Curtis communicated with the wild snake and dismissed the snake.

They left the tribe and spread out in all directions.When they encounter the same kind, they will further disseminate information. The larger and larger the scope, the larger and larger the search team.

A fox with a young eagle, this is a very recognizable message.



The mountain forest was shrouded by the sound of heavy rain, and the dense rain fell on the ground, converging into small streams, mixed with mud and flowing into the river, which also dyed the river water in mud.

The water level of the river in the forest rose sharply, and the flow was fierce. There were many debris floating, just like the dragon boat competition, and it was moving forward.

A thick piece of decayed wood floated the fastest, and there was a thin, brown-haired man sitting above him, holding a soaked young eagle in his arms, the little right that Bai Qingqing missed.

"Tui ~" Xiaoyou hid in the man's arms, trying to avoid rain.

"Don't move, your wing root is sprained and needs rest." The man's tone was very gentle, perhaps because of the rain, his face was pale and bloodless, and there was a lingering sadness between the eyebrows, which made this book Not strong, he looked weaker.

The man picked up a leaf floating on the water and covered it with Xiaoyou.

"Tweet ~" Xiaoyou didn't move.

"When we find a place where we can avoid the rain, we go in and rest." The man said, beginning to pay attention to the environment of the path.

The environment in the mountains is complex and changeable, and there is no shortage of natural grottoes.There are also beasts hidden in the cave. The man spent a lot of time to get rid of each other, and took the nest of the beast to take a rest.

"I am a veterinarian named Arthur, are you an eagle beast? Why is it not in Haitianya, was it abandoned by his father?" Arthur stroked Xiaoyou's feathers pityfully, speculating.

"Tweet ~" Xiaoyou suffered an internal injury and was exposed to rain for half a day. She was already in a bad mood and didn't hear what the other person said, so she responded subconsciously.

Arthur felt more distressed, lowered her eyes, and concealed the sorrow that suddenly flashed, whispering: "I happen to be homeless too. I will take care of you in the future. Let's live together."

"Tui ~"

Xiaoyou screamed with a dying breath. It lay on the ground, and water continued to flow from its feathers, soaking the land for a large area. The weak and weak appearance at first glance seemed like death.

I don't know which nerve of Arthur was pierced by this scene. He suddenly appeared panic, regardless of Xiao Yi's injured wing, which was not easy to move, shaking his body vigorously.

"Tweet!" Xiao You was startled. She flicked her wings and stood up. She was tortured by the pain from the roots of the wings.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, and flicked the water on his body with a small right, saying, "It's all water, no, you have to dry it."

He looked around and chopped out the only dry grass nest in the cave, knocked a stone and collided.

The stone was not specially made for a fire, but it also carried moisture. Arthur struck a hundred times before it sparked and ignited the hay.

The grass didn't burn, and the pile of hay couldn't last long. Arthur didn't raise the fire, covered it with damp grass, and hid Xiaoyou in the grass.

"You are hiding here and don't move, I'll be back in a moment." Arthur explained.

"Tweet ~" Xiaoyou nodded cleverly.

Arthur completely covered the small right with grass, stood up and looked at it, and then walked out of the cave in peace.