"You eat, I'll take a bath for you." Parker said as he placed the bathtub beside the bedside table and got up to get the towel.

"No need!" Parker helped her take many baths. Bai Qingqing was already used to it, but this time he refused inexplicably.

Bai Qingqing glanced at Moore secretly. There is Moore in the house today. Why did she ask her to take off her clothes?

Drive Moore out?He has admitted his identity, and now he rushes, how sad should Moore be?

Does it make Moore sad or embarrassing himself?Bai Qingqing fell deep into the tangled quagmire.

The orcs did n’t have much sense of shame. At this time, the males in the room had n’t gotten the tangles of Bai Qingqing. Parker put the towel in the hot water and said, "Then wash it yourself, I will feed you noodles."

Moore also looked at Bai Qingqing, apparently wanting to help, but his wings sank and he squatted in his humble grass nest. His bright eyes never left Bai Qingqing.

Is n’t it just a bath? It did n’t matter that she took a bath in the face of Parker when she first came.

Seeing that there was no special response from everyone, Bai Qingqing had to comfort himself so and agreed with Parker's second proposal: "Okay."

With Parker in front of Moore, it can alleviate some embarrassment.

After making up his mind, Bai Qingqing quickly undressed, without looking at Moore's side, and squatted into the big bathtub, and wowed and washed up.

Parker looked at his partner's beautiful carcass, the male's exclusive desire rose, and he had intentionally blocked in front of Moore, and rolled noodles to feed Bai Qingqing.

"Qingqing opened his mouth."

Bai Qingqing then turned his head to Moore, and secretly looked at Moore through the noodle stall.Her eyes were too close to Parker and she saw nothing, comforting herself: Moore must not see herself.

Fortunately for her, fortunately, Parker brought the bath water and food together, otherwise there was no excuse to cover up.

She did not know that, from an angle she could not see, Moore had already stiffened her body, and the whole bird was stunned.

The female body is half-covered and half-covered, and the key parts are blocked to death, but it is more tempting than full-naked, so that people only want to push away the obstructions that block the eyes to get a glimpse.

There was no smell of eroticism in the room, but Muir's unexplained body was dry and hot, and a stream of heat rushed down to the abdomen. A strange feeling circulated wildly in his body. There was no breakthrough for venting.

Moore's breathing was rapid, and his small nostrils could no longer meet the body's oxygen demand. The eagle's beak opened slightly, easing the suffocation.

Moore originally wanted to take care of Bai Qingqing, even if he can't now, take a look first, and learn how to do it later.

He has always known that Qing Qing is beautiful, his face is absolutely beautiful, and his body is so perfect that he can't pick a trace of regrets, but he didn't expect to see only the tip of the iceberg.

Now she is not only satisfied with appreciation, Moore wants to hug her fiercely, touch every inch of her body, and let such a beautiful creature stay beside her at the closest distance.

The eagle's claws crouching in his belly clenched a handful of hay, and squeezed the impulse rushing up from his body, his dark eyes quickly stained with a layer of red light, like a very hungry beast.

Stared at by such a line of sight, Bai Qingqing was instinctively uncomfortable, and the bathing speed was accelerated by a few points.It was also because she couldn't see Moore, otherwise today's bath would be impossible.