"You, you ... how is that!" Bai Qingqing chuckled.


Curtis tilted his head to look at Bai Qingqing, his tone was quite innocent, but instead made Bai Qingqing feel unreasonable.

"You ... this is for the baby, you ..." Bai Qingqing couldn't say anything, and lifted his clothes to cover his body.

Parker also tasted authentically: "I'll lick it for you, I licked it cleaner, and the wound was better."

Bai Qingqing felt shamelessly self-confident, and kicked Parker in a chaotic manner, "Go away, walk away, all walk away."

The tree cave, which was not spacious, suddenly became a mess.

Suddenly, Bai Qingqing noticed a line of sight and looked out.

It turned out that Becky was looking at her, shrunk in the arms of a strong tiger, and even more fragile and thin.

Bai Qingqing subconsciously smiled politely, listing a row of small white teeth.

Ford followed Becky's eyes to the tree hole, nodded at Bai Qingqing, and then hugged Becky, "Let's go, I will protect you later."

Becky withdrew his gaze from Bai Qingqing and nodded his head in agreement.After this, she was extremely insecure, and Ford's second pattern made her feel at ease.

Ford smirked twice, and ran away holding Becky.

Bai Qingqing leaned against the entrance of the cave and watched them go away.

The orcs around quickly dispersed, and the silence of the forest was restored outside.

Lan Zezheng looked around, and when Bai Qingqing exposed his face, he said, "I've gone to the river."

Bai Qingqing waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

There is a milk leopard hanging on the chest, and two leopard cubs are still desperately climbing towards her. Bai Qingqing bends his legs to eat-the second child of the milk leans on his knees, and then hugs the boss.

Breaking its mouth and looking, it really grows two small tiger teeth.

"Finally long teeth." Bai Qingqing said with a grin, "Look at the third one?"

Parker picked up the youngest and looked at it, and two millet-like tips appeared on the pink gum bed, and he smiled unintentionally: "Finally weaned, I will eat meat with my father."

Bai Qingqing disagreed and said: "No, I forgot to diarrhea that time? They took a few days to reach the full moon, and at least waited for the full moon to wean."

"But they will bite you."

As soon as Parker finished speaking, Bai Qingqing screamed.

The second child bit her too.

Parker twisted the neck of the second son angrily and directly suppressed it with violence.The second child felt threatened and immediately relieved.

"Go away!" Parker shouted and threw the second son into the corner.

The tree is very thick, but the hole is not big. It is only 10 square meters, which is similar to the tree house of the peacock family. It is a little crowded for two males, but they are close together.

The second child rolled in the corner, and the sound of "dong" disappeared.


Bai Qingqing hurriedly walked over to see that the tree hole had a small hole in the floor, and the second child fell into it.

"Meow ~" The second child looked up at his mother, raised his feet and scratched his ears, it looked fine, and Bai Qingqing relaxed.

"There is a mezzanine here." Bai Qingqing said strangely.

Soon Parker also said: "There is also an entrance above."

Bai Qingqing looked up, and really saw a small wooden door, suddenly realized: No wonder the tree hole is so small, it turned out to be a building.

Parker took a quick look. There are five floors. Except that there is no entrance on the first floor, the entrance directions of the other floors are different. They are hidden in the branches and are not easy to see.

Climbing to the top of the tree, Parker also found a hole.