"Leopard cub has always been very good, will not do too much things, you relax." Vincent said.

Moore glanced at him, still silent.

Bai Qingqing glanced at Moore, and took away the cold soup, and replaced it with a hot bowl.

"Drink again." Bai Qingqing persuaded, seeing Moore like this, not very hopeful.

Sure enough, Moore shook his head, this time it was determined not to enter the water.

He must inflate and hatch the eggs.

Bai Qingqing bowed his head helplessly, and finally drank the soup himself, lying in a nest beside Moore, taking a nap, covered by the quilt, and her hand gently pulled a feather of Moore.

Moore looked at his partner, his gaze finally softened, and he sank down so that the two could get closer.

After Park left the bedroom, he looked everywhere for the Snake Cave. He first circulated around the stone castle a few times, and then went to some hidden places nearby. He didn't even find a snake smell.

"Damn! Sleeping will not make people feel safe." Parker scratched his paw on the bark, marking a white paw print on the brown trunk.

For the leopard cubs, Parker still decided not to believe it.

For the next few days, Moore still refused to eat, and his body became thinner, even if covered with a layer of feathers, he could not hide the shriveled body, just like a skeleton wearing a feather coat.

Moore instinctively knew that the eagle egg would not have such a long incubation time, and this nest under the abdomen might be ... more and less fierce.

But he still insisted on squatting, and finally, on the 45th day of hatching, he felt something moving under his abdomen.

"Cuckoo ~" A weak voice came from the slightly opened beak. Moore stood up slowly, his half-moon's eyes brightening instantly.

Bai Qingqing guessed what he heard when he heard his voice, looked up in surprise, and rushed to Moore after losing the charcoal pen.

The speed of males is usually incomparable to that of females, and this time when Bai Qingqing ran from a dozen meters away, Moore was able to move out of the nest, showing his weakness.

"A shell is about to break?" Bai Qingqing grabbed Moore's wings and stared expectantly at the neat egg in the grass nest. Suddenly, he saw an egg shaking slightly.

Suddenly, Bai Qingqing yelled out in surprise. She couldn't watch the hatching with her baby egg. The moment she saw her child hatching, the emotion she moved was not weaker than the moment of production.

Moore was also full of joy. It can be said that he was overjoyed, and he was able to see the moon.

He embraced his partner with shrivelled but still wide wings, glanced at her tenderly, and then waited quietly with her to wait for the falcon's shell to break.

Both subconsciously held their breaths and stopped their movements, and only the eggs in the nest tremble slightly in the whole room.


The eggshell was suddenly broken at a certain point, cracking a circle of cracks, and it seemed that there was a subtle sound at that moment.

Suddenly the two of them stopped breathing, and Bai Qingqing's hand unconsciously squeezed the feathers on Moore's body, and silently said: broken shell, broken shell, Kitty quickly broke the shell.

The next second, the cracked center of the crack was hit again, and at the same time a smooth, rounded little head came out.

Suddenly, Moore was struck by lightning.Bai Qingqing's body was also a huge shock, and the expression on his face cracked.

Why is the snake coming out of the trough?What about eagles?

Inside is a little black and red snake, looking at Moore and Bai Qingqing on the side of his eyes, swinging his body and swimming out.