The three leopards made a mess in front of Bai Qingqing. Bai Qingqing was afraid that they would hurt the egg, and he was busy sideways to protect the egg.

Vincent put An An on the ground and patted the head of a leopard cub and said, "Take An An to play."

Vincent was very majestic in front of the children, and the leopard cubs immediately obediently bowed An'an out with their head obediently.

An An gave some thin faces to his brothers. After being arched, he crawled forward. The slate on the ground was as smooth as paint, and she was not afraid of bruising her palm.

Vincent rubbed Bai Qingqing's head and said, "Tired, let's lie down and sleep for a while."

"Huh." Bai Qingqing was really tired. Although it didn't take much effort to lay the egg, he always felt that his energy had been pumped and could not lift it.

Handing the egg to Moore, Bai Qingqing urged: "Hide it in the suitcase, so as not to mess with the leopard cub."

Moore remembered the snake egg almost damaged by the leopard cub in the cold season, nodded in agreement, and got up to hide the egg.

Just released, Vincent just went out, and when the two staggered, Moore heard him say: "Come out."

Moore: "?"

Confused, Moore stepped up.

The towering castle is surrounded by a botanical garden. The plants are lush, and the morning glory is everywhere. The grass and trees are decorated with various petunias.

Behind the castle is a separate kitchen and grocery room. At this time, a straight blue smoke is floating on the kitchen roof, which dyes the air with the taste of home.

Vincent and Moore stood upright in the middle of the plant. Both of them were extremely strong. The difference was that the strength of the silver-haired man was whole-body, and he couldn't find a place that could increase muscle mass. The chest-part is extremely developed, but the legs are also slender and strong, which is the standard inverted triangle shape.

They are also strong, they are also reticent, and in some respects they share a common language.

"What's the matter with me?" Moore asked, standing still.

Vincent said: "You don't want to consider Qing Qing's suggestion."

Moore's eyebrows revealed impatience, but he didn't expect Vincent to tell him such meaningless words, "You will harm future generations."

Vinson pulled a sneer from the corner of his mouth and looked at Moore. "Do you think eagles and beasts are just like you?"

Multon froze.

Speaking of talent, Vinson is definitely stronger than Moore. He has absolute qualifications to judge the necessity of strength in the presence of Moore.

The reason why Moore would be mixed today is only because of desperate experience.The reason why he is desperate, in the final analysis, is because he is not so good in communication and fails to grasp the one he loves.

If Moore is given a chance to choose strong or love, he will choose the latter without hesitation.

"If Parker is you, you will never take so many detours. How to choose, you have to think about it." Vinson patted Moore's shoulder and walked away, leaving Moore alone in deep contemplation.

What are they trying to strengthen themselves with?It's just to win the attention of females.

But he became stronger later, and Qing Qing didn't look at him more.

Could it be ... their hawks have changed?

Moore stood here for most of the day, until the sun went down, and the shadow pulled from a small group of black ink into a large piece. He finally made a determined breath and took a long breath, his daze in the eyes was firmly replaced.

Bai Qingqing lay still for a long time, his bones were stiff, and while moving his arms, he walked back to the kitchen and met Moore head-on.