Waiting for someone to go away, Vincent took Bai Qingqing down.

"Who is that person? Why did we sneak shot us?" Bai Qingqing looked at Vinson worriedly and asked, "Did you offend someone?"

Vincent rubbed Bai Qingqing's head and said softly: "It's okay, you are safe, no one can get me."

Bai Qingqing lost his face and asked seriously: "Who did you offend? Tell me soon."

Vinson knew that his actions were not legal, so he did n’t want to worry Bai Qingqing, and simply explained: “There is a gang organization in this site. I saved someone from them, so they want to deal with me.”

This is also in line with Vincent's style of behavior. Bai Qingqing has no doubts and is worried. "What can I do? Are they powerful?"

"It's okay, let's go buy a cell phone." Vincent diverted the conversation.

Bai Qingqing told Vincent to be careful and safe, so he said nothing.

Now Vincent is always vigilant and finds many malicious people in this small alley.

Vincent was tall and burly, and it was easily noticeable. With his silver hair and silver eyes, anyone who had heard of him could recognize it at a glance.

Vincent carried Bai Qingqing back and whispered: "Don't look up, don't let them see your face."

"Huh." Bai Qingqing responded happily.

Those people pretended to follow behind Vincent inadvertently, and during the daytime, Vinson was inconvenient to shoot and had to carry Bai Qingqing all the time.

Vincent had no choice but to prepare to go home carrying Bai Qingqing and met Curtis and Moore head-on.

"You are just here, take Qingqing to buy a mobile phone, I am not very convenient now." Vincent said.

Curtis glanced at some of the gangsters in the crowd, a coldness flashed in his eyes: "Shall I help you solve it?"

Vincent smiled: "This is not enough."

After talking, Vincent turned away, feeling extremely depressed.

It seems that during this time he and Qingqing can't be together outside, he must immediately expand the influence, so that those people dare not offend!Otherwise, you can only cut the grass!


After being separated, they were followed for a while. Curtis took Bai Qingqing, and Vincent and Moore cleared up the tails without trace. Bai Qingqing returned to freedom.

She bought a mobile phone for her partners in the mall. She got four from the same brand and got a little discount.

Because of Vincent's business, Bai Qingqing was not in a mood to play, so he bought a mobile phone and went home with his partners.

"Don't Vincent come back?" Bai Qingqing looked for Vincent everywhere at home, but found no one.

"There is no him in the room," Curtis said as he walked to the sofa, nestled in his old position, and tinkered with his mobile phone.

Moore also studied his cell phone, but he didn't know the word, he could only look at the pictures and go blind.

"You have to study writing, Moore." Looking at Moore's distressed expression, Bai Qingqing grinned.

"Study." Moore said in embarrassment.

"Parker doesn't know any words, so I'm really worried about him." Bai Qingqing thought of Parker's face that he might lose outside and just wanted to rush over to be his assistant.

Curtis said indifferently: "Rest assured, I explained the situation over there. They thought Parker was a foreigner and did not understand Chinese characters, so he was specially equipped with helpers."

"That's good." Bai Qing felt relieved.

The three people were lying on the sofa. Bai Qingqing taught them the basic functions of using a mobile phone and went upstairs to do their homework.

write!Do not!move!Now!, Update here today, something tomorrow, I will write tomorrow's update after a short break.