Bai Qingqing only felt cruel while listening, and asked anxiously: "How many deaths and injuries do we have?"

"Just dozens."

Parker said, with a sorrowful face and a nine-pointed admiration, "It is the greatest glory of the orcs to fight to die to protect the tribe, and there is no regret for death!"

Bai Qingqing Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, this value is still within her acceptable range.

Soon the orcs removed their armor, their bodies were suddenly relaxed, and their excitement made them almost fly.

The orcs left behind in the tribe had prepared food for the whole tribe, and when they were ordered by Vincent, they all lifted up and started a bonfire banquet in the sun.

The atmosphere was lively and festive, and Bai Qingqing pulled Parker and said with joy: "We will also go over and choose a shaded location over there!"

The females are not allowed to sun, and many campfires are in the shade, but the closer to the sun, the hotter they are, so the females are rushing to sit on the side.

Bai Qingqing was so extreme that he pulled Parker violently and ran to the side.

Parker smiled, hugged Bai Qingqing horizontally, and a pair of legs ran quickly. The alternation of the legs was as fast as the wheel of a unicycle. Only a fan-shaped shadow could be seen, which was not as fast as the average orc. behind.

Bai Qingqing's hair was blown up by the wind, and it was all stuck on Parker's face, covering his eyes.

Parker shook his head while running, and Bai Qingqing watched that he was about to be hit against a tree, screamed, and quickly turned back to stroke the hair on Parker's face.

Parker missed the big tree and occupied a bonfire in an excellent position. The two looked at each other and laughed with joy.

"Hurry up and bring An'an, and the little leopards, they should be near the small river in the backyard." Bai Jingqing waited a long time before he could hold back his laugh, and instructed Parker to run errands.

Parker took a quick sip on Bai Qingqing's face. When Bai Qingqing glared angrily, he quickly turned and ran away.

Bai Qingqing wiped his face, but his expression was full of joy. Today is indeed a good day. The males are happy to win the battle, and Bai Qingqing has a guarantee in the future.

If the tribe loses to the scorpion, she can only leave the tribe and live a wandering life.

Parker hadn't returned yet. Vinson, who had unarmed, came to Bai Qingqing first, and also raised a fat prey, which was steadily placed on the campfire.

Bai Qingqing laughed when he saw him, and greeted Vincent to sit beside him: "You worked hard."

Vincent's silver eyes were full of indescribable sentimentality. With Bai Qingqing's words, the battlefield is dangerous and fearless.

"No hard work. Parker also complained about not being able to participate in this battle." Vinson's face also smiled lightly.

I do n’t know since when, Vincent ’s inferiority and silence have faded. Meiyu is no longer the confidence only in the face of war, and his partner ’s feelings support him. He gradually let himself go in front of Bai Qingqing.

Bai Qingqing was very satisfied when he looked at Vinson like this. "You should laugh more. You can't be friends because you don't know how to laugh? If you used to be like this, you would have been mad by females."

Bai Qingqing said with a smile, pursed his mouth.

Vincent shook his head and held Bai Qingqing's slender, soft hand tightly, and the fiery temperature was instilled into Bai Qingqing's senses like his strong emotions.

"I don't want to. I won't be by your side when you show up."

The two parts of the skin that were close to each other soon shed sweat, but Bai Qingqing withdrew his hand and refused to refuse Vincen's fiery emotion.