Bai Qingqing said "bad" in his heart, and he was still busy apologizing: "Sorry, just wipe it."

Bai Qingqing handed over a piece of toilet paper, and Wang Jing took a long backhand shot. His slender fingers pointed straight to Bai Qingqing's nose and his voice was sharp and harsh: "Did you make a mistake? This is the new shoe I bought from yesterday ! You pay me! "

Bai Qingqing swept that there was already a roommate going out, and he said that he had failed today, and he no longer rushed. Patience said: "The shoes are only wet, let them dry. If you do n’t wear shoes, I still There are a pair of sandals. Wear mine. "

"Who wants your broken shoes." Wang Jing stared at Bai Qingqing fiercely. Seeing that there was still water in her basin, she grabbed her hand and grabbed it. She wanted to splash wet white Qingqing shoes.

Bai Qingqing saw Wang Jing's intention and hurriedly evaded, and the washbasin fell into Wang Jing's hands.

With a malicious smile on Wang Jingqingxiu's face, he raised his arms and splashed the face wash towards Bai Qingqing.

Wang Jing responded extremely quickly, from grabbing the washbasin to splashing water like flowing water. Bai Qingqing just evaded, and the water chased over.

Bai Qingqing can avoid it by using Parker to his ability, but there are too many classmates in and out, she has a big move to hit them, and the people she sees will certainly wonder her speed.

In this brief moment, Bai Qingqing experienced hesitation and choice, and finally chose to suffer this splash.

When I said that sooner or later, Bai Qingqing leaned over his head to prepare to feel completely cool, but did not want a slim figure to block her.

With a sound of water falling, Bai Qingqing had not yet had time to see the man clearly, so he heard Wang Jing's exclamation first.

"Nu! What are you doing? Your body is wet." Wang Jing threw the basin and wiped Wang Cuiniu's face.

"Hey?" Bai Qingqing was more surprised than Wang Jing. He looked at Wang Cui Niu several times like a ghost.

Wang Cui Niu's hair and coat were mostly wet, and she looked embarrassed and pitiful. She noticed that Bai Qingqing looked and she looked away awkwardly.

Bai Qingqing captured the flicker of shame in Wang Cui Niu's eyes. Wang Cui Niu still obviously hated her, but she didn't dare to offend her.

Wang Jing tweeted to help Wang Cui Niu while wiping the water.

Wang Cui Niu dropped her mouth impatiently and waved Wang Jing's hand: "OK, let's go."

After talking, Wang Cui Niu took Wang Jing away.

Tang Li also packed up, walked to Bai Qingqing, looked at the two backs in front of her, and said: "Did Wang Cui Niu take the wrong medicine?"

Bai Qingqing was also puzzled and shrugged: "Who knows, let's hurry up."

The two also ran out quickly.

In fact, Bai Qingqing felt vaguely that Wang Cui Niu had a problem with her attitude yesterday. Her eyes seemed to dodge like she was afraid of her.

Bai Qingqing said: Did Curtis teach her?Impossible, she and Wang Cuiniu didn't collide violently, and Curtis should find Zhang Xin if he wanted to learn.

Shaking his head, Bai Qingqing was too lazy to think about it, without affecting himself.

The fourth class this morning is physical education, probably because the physical education teacher likes to play basketball, so every time physical education teaches to play basketball.

I did basic skills exercises, and I had free time for most of the lesson.

Boys love to play basketball in the fourth class at noon, because the physical education teacher is very accommodating, and they are allowed to play for a while after class. The sports committee is responsible for returning the basketball. They have a lot of time to play.