The car quickly drove into the Jinxiu Villa, Zhang Xin was the first to get off, and first rang the doorbell on the courtyard door.

Then he confirmed to Bai Qingqing: "Is this home?"

Bai Qingqing raised his head and looked at it, immediately replied: "Well."

"I help you out." Zhang Xin said toward the car and opened the door.

Bai Jingqing shrank his body and said cautiously: "No."

What Zhang Xin wanted to say, then came a mature and restrained male voice.

"Who are you?" Moore looked at Zhang Xin, feeling that there was a strong attraction in the car. He leaned his head in and looked suddenly changed: "Qing Qing!"

"Moore." As if seeing the savior, Bai Qingqing immediately stretched out his hand and waited.

Zhang Xin was startled when he heard the word "Moore". When he looked back, it was startled again, and it was really Moore.

Thinking of the moment when Bai Qingqing heard Moore's expression, Zhang Xin wondered: What is their relationship?

Bai Qingqing's conditions at home should not be good. Her food and clothing are very economical. He once thought of buying something to please her.

However, such poor girls live in high-end villas and are familiar with Olympic champions. What is their relationship?

When Zhang Xin was puzzled, Moore had rushed up, squeezed Zhang Xin into the car.

Moore's arms crossed Bai Qingqing's waist and legs, and he was about to hug him. Bai Qingqing schematically grasped Moore's arm.

"Be careful." Bai Qingqing used her mouth to put her small hands on her abdomen.

Moore looked at Bai Qingqing's tummy and hadn't figured it out.Bai Qingqing had to move his body and let the egg roll between his legs.

The bulging arc was very obvious. Muir's body shook and he couldn't help straightening his waist, his head hitting the roof with a "bang".

"Are you careful, don't you hurt?"

Bai Qingqing raised his master, trying to rub Moore's head, but the arm was not long enough, only touched Moore's chin.

Moore held his partner's hand and breathed in excitement, "Qing Qing ..."

Bai Qingqing looked over Moore and looked at Zhang Xin outside the car, whispering: "That's my classmate, we are in the advanced room."

"Well." Moore forced his ecstasy out of his car, holding Bai Qingqing out of the car.

The egg, like a ripe fruit, fell heavily in Bai Qingqing's sports pants, flicked past Zhang Xin's eyes, and within a second, the picture was blocked.

Zhang Xin's eyes moved with their movements, his eyes suspicious.

If he read correctly, there seems to be something in Bai Qingqing's pants?

Zhang Xin frowned and followed into the villa.


The two leopards saw the stranger and immediately jumped off the tree.

"Hello!" Bai Qingqing shouted immediately when he heard the leopard's voice.

Zhang Xin was startled. Fortunately, the two leopards were very obedient. Although the face was still fierce, the body stopped at a few steps away from Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin breathed a sigh of air, walked into the villa, looked back at the leopard, and found that the courtyard door was open, and they did not leave. It was like a pet dog, but it was fierce ... It was fiercer than the zoo's leopard. Much more.

Moore hurried back to his room and placed Bai Qingqing on a private custom-made solid wood bed.

"You worked hard." Moore put a hand on Bai Qingqing's forehead and rubbed it a few times, bowing her head and printing a kiss on her lips. The tone was full of guilt: "It must be very hard, we haven't taken care of you ..."