Parker brought the children over and saw the love and affection of the two. They suddenly ate a lot of flying vinegar and sat next to Bai Qingqing with one butt, holding Bai Qingqing's other hand.

Bai Qingqing raised his hands and looked at the left and then again, crying and laughing: "How do you let me eat?"

"I feed you." Parker responded immediately.

Vincent honestly let go immediately.He was annoyed by Parker's words, but he was not jealous.

What he has now far exceeded his previous desire to stay with the loved one for a lifetime and get the emotional response from the loved one. What's so dissatisfying?

Bai Qingqing glanced at Parker, and accused Parker of slurping his tongue, but his heart was full of joy.

After a while, Curtis came, holding Anan who was awake.

Both positions stood beside Bai Qingqing. He frowned slightly and went to sit behind Bai Qingqing.

"Have you eaten?" Bai Qingqing turned to take An'an from Curtis's arms and asked smoothly. When An'an's mouth moved, she knew she was hungry.

She looked up and looked around. Parker and Vinson immediately sat sideways on the side of Bai Qingqing, using her body to isolate the eyes of others.

Behind was a large tree, no one really saw it, so Bai Qingqing boldly pulled the shirt open.

But there is still a pair of eyes in the tree, and the female under the tree suddenly emptied her eyes.

Moore washed away the blood stains, he did not want to be mixed in such a lively occasion, but because Bai Qingqing will come, so quietly followed behind her.After they chose their location, they climbed up and down the big tree and watched from afar.

I never expected to see such a beautiful picture, especially the perspective from top to bottom makes him see more clearly.

Moore felt that the wound that had already stopped bleeding was madly bleeding out again. The blood in the blood vessel was like a surging wave. He was drinking enough water while washing, but his throat was dry and cracked more than when he was almost thirsty and died in the desert.

He was like a gushing river inside, like erupting magma, but his body was as stiff as a rock, and his lines were immobile.

When it comes to hiding, looking at the entire continent, it is difficult to find a stronger one than Moore. The males present did not find him, but Bai Qingqing felt something in a trance, and suddenly remembered Moore.

Take a look at the bustling bonfire site and find it hard to find someone.Bai Qingqing looked at Curtis again and hesitated for a while, then whispered to Vincent: "Did Moore not come? Is he well?"

Vinson said: "He has suffered some injuries and can't hurt his life. Don't worry about it."

Bai Qingqing patted his chest and said, "That's good."

Looking around again, Bai Qingqing suddenly felt distressed at Moore.

He is alone and has no friends or brothers in the tribe. Will such an occasion not come out?It's sad to think about a person who secretly heals himself in a tree hole.

Then, go to Harvey later and let him show Moore the injury.

Speaking of Moore, Vinson sneered and said with a sneer: "It turns out that St. Zachary not only caught your attention, but also looked in with Curtis."

"What?" The second monk Bai Qingqing was puzzled and looked up at Curtis, but he saw that his always cold expression was full of anger, and his face was slightly distorted.

"What the hell happened?" Bai Qingqing asked urgently.

Parker heard it with interest, and urged gossip: "How did he count Curtis?"