The other colors, Bai Qingqing, are temporarily unavailable, and the number is too small.

Parker's colander was already done. He also boiled a large barrel of hot water to get everything ready.

After the starch has settled completely, Bai Qingqing scoops out the water floating above it, and then wet the starch evenly.

"Parker, you have a colander, I will add starch to you."

Bai Qingqing scooped up a bowl of starch, but didn't expect the starch to sink like a stone, and some couldn't hold it.

"I come."

Vincent took the bowl in Bai Qingqing's hand and poured it into the colander in Parker's hand.

The wet sticky starch immediately slipped out of the bottom of the colander. I wonder if it was too dry and the flow rate was very slow.

Seeing that it was about to break, Bai Qingqing took Parker's hand and shook the colander.

The flow speed immediately accelerated and fell into the hot water, intertwined without sticking.

Bai Qingqing smiled and said: "Successful!"

"It's just eating, why do you always have so many tricks." Parker laughed, proud of himself.

Your partner is smart.

Bai Qingqing took out the fans with long chopsticks and tasted it. It was super chewy.Sure enough, there is less water, but the taste is even better.

She didn't add water. It was made for herself. It doesn't need to produce. It's delicious.

"This is the method of eating that we had there long ago. I just thought of imitating and doing it."

Parker recalled the various foods made by Bai Qingqing and praised, "The orcs there are smart, and you are smart."

Bai Qingqing was a little embarrassed and poked Parker's arm and said: "You shake hard, the fans will fall in the air for a long time, it will be very thin, and uneven."

"Okay." Parker pressed it on the starch with one hand, and the vermicelli under the colander suddenly became thicker and not much thinner in the air, because it was quickly hung into the hot water and cooked.

"This is just right! It's going to be like this!" Bai Qingqing shouted excitedly, laughing heartily: he can live without rice in the future ha ha ha ha ha!

The excitement was hard to hold, and Bai Qingqing suddenly stood up.

"Parker I love you!"

After finishing, Bai Qingqing jumped up and kissed Parker's face.

The sudden confession froze Parker's movements, and the fluffy ears shook and began to flush.The fans in his hands are also broken.

Bai Qingqing looked at Vinson again. Vincent's body suddenly stiffened into wood, and the long tail behind him collapsed into a stick.

Should she kiss herself?

Vincent's heart was beating wildly, as if falling into the behemoth group and being besieged, he was killed on the spot at any time.

Bai Qingqing took two steps towards Vincent and smiled and said, "Thank you too, I am so happy today."

A beating heart gradually regained its frequency, and Vincent laughed at himself, and he was not Bai Qingqing's partner. It would be ridiculous to have such an idea.

Fortunately, Bai Qingqing didn't see it.

"Well," Vinson replied in a deep voice, adding a handful of firewood to the fire.

Hot water is burning in the pot, the water of the hot fans is not hot, and can be changed at any time.

Vinson's heart fluctuated greatly, but there was no change on the face. Bai Qingqing didn't see his abnormality and turned to continue to guard the fans.

Parker was still stiff, Bai Qingqing patted him: "Hey! Fans are broken!"

"Ah, oh." Parker was busy holding on to the starch, a little sloppy, one light and one heavy, squeezing the fans below thick and thin for a while.

Bai Qingqing pulled out a fan and looked up at Parker.

There was a suspicious blush on Parker Maige's face.

Bai Qingqing bowed his head and continued to look at the fans, laughing inwardly.

Isn't it, the old wife and the old wife are still so innocent, was he the one who caused her gaffe last night?