale.

[This is something I don't know, though. Go to Mt.]

‘If you don't, you might face Lei Lung directly. ’

[Even so, you can confirm that Lei Lung is not missing.]

‘Do you really think King Dragon was involved in this? ’

[Now come, but it's questionable. It is only the Dragon King who has the clearest enemies to physically repress the Apostles of the Yong Seong Army.]

Harry nods slightly. Harry knew that the Dragon King was dangerous. For more than a year after killing Jin Wei, King Dragon has not made a distinct move. Even if I killed Jin Wei at the time, I was in a position to go to Drave right away and defeat Pure St, but it is certain that King Dragon has been silent for a year.

‘If the Dragon King is involved...’

It was before the question of the highroad was over.

Harry's whole hair frowned and twitched.

“Who are you? ”

Someone was behind my back. Harry swallowed a gulp of saliva as he felt his cheeks shattered by the wind.

I thought I might face Rye Lung myself if I didn't have a chance.

I guess I didn't have much better luck than that.


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