Moore moved to Boulderwood with Xiaoyou and had lived for several days.By the time the right wings of Xiao Xiao recovered completely, its fear of heights had greatly improved.

On this day, the sky was refreshing and there was no trace of mist in the huge stone forest. It was a great time to learn to fly.

Bai Qingqing also came and brought a few wild fruits, watching Xiaoyou Xuefei while eating.

"Tui ~"

Xiaoyou stood on the edge of the cliff, glanced down, shivered, and moved her feet back a bit.

Moore stared at it, and he stopped immediately, poking his wings pretendingly.

"You know, it's very high here, even if you can't fly, you won't be able to fall for a while, so jump down." Moore said coldly.

Bai Qingqing also encouraged: "Come on right!"

"Tui!" Standing on a high place, blowing a fierce gust of wind, Xiao You also had ambitious ambitions, eager to try.

It took a few steps back, took a deep breath, and ran quickly towards the edge of the cliff.

At the last step, Xiao You was still scared, but more excited, she jumped up and spread her wings.

Bai Qingqing also stood up, walked to Moore's side, holding his arm worriedly and said: "You have to look at it."

"I know." Moore said softly, carrying Bai Qingqing to the edge of the cliff.

Keeping in mind his father ’s teaching, Kitty no longer flapped his wings, and tried to stretch his wings first.

With its wings spread, it was like a kite without a string. It was blown by the wind, and the small right heart jumped wildly, adjusting its posture slightly.

Suddenly the body was pulled up, and it flew magically.

"Tui!" Xiao You screamed in surprise, trying to flap her wings.

Its body flies higher, it vaguely feels the secret of flying, it feels wonderful, everything below it becomes small, and makes it proud.

It should not be weak, it should be the strongest in the world, like the father!

Bai Qingqing changed his head from looking down to looking up, leaning on Moore's arm with a smile on his face, and rejoiced: "Little Right has learned to fly!"

"It's not difficult," Moore said, his eyebrows filled with satisfaction and relief.

Teaching the young eagle to fly, even if his responsibilities as a father are finished, this is a major event that any father should be pleased with.

Bai Qingqing chased Xiaoyou and ran to the other side of Shiya, waving vigorously: "Little Right!"


The little right cries loudly, the feathers are completely black, the wings are plump, soaring in the sky like an adult male.

Bai Qingqing is a master and smiled and shouted: "Mother's hands!"

"Tui!" Xiao Youyi turned around again, and flew towards her mother.

As it approached, a gust of wind rushed on Bai Qingqing's face, lifting her elegant white skirt.

Kitty carefully rested on her hand, mother and son smiled at each other, the picture was warm and moving.

Looking at this picture, Moore moved: the perfect female is his partner, and the strong cub is his and her blood. What could be better in this world?

When Xiaoyou stood firm, Bai Qingqing couldn't hold it up and hugged Xiaoyou in her arms.

Another gust of wind blew, and Bai Qingqing's center of gravity was unstable, and he screamed and fell down the cliff.

"Be careful!" Moore's voice had just dropped, his arms were wrapped around Bai Qingqing's slender waist, and his eyes were so deep that he couldn't help it.

"It's windy here, don't lean so close to the cliff in the future."

Bai Qingqing blushed and lowered his eyes: "I dare to stand here until I know you are here."