A burly body came out of the darkness, and the shadow behind him almost merged with his body, making him extra powerful.

Scorpion climbed up, raised the back of his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled lightly: "I didn't say no."

"No need for you."

The man who came out of the darkness did not have a beast pattern on his face. From his powerful to terrifying momentum, it can be definitely above the level of the four beasts.

He stepped closer to the scorpion king, and the murderous smoke emitted from his body was thick like water, "I take it myself!"

The scorpion king laughed back step by step with a smile.

"It seems that you have heard what you just said, yes, the antidote is indeed there." Concerned that there might be orcs around, the Scorpion King said in general, so as not to be known by more people.

"But Moore, you can't save her female cub by taking the medicine. The toxicity of the female cub is very weak, otherwise she will have died long ago. Life."

Moore's footsteps froze, his body's murderous tide receded, staring somberly at the Scorpion King.

"Give me the antidote immediately!"

"Relax, it will be given. I need time to weaken the medicine." The Scorpion King smiled authentically, without the power of talking with Bai Qingqing.


Moore received a satisfactory answer and was ready to leave.

"But did you really intend to kill me just now? You know that if you kill me, you won't be able to live. Although my father doesn't care about me, he still cares about my descendants."

The Scorpion King followed Moore and was genuine.

"It doesn't matter."

Scorpion King shook his head: "You're not a rootless beast, you have all kinds of emotions, why do you look like you can't be loved, just grab it if you want."

Moore's face was as numb as a sculpture, but sharp and deep eyes were crossed by sadness.

"She won't forgive me ..."

Rather than seeing her expression of disgust and hatred towards himself, he would rather hide and keep her from seeing him for life.

Scorpion King was a little shocked in his heart. What kind of strong emotions would make this soulless orc cowardly dare not see anyone.

"You have so much talk today. We have known each other for two years, and we haven't said much together today."

Moore turned a corner and went to the pit, ignoring the Scorpion King.

Scorpion exhaled and went in the other direction.

Finally, I realized the emotion, and I could not die casually.

The Scorpion King raised his hand, looked at the kryptonite lying on his palm, and narrowed his eyes: "I warn you, and then make a move that is not conducive to me, I will crush your soul and make you disappear in the world . "

The spar is unresponsive.

Scorpion King held the spar and looked at it, whispering: "Is it so weak, is it dawn?"


A small circle of faint light radiated from the entrance of the earth cave, and two figures crouched inside the cave.

Bai Qingqing inspected Parker's wound and found that the wound had begun to scab and smiled happily.

"Parker eats quickly, and the nutrition is enough to heal the wound."

Parker lay prostrately on the skin of the animal skin to nibble the jerky, and when he glanced at the few jerky left, he chewed more slowly. A bite of meat could chew dozens of times.

This is the food for four people. How can he eat it alone, or eat it slowly, and taste it carefully.

Bai Qingqing was deflated, and if he continued to eat this way, he would not be able to eat much in a day.

Is he too weak to eat?

Bai Qingqing found another slender piece of meat, took a big bite, and frowned, chewing hard.