Bai Qingqing covered the pot lid, and then looked at the females.

"I found the wild foxtail milled into powder and cooked it was delicious. I specially invited you to try it."

The females were obviously disappointed. The females who spoke before said: "But I do n’t like to eat wild millet. At most, I only eat cooked millet. I do n’t drink water. The water is black like medicine. When it ’s cooked, mix it with water, it ’s definitely unpalatable. "

Bai Qingqing grinned and raised the batter that had been reconciled to the side to show to the females.

The noodle soup she wants to make has a nice name in the restaurant-floating on the water.There is no need to mix the noodles very dry, a little flour can be combined with a large pot. When the stone basin is tilted, the batter can slowly flow, but it will not become a thin paste.

"It's white, not black." Bai Qingqing said.


The females came to be interested, and seeing that the pan was not fried, they came boldly and came to look at the noodles.Their males followed.

"Oh my god! How did it become a piece?"

"Which male crushed this? He must be very powerful!"

"Is this really Noguchi?"

For the doubts of the people, Bai Qingqing could not explain it, only said: "A bowl of soup is needed later, the males go home to get the bowl first."

After Bai Qingqing finished, the females urged their partners to return home, and the males naturally followed suit.

The orc's house does not have a bowl specifically for eating, but each household has a stone mortar for tamping medicine, which is similar in shape to a bowl.

The females came one by one. The first females passed on Bai Qingqing's words. No need for Bai Qingqing to bother. All the females knew the situation.

As soon as the water in the pot was boiling, Bai Qingqing used bamboo slices to shovel the noodles into the pot.Crescent-shaped noodles floated into the pot. As the soup boiled, the aroma of the broth diffused in the air in the main hall. Because of the starch, the aroma gradually became rich and mellow.

The females narrowed their eyes and caught the fragrance in the air.

"Good fragrance ~"

I don't know who opened the mouth, they huoran recovered, staring at the stone pot brightly.

"Don't worry, it will be all right soon." Bai Qingqing smiled, letting go of his heart, and made a look at Vinson.

Vincent stepped out and said in a deep voice: "Here we line up, each female can only get one bowl."

Although the females were afraid of Vincent, the courage grew up with many females, and they immediately came over to the line with a bowl and forgot their partners.

Vincent had never been treated by females like normal males. When they came to see them as usual, they felt like they had changed their shells in a trance.

The noodle soup was quickly cooked, a pot full of dangdang, but still more monks and less meat.Bai Qingqing gave them two spoons each, almost the size of a modern porcelain bowl, but only put it in a large stone mortar in a rice cooker.

Because the stone mortar is large, the cold stone mortar lowers the temperature when the soup is poured in, and the female can't wait to drink it.

Bai Qingqing couldn't help but stopped and looked at the few females who were drinking soup.

It took a while for a female to put down the stone mortar and surprise: "It's delicious."

Following her voice, several other females stopped eating and echoed.

"It's soft and much better than rice!"

"It's delicious, and the soup is delicious."

"I've never eaten such delicious food, it's so delicious!"

Bai Qingqing smiled, and in the urge of the female in front of him, he continued to divide the noodle soup.