At least Curtis's inheritance memory tells him that he has never been fortunate to have this vein.

Curtis pulled out a stack of folded snakes from the haystack beneath him, and Bai Qingqing's eyes also brightened, clearly saying "Give me! Give me!"

Curtis first unfolded the dress, and Bai Qingqing just stretched out his hand, the dress was taken away, replaced by a large rag with a tube top.

Bai Qingqing stiffened, "So?"

"Anyway, you can't wear this one. Use it."

Curtis said generously.

Bai Qingqing is about to cry. When will such a little cloth be filtered?Not much water can be received.


"This is what I wear on my chest! With this filtered salt, will it feel strange when eaten?"

Curtis and Parker's faces changed in unison, and they both caught the sweet frankincense on the tube top, thinking that this scent would smell more than other males, and their expressions became very smelly.

Curtis finally took out his dress. His expression was so cold that Bai Qingqing shivered, took the clothes, and went down the tree hole.

"Will it be mixed again?" Vinson asked, looking at Bai Qingqing's face.

It was hard to get salt, and he was really reluctant to break it.

Their group saw that the orcs in the sea turned into salt, but those who didn't know, even became angry and angry.

"No, it can't be mixed with water, how can it be eaten after it has melted?"

"Even if it turns into water, it's not easy to store even if it can be eaten."

"Yeah, that's fine!"

These are the voices of the orcs who did not go to the salt.Even those who participate in the drying of salt have no bottom. What should they do if they can't get salt in the lake water?

Bai Qingqing grabbed the salt and saw a few impurities at a glance. He said to Vincent: "Trust me, these females may not be able to eat these things, or we will try to filter half a barrel first."

Vincent just asked back casually, still absolutely in favor of Bai Qingqing's idea, immediately said: "Okay."

Because the container is not enough, Vinson can only filter half a barrel first.

Dig out half of the salt in the salt bucket, then add warm water into it, and the salt soon dissolves.

The dissolved salt water is just like fresh water. Bai Qingqing added some more salt to it. The concentration is higher. After filtering, it can be dried again.

Curtis's snake slough was cleaned, and the neck and sleeves were firmly tied with animal skin ropes, and the loose skirt was stretched around the edge of an empty stone bucket.

The salt water poured in, the snake slough immediately filled with water, and the water level fell at a rate that was almost invisible to the eyes.

But the sound of "tick and drop" in the stone barrel can be heard.

After the water in the snake's decay calmed down, a layer of sand and other debris and other debris fell on the snake's decay.

So many impurities can not be seen in the salt state, and it can be seen at a glance after filtering.

The orcs who resolutely opposed looked at the impurities in the water and calmed down a lot, no longer begging for the King Tiger.

Bai Qingqing stared at the water intently, watching those things blocked, especially with a sense of accomplishment.

"I didn't expect so much debris, it seems that it really needs to be filtered once." Vincent said.

"Well, there should be no filtering once." Bai Qingqing nodded.

While waiting for the salt water to filter, the Vincent Tiger Beast picked a few huge stones and created several small salt ponds.

The salt pond is about half a meter high and has a large tree hole. After a bucket of salt water is filtered, it is poured into the salt pond and raised to direct sunlight on the star grass.