Dad and Mom pulled one by one, pulling Curtis and Vincent away.

"Why are you here? What kind of fights are you doing?" Mom said, looking at Curtis, with a slight blame, but she was very happy.

She heard about Vinson and her daughter from Laobai and was so angry that she just wanted to beat Vinson.Thinking about it this way, Curtis came to beat Vinson.

Curtis looked at the reaction of the parents of the Bai family and guessed that Vinson had been exposed. He said: "Xiao Fan told me that her sister was abducted, and I will take the lead for her."

Speaking of Bai Qingqing, Mom Bai was irritated.

Bai Qingqing heard the words and narrowed his eyes to Bai Xiaofan who was standing on the side. The condemnation was obvious.

Bai Xiaofan screamed and said, "Mr. Ke must have deliberately dragged him into the water. Revenge he didn't tell the truth. He knew that no one could offend Mr. Ke.

On the other side, Dad is also persuading Vincent: "Don't worry about it, Emperor Ke is the fiery temper. What's wrong with him, I'm sorry for him, that's even, ah."

Vincent didn't go to his heart, and after listening to Bai Da's "comfort", it was called Wo Huo in his heart.

All are Qing Qing's partners. He was rejected by all means, but Curtis was maintained by Qing Qing's parents as family members.

Bai Qingqing washed a towel and pressed it in the corner of Vinson's mouth, "Come and rinse."

"Well." Vinson followed his partner to the bathroom.

Dad's smile couldn't help, and he walked to Curtis's side with a smile, patting him on the shoulder and said, "Your kid is very good at fighting."

Curtis glanced at the direction of the bathroom and said, "Qing Qing called me brother, and I will always be her brother. I want to clean him up and call me at any time."

Bai Dabai and Bai Ma smiled and thought about how bitter the smile on their faces was.

Even if Vincent was sincere about their family Qing Qing, but he didn't seem to be a serious person, what should he do if he had suffered from the Qiu family?What should Vincent do if Vinson is caught?

When Bai Qingqing and Vincent came out, the hundred parents held their expressions, neither joy nor obvious disgust, but just a calm face, so that the air pressure in the house was dull.

Mom Bai said to Vincent: "You are busy with your work. There is nothing to do today. If you have something to do, go ahead first."

Mom didn't know how to catch people, it was already polite, most people would go down the steps after listening to it, but Vincent said seriously: "It's fine today."

Mom Bai: "..." I regretted it suddenly. I didn't expect Vincent to be a cheeky person. She should rush out.

"Cough, mom, are you not going to work today?" Bai Qingqing said.

Bai Ma gave Bai Qingqing a glance: "You are all like this, are we at ease to work?"

Bai Qingqing pouted and said, "Where am I? Isn't it good?"

Mom Bai was angry: "You dare to talk back!"

Bai Qingqing surrendered immediately, raised his hands and said: "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, don't scold me."

Mom Bai said nothing. The room was awkwardly quiet for a while. Bai Qingqing looked at the time and said, "Mom, let's go to buy vegetables and let's make dinner."

When Mom heard that her daughter was going out with Vinson alone, her face immediately became ugly. What she was about to say, Curtis suddenly spoke.

Curtis patted Bai Ma's shoulder comfortably, and then whispered to Bai Qingqing: "You go."

Bai Qingqing opened his mouth and asked, "Aren't you with us?"

Curtis didn't ask, and Bai Qingqing had no reason to call him, so he pulled Vinson out.