Soon, Moore again saw how much Parker was beating.

Parker asked Qingqing to tickle him (he could imagine the picture, it must be rolling on the ground) for a while, and then combed Qingqing's hair for a while, and Moore was shown a long day of affection without expression.

When the sunlight was not so strong, Bai Qingqing came out of the shed again and came to see Moore.

Moore hadn't been happy for long before Vinson sent dinner. He could only watch Bai Qingqing walk away again, reluctantly retracting his head back into the crack of the stone.

After eating, Bai Qingqing came to Moore's hideout with clear water and knocked on the stone: "Moore, drink some water."

Moore slowly poked his head out of the crevice, and he felt comfortable for most of the day.He was not thirsty, but did not refuse the good intentions of his partner, protruding his beak into the glass to absorb water.

Vincent also brought a jar of hot water, and it was a bit cold now. He knew how much Bai Qingqing was expecting these two eggs. Fearing that she would delay her time, she urged: "Have a bath soon, and the water will be cooler later. Now. "

"Oh, just come." Bai Qingqing didn't look back.

Moore quickly raised his head and pushed Bai Qingqing out with his beak.

Bai Qingqing smiled: "Then I'm going."

In fact, the current weather doesn't matter if you take a cold bath, it's just that: the heights are too cold.

Although the megalithic forest basks in the daytime, the temperature is obviously lower than the ground, especially after the sun sets.And the wind was so strong that Bai Qingqing was soaked in water, and it was so cold that he shuddered as soon as he blew, and he could only hide in the corner of the shed to wash.

Both Vinson and Parker did not expect the temperature here to be so low. When packing up the dishes, Vinson said: "I'll go back and move another animal skin."

"I think so too." Parker felt relieved, even if Vinson didn't say it, he was going to get it back, but Qingqing no one was warm now.

But Moore wailed in his heart: Did you forget that there is a male here?

His wings are the warmest, and hatching eggs does not affect his warmth.Um ... if Qing Qing could squat and sleep all night like him.

No matter what Moore thought, he could not speak now and could only hear nothing.

Vincent sent the hide before the sky was completely dark, and Bai Qingqing had buried himself in the haystack, holding Parker unwilling to let go.

"Or go home and sleep?" Vinson asked.

Bai Qingqing shook his head again and again: "You have run twice, and it's not cost-effective to go back now. And it's very summery here, I like to blow the quilt with the air conditioning cover. Ah, like now, I like to sleep under the quilt . "

Both Vinson and Parker have black question marks. Do they prefer cold or hot?Isn't it lukewarm?

As a male with a temperature-controlled fur, they will never understand Bai Qingqing's love for quilts with air-conditioning covers.

But as long as the health of the partner is not endangered, they will be relieved.

Vinson covered them with quilts, and finally rubbed Bai Qingqing's head and left.

The night of the Boulder Forest is very quiet, there is no sound of a worm singing birds, it is so quiet as if humans no longer exist.

Bai Qingqing hugged Parker's warm body before feeling real, leaning his head to stare at the white moonlight on the stone floor in a daze.

Suddenly, a thick black shadow appeared on the ground, which seemed to be a bird, and it shook and exaggerated from side to side like a Donald Duck.

Bai Qingqing jumped in his heart and immediately raised his head.

"Goo ~" Oops, it was found!

Moore froze, froze in place.

He was also driven crazy by the silence of the night, suspecting that Bai Qingqing was still there, and moved over with his legs and eggs in the nest.