As soon as the adults in the family left, Bai Qingqing did not cover up in front of Bai Xiaofan, and pulled Curtis into his bedroom.

"Why didn't you discuss it with me first? Frighten me!" Bai Qingqing struck Curtis with a complaint.

Curtis hugged the body around Bai Qingqing, wondering: "Did you not tell you? Cramed homework for you this week, forgot?"

"That's just to say, there is no plan yet!" Bai Qingqing said indignantly, got out of Curtis' arms, and turned over his "student card".

"Also, what is this? The name Ke Di? Did you come from there? Did you find a real person named Ke Di and replace his photo with yours?" Bai Jingqing speculated.

Curtis said: "That's too troublesome. I just found a student casually, borrowed his student ID and glanced at it, and then did a copy."

Bai Qingqing: "..." All feelings are fake.

"You're so brave, you're not afraid of revealing stuffing." Bai Qingqing said.

Curtis put the book in his bag and said, "Isn't it not exposed? I went out. I'm not only giving you more lessons, but also responsible for Bai Xiaofan."

"Are you really going to make up for us?" Bai Qingqing said with surprise.

"Otherwise?" Curtis glanced at Bai Qingqing smilingly, opened the door and went out.

"Tapping, tapping—"

Curtis knocked on Bai Xiaofan's door.

The door opened quickly. Bai Xiaofan held the phone in his hand and faced Curtis with a dull face. The address book on the phone had turned to the name of "Parker".

Curtis swept the line of sight from the screen of the mobile phone without any trace, and his voice was calm and serious: "I heard that your math scores are particularly poor. Take out the math textbooks and exercise books."

Bai Xiaofan nodded in a trance, turned around and took out the math book and math exercise book.

Just say how did the mom suddenly let him bring the math book back, it turned out to be a tutor, but is this not the sister ’s ex-boyfriend?Is he really reliable as a tutor?

Bai Xiaofan came out with the textbook and caught Bai Qingqing, and the sisters and brothers started intense eye contact.

"What's the matter with that person? Wasn't you dumped?" Bai Xiaofan blinked wildly.

Bai Qingqing also looked back with his eyes: "I told you not to believe Parker."

"Hey, is he really going to make up for us? Is this true?" Bai Xiaofan's eyes blinked and cramped.

"Do you think he's kidding?" Bai Qingqing gave him a self-seeking look, and before Curtis turned back, he recovered his facial expression.

Curtis rubbed Bai Qingqing's head indulgently and said, "You write homework for a while, and I will check your brother's learning situation."

"Huh." Bai Qingqing responded in coordination.

The three sat in a row at the table, Curtis sat in the middle, took out a roll from the bag and gave it to Bai Xiaofan.

"Do this," Curtis said again. "I know that you are used to cheating, and your test scores are all falsely high. This time you can't cheat, you can write, you won't leave it empty. "

"Oh." Bai Xiaofan was always afraid of Curtis, so he should be honest.

Stared at by a pair of crimson snake pupils, Bai Xiaofan had no chance and no courage to cheat. A paper was quickly finished, because half of it was empty.

Curtis was unbelievable. He didn't read the papers with dozens of questions. He opened the mouth and said: "Ten questions are multiple choice questions, three are wrong. The remaining solution questions are wrong except for the empty ones. A big question, two empty, one wrong, a total of one hundred and fifty, you got fifty-nine points. "

Bai Xiaofan opened his mouth in surprise, this man came to pretend!