"Don't!" Bai Qingqing reached out to Bai Xiaofan.

However, it was still late, Bai Xiaofan pushed open the door, and then stayed in place.

Bai Dabai and Bai Mawei looked at Bai Xiaofan strangely. Bai Qingqing rushed over and saw Curtis sitting behind him in a chair reading from behind him.

Curtis' long, scarlet hair was draped over his back, almost hanging to the ground, like a good piece of silk.The white face is full of forehead, the nose bridge is tall, the lips are light, the chin is sharpened, and they form a perfect facial line.

Hearing the partner's footsteps, Curtis turned his head and looked at the two sisters at the door.

Bai Qingqing's back was cold and sweating, and he looked at his brother with guilty conscience.

Bai Xiaofan was even more ignorant and looked at her elder sister.

Why is there someone in your room?-This sentence was clearly written in Bai Xiaofan's eyes.

Bai Qingqing raised her eyebrows, and the sister and brother could communicate harmoniously without talking — so what?He is a woman.

Curtis is sorry, for the sake of family peace, I have to tarnish your image in my heart.Bai Qingqing repented in his heart.

Bai Xiaofan turned his eyes to the person in the room, and when he returned to the elder sister's face, there was a tendency to roll his eyes-do you think I am a pig?The chest is flat.

And which girl would climb the window and play with girlfriends?Isn't this a scene of affair?But the man was too calm, making him unsure.

Bai Xiaofan thought secretly.

Bai Qingqing squeezed his eyebrows-you have poor breasts, can you control it?

It is not yet known whether the eye contact between the two siblings has been accurately communicated, they have not communicated well, and Bai Dabai and Bai Ma have also raised doubts.

"Why don't you two come yet? What do you do at the door?" Mom Bai said, as if she was about to get up.

Bai Qingqing quickly opened Bai Xiaofan, closed the door, and then pushed him to the living room: "Come."

Mom Bai was instantly lazy and didn't care anymore. He urged to continue watching TV.

Bai Xiaofan gave his elder sister a look of "cleaning you up later" and sat beside his dad.

Bai Qingqing sat next to her mother and continued to eat rice.

Moore came out, and Dad excitedly became a speaker.Bai Xiaofan was also attracted. When Moore got the first, the other athletes who swam halfway through the lens, he blurted out: "It's cool!"

Bai Qingqing secretly said: I don't know if Curtis can give Xiao Fanyou one, can you buy him.

"Moore is so fast, will he be an alien?" Bai Qingqing said jokingly, using his family to test Moore's image outside.

When Bai Xiaofan saw her elder sister, she thought of the wicked man in the room, her eyes flashing.

Bai Ma said: "You have watched more movies. Moore was born to be good at swimming. This is talent. Just like Einstein's smart brain, he must be born to be in good health."

"Hey." Bai Qingqing was relieved and smirked a few times.

The atmosphere at home was very warm, and Bai Qingqing was gradually immersed in the excitement of the Olympic Games. Looking at the game with a fair eye, he found that Moore was really handsome.

The facial features of the orcs are all deep in the west, and they are particularly stereoscopic. It is not obtrusive to change swimming trunks and become athletes from other countries.When standing at the same height to take pictures, Moore was taller than Western athletes, and there was no embarrassment for other Chinese athletes.

When Bai Qingqing asked his talents, Moore declared that he was a minority, so he looked like a foreigner.

Bai Qingqing suddenly realized that it was the country that was lying to help Moore. This was really ... too disillusioning her motherland!