The forest trees are thin, the branches and leaves are sparse, the air is very light, but the lingering smell of gasoline.

The laughter of several young people flooded the mountains and forests, but if they were not nutritious, they made them laugh.

Bai Qingqing hanging on the branch with a face on his face, pinched it on his thigh.

"His" hurts!

Fuck, what's going on?

How did the trees become so small?Are those not modern people?And the girl in the white T-shirt, isn't she a good girlfriend Tang Li?

The look and movement of Snoopy on Tang Li's clothes were clearly visible. Even if it was a dream, she couldn't dream of such clear details.

Did she come back again?Or, has she never traveled?

Bai Qingqing was horrified. He looked down at his clothes. Yes, it was made by Curtis' snake.Look at the arms, the mouth, the ankles, and the partner's animal patterns are still there.

Not a dream.

She did cross, but terrifyingly, she seemed to cross back again.

This is God's sudden discovery of her error and corrected it?

God!Do you need to play with me like this?I might as well hack to death!what?

She secretly came out to paint with Parker, and suddenly disappeared. Will Parker be killed by Curtis?

what!Head hurts!Bai Qingqing patted his forehead.

"Bai Qingqing! Where are you?"

Tang Li's anxious voice passed into Bai Qingqing's ears. Bai Qingqing slid down the trunk and quickly tied her long buttocks into a ball-her hair was not so long before crossing, and must be covered.

"I'm here!" Bai Qingqing responded in a hurry, still confused.

Tang Li found out that she was a little fat girl, Qi Liuhai, with a rounder face and fat body, but she developed well, and she should be a beautiful woman after she lost weight.

Seeing the girl in white sitting in the dirt ditch, Tang Li said unsurely: "Is it you?"

Bai Qingqing has been living in the beast world for five years. In other words, she is no longer a sixteen-year-old girl, but a mature woman in her early twenties.

Fortunately, she had eaten green crystals at the beginning and her body has been in the youngest state.

Bai Qingqing touched his face nervously, turned his head to face Tang Li: "It's me."

Looking at the familiar face of her friend, Tang Li felt strangely strange, frowned, and asked, "How did you change your clothes?"

"Oh, this is my back-packed clothes. I just had a holiday, and my pants were dirty. I had to sneak in here and change my skirt." Bai Qingqing said the abdominal draft he had just thought of.

Tang Lixin thought it true and looked around again: "What about your backpack?"

"Hey, don't mention it." Bai Qingqing lowered his head in frustration, pointing to the deep ditch where there were too many plants and could not see the bottom.

"Ah?" Tang Li broke her face.

Bai Qingqing climbed up the ditch, holding Tang Li's hand and begging: "Jianghu rescue, lend me some money. My phone and wallet have fallen."

It's not good to go back like this. She has to take care of her hair so that no one can see anything strange.

As for Curtis, they ...

Bai Qingqing clenched his fists, the animal pattern is still there, hoping to summon them through the animal pattern.It's just ... Parker and Vinson are still four-stripe beasts, and they can't use this ability for the time being.

"Okay, how much do you want?" Tang Li said generously, turning over her bag.

When the girl went out, she would bring some pocket money anyway. Bai Qingqing saw a red note in Tang Li's wallet and said daringly, "One hundred."