Mom Bai pulled a chair for Curtis, and at the same time took a look at Bai Qingqing and whispered, "I haven't poured water for others yet."

"Ah? Ah, oh." Bai Qingqing stood up quickly, not paying attention to the ground, stepped on the chopsticks, and slid backward immediately when he slipped.

Curtis hugged Bai Qingqing in a hurry, with an intimate and natural attitude, as if holding the person in his arms like this countless times.

But Bai Qingqing was not numb enough to be intimate with Curtis in front of his family. He quickly withdrew from his arms, laughed awkwardly, and ran to catch the water.

Bai Ma said: "This child is always frizzy, and can eat chopsticks even if he eats noodles. He lost his schoolbag and mobile phone last month."

Curtis smiled lightly: "Girls are pretty cute."

Her daughter was praised, and Mom Bai was also honored, and her smile was more eager.

But Curtis is too young, and Mom Bai can't rest assured, tentatively said: "Are you a part-time tutor for college students?"

"Yes." Curtis said, taking a small book from the briefcase he carried with him: "This is my student ID."

Mom picked it up and glanced at it, and was relieved.

Bai Qingqing walked up to Curtis's side with the water, looked at the student ID, and the corner of his mouth was a blow.

Curtis has even prepared this, and there is a picture of him on it. How did this come about?

"The young man is really handsome, and his photo IDs are so thorough." Mom Bai praised Curtiss with a flattering expression.

Bai Qingqing handed the water to Curtis, with a perfunctory attitude, "You drink water."

Mom Bai glared at Bai Qingqing: "What do you call it? No politeness at all."

Bai Qingqing's face was entangled with a word, and he hummed for a long time, squeezing out a few words: "Mr. Ke ... drink water."

Curtis pursed his lips, swallowed the smile on his lips, took the glass, and said softly, "I am also a student, just call me brother."

"Ke ... brother." The three words uttered, and Bai Qingqing's face turned red, and he kicked Curtis in his heart.

Why didn't you find that Curtis was still a black-bellied snake?Please take back your Gao Leng Fan!

Curtis seemed to find Bai Qingqing's madness and looked at Bai Ma casually.

Facing the mother-in-law, Curtis was naturally gentle and said more than she did with Bai Qingqing.

"I also work part-time as a model and recently took a perfume advertisement." Curtis said.

Suddenly, Bai Ma realized that she shot her thighs and said, "Oh, it turns out to be you! I said you looked a little familiar, but I didn't think of it for a while. I don't use perfume, even luxury brands like Youyou won't touch it. Even me I've seen it, prove that you are really red! "

Knowing that the other party is famous, Mom Bai was more at ease, but she was more flattered and new in doubt.

"You're so good at advertising, why do you teach our family? How much waste of talent?" Bai Ma was also puzzled, but she couldn't think of what Ke Di would do for her family.

After looking at her girl, Qingqing looks good, but it looks ordinary compared to the other party.With a handsome appearance like him, there must be no shortage of beauties around him.

Curtis said: "I am not here, basically no ads."

"It turns out that it is a pity. Now that young people love to be famous, it is rare for you to be indifferent to fame and fortune." Mom Bai now admired Curtis's character.

The breakfast ended in the chat between Mom Bai and Curtis. The parents of the Bai family rushed to work, and the two children at home were handed over to the "college student" Ke Di.

There is Bai Xiaofan, and the parents of the Bai family are not worried about the abduction of the girl at home.