She was fortunate to bring Curtis to give her a gift in order to facilitate baby shopping in the mountains.

"Please!" Bai Qingqing begged, and a string of Yinhong's blood beads rolled down the white and slender neck immediately.

The scales are too sharp and will not cause much pain.

Bai Qingqing didn't know how ruthless he was, it was this ignorance that made her threat powerful.

Curtis wanted to squeeze the snake in an instant, but the tail could not help but loosen a bit.

"Remove the scales!" Curtis's lowered voice revealed a violent emotion.

"I let him go when you let him go!" Bai Qingqing raised his head, exposing his fragile neck in front of Curtis' eyes, and the strong artery was beating vigorously.


Parker climbed up from the water and immediately turned into a humanoid figure: "Qing Qing Qing!"

Looking at the snake again, Parker hurriedly said: "You're about to let him go, Qingqing is bleeding! Qingqing, you're about to let go!"

Curtis did not move, and Bai Qingqing froze with him, and his men used more energy, and the blood flowed out more quickly, staining An An's body.

Curtis stared at the scale in the wound on Bai Qingqing's neck, his muscles beating, and the whole person was angry.

Bai Qingqing didn't feel afraid this time, and looked at Curtis' eyes continuously with tears falling without any resignation and hesitation.

"I promise, I will never see the snake again, and all the snakes are gone. Will you let him go?"

Looking at Bai Qingqing's hand holding scales, light and heavy, he may cut the blood vessel at any time. Curtis gasped and slammed the snake into the lake.

"Boom!" The snake fell into the lake and sank immediately.

Bai Qingqing quickly turned his head to look. Curtis caught his wrist between the gods and pulled away the bloody scales.

Bai Qingqing's attention was immediately taken back by Curtis.

Faced with this kind of Curtis, she only thought of fear at this moment, hugged An An, and opened her eyes to Curtis.

Parker leaned close to Bai Qingqing's neck and licked it a few times, sweeping away the blood from the skin. A small cut with neat cuts was exposed, and soon new blood spilled.

Parker covered Bai Qingqing's neck with his hand and said anxiously: "Find some herbs!"

Curtis glanced at Bai Qingqing and turned to swim in the middle of the lake.

Bai Qingqing took a hurry and took Curtis's hand.

"I don't kill him." Curtis said without looking back.

Bai Qingqing relaxed and leaned in Parker's arms, saying weakly: "Can you fish him out?"

What if the snake drowned?Curtis was squeezed out of the snake's stomach, and he didn't see him floating up for a breath.

Curtis said coldly: "Not killing him is my biggest concession."

Not to mention, it slipped into the water.

Curtis is gone, and Bai Qingqing relaxes completely and hugs Parker: "It hurts!"

"You didn't do it yourself," Parker growled.

Parker was not afraid of him even if he was fierce, and he threw out his tongue. "I just want to scare him. I know where the scales are so sharp. I hurt myself. You go down and see the snake."

Parker stared at Bai Qingqing fiercely and jumped into the water.

After a while, he floated up.

"How is it?" Bai Qingqing asked quickly, not seeing the little snake, and his heart was raised.

Parker said: "Every time I find it, I must run."

Bai Qingqing felt relieved, "That's good."

Parker hugged An An and wiped her blood.