Because of his anger, the scar on Vinson's face jumped along with the green bars on his forehead, which was terrifying.

Bai Qingqing was not afraid of him at all. He covered his broad hands with cold hands, patted twice, and said softly: "Many unrighteousness will be killed, and God will watch it, even if we can't deal with him. , He will never have good fruit. "

St. Zachary clearly got his partner's heart, but still murdered his partner's other lovers. He fell into this field by his own hands. Isn't this the cause and effect reincarnation?

Bai Qingqing turned out to be an atheist, but inexplicably came to this world, there is nothing unacceptable.

What's more, this world is full of fantasy. Animal bodies can become human bodies, similar to monsters in mythology. If you put a batch of purebred humans here, wouldn't the orcs be monsters?

Now there is a soul, and she will be surprised if there are any gods.

Bai Jingqing said regretfully: "I blame me, if I were ..." What if I didn't go looking for Vincent?

Bai Qingqing said that if she stopped again, she would still go to the desert without turning back if she could get Vincent's safety news and An'an's health.

Curtis felt guilty at seeing his partner so guilty, and finally scared Xiaobai by what he just said.

He stretched out the snake's tail ring to hold Bai Qingqing's body, attracted Bai Qingqing's gaze, and then said in a careless tone: "Not afraid, isn't it the insect tide? God, when they eat all the animals, they will migrate to the surroundings and will not affect us anymore. "

It's just a waste of meat.

Bai Qingqing really relieved his breath, and soon frowned, "Two months before the rainy season, I don't know how many places will suffer ..."

She knows that this is the rule of nature, and since there will be an insect tide every ten or twenty years, the jungle species are still so abundant, which shows that this is not a devastating disaster for nature, but may be eliminated. Weak race.

But how can you not be sad when you experience it in person?

Maybe some kind of animal meat she used to like before would never be eaten in the future.


On the other side, when St. Zachary returned to the stone forest, a black spar resting in the cave oscillated an energy wave, revealing a figure.

"Why do you withdraw after playing halfway? Your strength should be above Curtis and Moore." King Ape said angrily. Although his mental strength weakened to one-tenth of his previous death, he peeped into the vicinity. The outline is still a breeze.

It was already a soul, and his induction with his partner was interrupted, so he did not know that Qin was dead.Being able to reproduce the sun, he just wanted to eliminate the existence that threatened Qin.

God knows how ecstatic he was after learning about the strength of this scorpion and not dealing with Curtis, but what did he see?Obviously Curtis's life was at his fingertips, but the Scorpion suddenly let him go.

The anger is as strong as Ape King's hope.

St. Zachary glanced coldly at him, thinking that the soul's head was so powerful, he resisted the urge to crush him.

"It's sooner or later to kill Curtis. I want to find Bai Qingqing first." Saint Zagali said looking directly at the spar.

Ape King was stunned. "Are you also a pursuer of Bai Qingqing?"

St. Zachary refused to say whether or not, the king of the apes as his default, think for a while, I think this is not bad.