Moore is holding a prey soaring in the air, this is the prey he caught a long distance, ready to improve the food for his partner.

Covered by the overlapping canopy of trees, Moore peered into the sprinting Parker through a small gap.

Today is his turn to hunt, what does Parker go out for?

Moore felt that he had something to do with Qingqing, so he turned around and followed.

The two beasts are in the sky and one is on the ground, and they come out of the cave at the same time.

Parker looked up at Moore, snorted, and walked cautiously into the hole.

The female's pleasant light laughter echoed through the cave. The soundtrack was a crackling burning sound in all directions. Parker's vigilance instantly relaxed, and her mouth screamed.

"Oh ~"

Bai Qingqing grabbed a firewood circle, teasing An An, and turned back in surprise when he heard Parker's voice: "Parker?"

The magical landscape of the cave only stopped Parker at the first moment he saw it, and then his attention was completely taken away by the partner's smile.

Parker speeded up, several jumps rushed to the side of Bai Qingqing, almost plunged into the fire, and stopped beside Bai Qingqing and ran wild.

Bai Qingqing laughed a few times, and was about to look back, and saw a figure again, "Are Moore here too?"

"Well," Moore replied, looking at the partner in front of him, his pace could not help but speed up, and his heart flew directly to her.

Vincent said: "Just bring the food, Qing Qing is here for lunch today."

"Okay!" Bai Qingqing responded happily, a little afraid of returning to a familiar home, where the smell of a snake should be everywhere, and he could relax for a while in a strange environment.

Moore heard that he had not gone to where the heart belonged and had to go out to deal with his prey.Helpless, but with a smile on his lips, he walked out of the cave more quickly.

Moore handled the food, and Parker, who was familiar with the ingredients, found various seasonings during this time and went home to get the salt.

Soon, the cave was filled with the smell of food.

Seeing the food a little bit tempting, Bai Qingqing looked forward to it, and stretched his paw toward the barbecue before the meat was fully cooked.

"Hiss ~ Hot!" As soon as he touched Lei Qingqing, he withdrew his hand.

Vincent smiled, protecting An An with one hand, reaching over with one hand and pulling a roasted calf down, hugging him with the cleaned tree leaves before handing it to her.

"Be careful." Vinson explained.

Bai Qingqing smiled: "Thank you."

Before the smile was taken back, the cheek gang was pinched and looked along the hand on the face, it was Parker.

"What are you doing!" Bai Qingqing opened his mouth, vaguely, glaring at Parker, and then glanced straight at the barbecue, obviously greedy.

Parker grinned and said happily: "The meat has grown, and after three months of feeding, it is finally fat."

Bai Qingqing clapped Parker's hand. If anyone had said she was fat before, she must be unhappy, and now she found out that she was really quite fat.

After finally getting rid of Parker's troubled hands, Bai Qingqing bit a bit of flesh, blowing it cold, and feeding it to An An.

An An was still very responsive to the food, and immediately opened his mouth to hold his mouth, and the pink mouth of Dudu chewed one by one, finally having the cuteness of the child.

Vincent and Parker occupied both sides of Bai Qingqing. Moore could only sit opposite Bai Qingqing. He could not help anything. He remained silent and went to collect firewood from time to time.

He was adding firewood to the fire, and suddenly heard Vinson said: "It seems that his body is getting better soon, and he should soon return to estrus."