Dajuru Parker has such consciousness, and the other three will naturally think of it.

Curtis' last hope was broken by Parker, and his crimson eyes seemed to be redder than usual, as if he had filled with blood.

"Since you lost her, go with her too!" Curtis grasped Parker's neck and exerted his strength slowly.

Vinson and Moore stood aside, they had a good relationship with Parker, but they didn't have any thoughts of protecting themselves, nor did they themselves have the courage to live.

If the male orc is dead, the partner will not only suffer the pain of the soul, but also suffer from the body.Looking at the animal kingdom, the one who lost his partner is either crazy or dead, and there are no exceptions.

Surrounded by despair, they had no time to take care of their young cubs. No one even remembered An An, nor did they know what happened to the single males of Wan Beast City in order to grab An An's custody because of the collapse of their family.

Bai Qingqing's fertility is obvious to all. An An, as her offspring, looks beautiful and flowery. As long as she is a single male, she is not inconceivable.

Parker was so pinched that he couldn't breathe, and his protruding eyes climbed onto the bloodshot.

Are you going to die?Fortunately, do n’t be afraid, Qingqing will come to you soon.Huh ... In this case, I hope they don't find Qing Qing's soul stone.

The Soul Stone is the last life-saving straw of Curtis and others. Without Bai Qingqing, they are all St. Zachary, even more frustrated than they are.

Suddenly, the hand that gripped the neck was loose.

Parker coughed violently, and his blurred vision saw Curtis's stunned expression.

what happened?

The heartbeat is not normal, is it hanging for a long time?

Soon Parker fell to the ground, and when his eyes were restored, there was no Curtis in front of him, and even Moore was missing.

"Cough ... how about them?" Parker asked, turning into a humanoid, clutching his neck in pain.

Vinson looked at the place where Curtis and Moore were standing in shock, and he recovered after hearing Parker's voice, his eyes ecstatic.

"It's Qingqing!"

Parker raised his head in mischief: "You said that Qing Qing is not dead yet!"

The two didn't talk anymore, their eyes turned fast, and then they thought about the reason of the matter at the same time-Qing Qing was not dead, she just returned to her original world.

"Qing Qing must have summoned them over there, really jealous of them, and passed by directly!" Parker instantly exhaled, and punched angrily on the ground.

Vinson didn't speak, and he was very unbalanced.

"Where are you going?" Parker bounced and asked.

Vincent stepped in without looking back: "Arrange An'an, then become stronger and become a patternless beast."

After talking, he ran away into a beast shape.

Parker's lips smiled, and his bruised face flickered between the human form and the leopard shape: "I must also find Qing Qing!"

Then he got revenge from Curtis, and was almost killed. He was almost different from Qingqing's life and death. This revenge must be returned!

Once Vinson returned to the Beast City, he recovered An An as quickly as possible, handed it to Lan Ze, and sent them to a river that could lead to the sea.

"An'an will leave it to you." Vinson touched An'an's soft hair and gave Lanze the most important thing: "Qingqing said you were her responsibility. If you wait, An'an will be Let us compensate you. "

Lan Ze opened his eyes wide and took the confusing An An.

Vincent didn't wait for Lanze to respond, or said he didn't give him the right to refuse, so he turned around and ran away.

Lanze is also strong, and in the sea, An An is the safest with him.

Qing Qing is still waiting for him, he can't afford it, just treat him as selfish.



Bai Qingqing sat up violently from the water, gasped with his mouth wide open, and his heart beat so hard that he almost jumped out of his throat.

She blinked, and her wet face showed two more tears.

Failed?Sure enough, it's better to try river jumping and cliff jumping.