Jasmine also felt a little chilly, just wanted to dismiss him earlier, and immediately said: "Jing Qing was uncomfortable just now, they have all returned home, so please go back."

Curtis had already climbed to the shore, and when he heard the words, he did not look at them again, and hurried towards the Beast City quickly.

Alva and Edgar spit out the turbid breath held in their chests with relief, thinking at random: the wandering beast is a wandering beast, if you turn your face, just turn your face, and don't come out with the snake beast in the future.

Lying on Moore's back, Bai Qingqing don't have to worry about it.As soon as I got home, I crept down.

Then she seemed to see a darker color on Moore's dark feathers ==.

"How are you doing? Where is it uncomfortable?" Moore turned into a humanoid figure and had no time to wear the hides. He asked immediately, unaware of the "red ribbon" on his back.

Bai Qingqing was almost blinded by the bright red sting, choked on his mouth, and coughed while covering his chest.

Moore hurried over to pat Bai Qingqing back, and his heart was really sick, "I'll call Harvey here."

He turned around and was ready to run, but fortunately, Bai Qingqing was quick and fast, and he took a chance to hold Moore's arm.

"Don't! Don't do it!" Bai Qingqing shouted in full spirit, she couldn't afford to lose that man!

Multon lived and looked at Bai Qingqing puzzledly.

Bai Qingqing took the opportunity to wipe Mur back, but the sunlight was too strong, and the blood stains had dried up on Mur's skin.

Moore felt a stretch of skin tightening and turned to look.

Bai Qingqing didn't worry, she didn't believe that Moore could see that she was ready to wipe him off before Parker and others returned.Unexpectedly, Moore turned his head casually, turned 180 degrees, and clearly saw the blood stains.

Bai Qingqing: "..."

Do you want to panic and scream?Oh, almost forgot, Moore is not a human, but an eagle!Why did she see the orcs as humans again?Isn't that enough loss?

Bai Qingqing covered his face with his hands and did not want to face reality.

But Moore was also startled because he didn't feel the pain.Well, this blood must have been shed.

He immediately turned his head to look at Bai Qingqing, "Where did you get hurt?"

Bai Qingqing came to the official holiday last month, and Moore didn't think about it at all. When he remembered so much blood, his heart was in pain.

"Oh, go wash it!" Bai Qingqing was furious, pulling Moore violently and walking towards the backyard.

Moore walked behind Bai Qingqing and finally saw her blood-stained skirt and immediately opened it.

Bai Qingqing's footsteps stiffened, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suddenly wanted to beat people, oh no, it was a bird!

"You ... are you estranged again?" Moore's voice was terrified, even more terrifying than he thought Bai Qingqing was injured.

Bai Qingqing pulled off his skirt and continued to drag him to the backyard. "Don't you know yet?"

"What?" Moore saw that Bai Qingqing didn't seem to be seriously injured and chased Bai Qingqing chaoticly.

Bai Qingqing sighed and said, "I come here every month, which is similar to the female hair-feeling of you."

Moore's footsteps were pinned in place, and the dark pupil quickly shrank, and the color became more intense.

Bai Qingqing was taken aback by his reaction and said anxiously, "Do you think I am a monster?"

The anxiety in her voice made Moore feel distressed, and the look softened, stroking her head without answering the question: "Bleeding every month?"