Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1131 Too Favored Is Trouble

Bai Qingqing made a "wow" mouth shape, so amazing, really like a person.

She looked at Vinson again, and Vinson had changed back to the hide group between the two, and was stared at by her partner, her face showing a hint of amazement.

"Qing Qing."

Bai Qingqing said enthusiastically: "Can you do the same?"

"Well." Vinson responded, before waiting for Bai Qingqing's request, he changed the animal's ears completely and retracted the animal's tail.

Like Parker, he also felt very uncomfortable. He felt a bit heavy and leaned forward, and his hearing was significantly degraded.

Orcs don't like this form, so no one does it, it's too dangerous.

Bai Qingqing looked straight, it was a monster, she suddenly thought of a classic sentence-the fox's tail appeared.

Then he laughed innocently.

Seeing that his partner was no longer afraid, Parker felt relieved and changed back to his own hide group.

Curtis didn't try it at all, but was thinking about what the little white partner had, and he couldn't do less, so he made such a thing and hung it on the washbasin after completion.

Only Moore couldn't put it down on the bark skirt, and the rough big hands rubbed the bark's lines, and said with joy: "It's good, it's very rainy."

Bai Qingqing said with a smile: "When there are animal skins, we still have to make a few animal skin groups. This is too unique."

"Well." Moore answered.

It's just that this year's generation has been ruined by giant beasts. There are fewer animals and naturally fewer skins. He has to fly farther to catch prey with good fur and make clothes for Qingqing.

"What else to do with these bark?" Vinson asked, and he was very curious about new things, not much more than Parker, maybe this is the nature of cats-right.

Bai Qingqing honestly said: "I don't know, just smash it first."

She squeezed the dry bark and imagined it without manipulation. After chopping, it was a pot of wood dregs, which had to be mixed with cohesive force.

Resin?Or wood pulp?

It seems that I haven't heard of resin paper, but wood pulp paper is often seen in advertisements, then wood pulp.

"Vinson, you go to cut a tree, Moore, help me to chop the bark." Bai Qingqing arranged.

Parker immediately raised his hand: "What about me?"

Bai Qingqing glanced at Parker, with two pink lips together: "Sleep!"

Parker suddenly broke his face and volunteered: "I can do things."

"And Curtis can help me." Bai Qingqing poked her chest and cursed her, and said coquettishly: "Get up, how boring alone is."

"Okay," Curtis replied with a helpless look, but he didn't know how much he hated this gesture.

Bai Qingqing had a yeah gesture in his heart, and he would get up after pulling Curtis.

Parker looked sad. He wanted to help but couldn't help. Curtis didn't want to help but was pulled by the help. The gap between the beast and the beast is so big.

Looking sadly at the crowd's departure, Parker quietly prepared to keep up, but Bai Qingqing suddenly turned back.

"Sleep!" Bai Qingqing glanced at Parker and lifted his feet out of the bedroom.

Parker's body was full of pain, and his posture was still full of distress, but he did not know that the arc of the corner of his mouth had already betrayed his inner pleasure.

Lying on his partner ’s soft bed, Parker ’s inner monologue was also very beating: Hey, I did n’t know how hard I said about my experiences outside.