Speaking of the desert, Curtis and Vincent saw the Queen of Scorpions and parted ways.

Vincent couldn't wait to see Bai Qingqing and stepped into the grave first.

Curtis found an oasis near Yancheng with his keen sense of smell.

The oasis is a shallow lake with drought-tolerant animals.

Curtis was not in a hurry. He walked around the oasis and found a bundle of firewood before hunting, and returned to Yancheng with live prey.

The next day, Parker's injury was basically all healed.

In the cave, he and Bai Qingqing are two. The days are so good, Parker is very satisfied.

Suddenly, Parker heard another footstep, and he immediately recognized it as a lion head.

Just about to go out, Bai Qingqing caught him.

"Surely the Scorpion King lied to you again." Bai Qingqing lowered his voice.

Parker got up and walked to the side of the tunnel, listening for a while with his ears back, and returned to Bai Qingqing: "That's no way, he has already come."

Feeling helpless, Bai Qingqing decided to wait for Scorpion King to come later and be sure to beat Parker for Scorpion King.

However, he hit him with a stone, who asked him to hurt Parker yesterday.

Today, I may be injured again.

However, Parker ran away, but the footsteps approached gradually.

Bai Qingqing tidied up the luggage that had leaked a few rays of light, and completely fell into the darkness, looking at the front of the black paint with breath.

A pair of green glowing eyes suddenly appeared in Bai Qingqing's field of vision, and then she heard an obvious pumping sound.

Bai Qingqing had a chuckle in his heart, and the lion head came in!


Parker chased the lion's head and also the mine, screaming fiercely at the lion's head.

The Scorpion King did not come today, but the lion's head became suspicious and wanted to come and check.

The leopard's appearance was the same as yesterday, making him more certain that the female was hiding there.

So the lion's head didn't take care of the leopard beast and rushed into the pit.

Rao knew that there would be females, and the lion's head saw the female's face clearly, but still stiffened his body.

Parker chased and threw himself at the lion's head. The lion's head was still shocked by the beauty of the female.

The lion's body shook violently, and the powerful force deflected the center of gravity of the leopard on his back.

Parker was about to bite the mouth behind the lion's head, but only on his shoulder.

After biting his opponent, Parker wasn't ready to let go, and shook his head wildly.

The lion's head screamed and jumped, throwing blood after blood.

A blood bead was splashed on Bai Qingqing's face, and her body shook.

The hot blood spot hit the face, warm and sticky.

Bai Qingqing wiped his face indiscriminately, hugged An An, and retreated to the end of the cave in a panic.

The lion's head jumped vigorously, and Parker couldn't make any other attacks. After a bite in his mouth was bitten off, he lost his grip on the lion's head.

The forelimb of the lion's head stood up and finally got rid of the leopard on his back and started to fight back.

Parker climbed up and was chased around in the mine pit. The danger of fighting with the lion head was much more severe than Bai Qingqing imagined.

Bai Qingqing knew that his presence made it difficult for Parker to get away, and immediately hid An An in his arms, and walked out against the earth's wall.

The lion's head immediately noticed Bai Qingqing's side, a roar, and turned to pounce on her.


Bai Qingqing closed his eyes.

The imaginary pain did not come, and Bai Qingqing opened his eyes in fear.

Parker, who had escaped, turned back and entangled the lion's head again.

[Tomorrow Double Eleven, eight chapters.