Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1187 Interaction of Two Children

"Ah?" Alva thought too much, not paying attention to what Bai Qingqing said.

Jasmine also said happily: "Yeah yeah, they are the same age and they must be playing."

Alva then guessed what Bai Qingqing said, and quickly took Anna to Bai Qingqing and put her on the grass.

The grass is very clean, with dense green grass growing densely, with no trace of earth color, and occasionally dotted with blue flowers. The whole grass is like a carpet of broken flowers.

Anna was very lively, and when she fell to the ground, she crawled beside Bai Qingqing, holding the stone where Bai Qingqing was sitting, and stood up herself.

"Ah! Ah!" Anna yelled at An An.

Bai Qingqing looked at Anna's soft short legs in surprise, and then looked at her little hand holding the stone. It was hard to believe that such a small child would walk.

Ann is more than three months older than Anna, and you should learn to walk.

In response to Anna's request, Bai Qingqing placed An An beside her, hoping that An An would stand up under Anna's leadership.

An An lay on the ground and lay down. What was her posture in her mother ’s arms and what was her posture on the ground? She felt that the fart-strand kept sitting.

Anna was so happy that she loosened the stone and walked staggering to An An's head, slowly trying to sit down.

In the end, the person is too small, and the clothes are heavy, and Anna sits down halfway.No pain, Anna did not cry, and grabbed An An's hair with a smile.

An An was called a back-and-forth, and his head was shaken from side to side, but he didn't fight back.

"Don't mess with Anna!" Jasmine stopped Anna immediately.

Bai Qingqing thought that she couldn't understand it. Unexpectedly, Anna's movement paused and looked up at her mother. Obviously, she understood that she wasn't really angry and continued to grab An'an's hair capriciously.

Bai Qingqing sighed in her heart. In contrast, she had to worry about An'an's growth.

Fortunately, An An was finally disturbed, and he lay sideways on the ground, and the little fart-struggled to crawl elsewhere.

Anna screamed in excitement. The child who had just learned to walk couldn't sit still. She stood up purposely, and then chased An An with top to bottom.

Because the children's heads account for a large proportion of the body, Anna's body leans forward when walking. In order not to let herself fall, she has to run forward quickly to keep her feet catching her head to stabilize the center of gravity.

After a while, Anna chased An An, slowing down, shaking her body, and finally let her head overwhelm her, and she fell on An An with Taishan pressure.

An An was immediately pressed down, his body lying on the ground in a large shape, sliding his limbs like a swim, like a king with a turtle shell on his back.

Anna was afraid that An An would run away, trying to suppress An An from letting her crawl away from under her.

The adults on the other side laughed loudly, and Bai Qingqing couldn't help but she still loved her child. She walked quickly and rescued An An from the witch of the world, receiving a look from Anna's accusation.

Fortunately, Bai Qingqing did not take An An away, and Anna barely pressed down to cry.

Bai Qingqing wanted to teach An An to walk, so she squatted and pinched An An's armpit to make her stand.

But An An didn't make any effort at all, and the two legs that were very powerful at the time of the push were soft as noodles. Bai Qingqing raised her slightly, and An An could lift her feet.

Anna went to grab An An's hand again, shaking left and right to express her joy.