"The females on the shore are fake. You just want to see the piano."

Lan Ze also smiled coldly: "For ten years, the female has never given birth to a fry, and no new male has been given mating and mating rights. Maybe she has been away for a long time. You deliberately concealed it. I am already a trigram , It stands to reason that it should have been mated with females, but has n’t even seen the appearance of the piano so far, do you think I should n’t doubt it? "

Jin looked at Lanze, with a killing intention in his eyes, but said in his mouth: "I can show you."

The golden fish tail flicked and turned to swim towards the nest.

Lan Ze suddenly said: "Forget it, since you all say so, I believe you."

Jin stopped swimming, turned his head to look at Lan Ze, a glimmer of appreciation flashed in his cold eyes, "Your decision is correct."

Yes, Lanze felt the same way.

He sensed Kim ’s killing intention and quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

He was only a three-pattern fish in his twenties, and Jin was a four-pattern beast in his fifties. He took over a leader for twenty years. If Jin wanted to kill him, he could not survive.

So Lan Ze chose to compromise, the compromise on the surface.

"When will I be able to mate with Qin? I have been upgrading Tricera for two years, and my child must be very strong." Lan Ze tried out.

"Wait for the elders to come back and make arrangements. Now that there are not enough masters in the family, spawning is a big deal, so sloppy."

Sure enough, it was this rhetoric. When the elders came back from the land, they would have to be dragged back to next year.

In the old age, the mainland collected information in three seasons, and did not return to the sea until the cold season.He can only apply to the leader in the cold season.

Is spawning important?Or is it important?For the sake of enough masters, even spawning is shelved. Isn't this the case?

No Mermaid was born in ten years, ten years!

There is definitely a problem.

"Is there anything else? I'll go if it's okay." Kim finished, and flicked the fish tail to leave.

Lan Ze watched Jin Youyuan, turning his body up and down, swimming directly towards the seabed.

He must go to the lair to see if it is still there.

Since reaching the level of the two-lined fish, Lanze was transferred from the post of guarding the nest and went to work on land.Kim said that he was young, so he was assigned more important work. Now it seems that he sees that he has the potential of being a strong man. He is deliberately transferred from a position that can reach females.

The ocean floor is covered with rocks, like a huge maze, and the nest where the females live is placed in the deepest part of the maze.

There are many mermaid guards above the reef, and it is possible to enter the nest only by passing through the reef.

Lan Ze had stood here for several years, and he probably knew where to set up guards. After drilling into the maze, he successfully found the nest.

This place where he was born, Lanze could feel it when he closed his eyes.

This is right.

The reefs elsewhere are narrow and difficult to navigate, but the caves that are nests are clean and empty. There are beautiful seaweeds and corals at the door and a group of healthy and clean fish.

Lan Ze's heartbeat accelerated, swinging the fish tail to swim towards the nest.

Every minute, his heart beat faster, and at the cave entrance, Lan Ze could almost hear his heartbeat.

"Gurulu ~~ Oo ~ O ~"

Lan Ze spit out a string of bubbles, without getting a response, and nervously drilled into the bubbles in the cave.

Without the support of the sea water, Lan Ze's body was attached to the ground, and soon, the light blue fish tail turned into a pair of long white legs.

The slender muscles give these legs a soft illusion.