Is this fate?

Parker snorted immediately, put Bai Qingqing on his chest, and said with interest: "Don't you know that person?"

Bai Qingqing gave Parker a strange look and said, "How can I know?"

She did not go out in this world, the number of people who came to know came.

The light was so dark that she saw a shadow without seeing the male's face at all.

Do you really know?

No, if the acquaintance knows that the male must have self-reported identity, why pretend to be a stranger?

Bai Qingqing thought that Parker was jealous, and said in amusement: "Relax, I said I won't find a partner again, and don't you say that Scorpion will beat a partner? I dare not forget."

Parker looked at Bai Qingqing's face illuminated by beads of light and wondered.

Obviously there is a light source, why did Qingqing fail to recognize Moore and mistake him as a scorpion?

The eagle beast is the male who has the most intersections with Qing Qing except him, Vinson and Curtis, and even almost becomes Qing Qing's companion.

He doesn't think that Qingqing is such a forgetful person, he will forget a male who saved her several times.

Soon Parker understood that it was definitely Moore's intention-he didn't dare to see Qing Qing.

Aoao Aoao!This is really great, very popular!

What could be more sad than seeing a beloved female?

Seeing Moore like this, he was not willing to retaliate against him, wouldn't it be better to let him live so painfully?

Parker sneered at the corner of his mouth, not prepared to mention Moore at all.

Since Moore was not recognized by Qingqing, then disappear forever in the world of Qingqing!

Bai Qingqing was infiltrated by Parker's smile, poking his chest: "What's wrong? What do you think is so fascinating?"

"It's nothing. I'm hungry and want to eat meat." Parker changed the subject with a smile.

Bai Qingqing distressed Parker and was fooled at once. He immediately crawled out of the cave to find food.

"Fortunately, there is a bag of food left. That orc is so good, and we brought our luggage together."

Parker sat back against the earth wall, eating the food delivered by Bai Qingqing.With the ups and downs of the breath, the wound on the side waist obviously lost a piece of meat, and the other parts of the body were covered with scars, and there was no good skin.

"Do you hurt?"

Bai Qingqing lay beside Parker, blowing gently on Parker's waist. The fresh red meat in the wound twitched from time to time, and her body shook.

"It doesn't hurt." Parker's head was sweating softly, biting the meat fiercely.

"I haven't been hurt since you were away. These were just the beginning."

Bai Qingqing was fortunate, but fortunately she did not hide in the grotto all the time.

Bai Qingqing put one hand on Parker's strong chest, blowing and blowing, and suddenly felt the temperature of the palm's skin burning hot.

Have you got a fever?

Bai Qingqing thought panicly, and then inadvertently saw a stick in Parker's lower abdomen.

"Hello!" Bai Qingqing punched angrily on Parker's chest. Parker immediately coughed and tasted bloody in his mouth.

"Puff! Cough!"

Bai Qingqing stopped, looking at Parker's face and said, "Are you still injured internally?"

Parker swallowed a burst of blood into his throat and grinned: "No."

Bai Qingqing was half-confident and dared not to move Parker again. He glanced at something that he still stood upright, and said irritably and funnyly: "At this time you can also be sentimental and convince you."

"Who told you to blow me there all the time." Parker said innocently.