Let Me Be Reborn

200. Sewer Escapes24

The two views resembled the RPG game's choice. In a way called a divergent point, choosing one of the two presents a completely different result accordingly.

Isn't Seeing crazy? That's sexual harassment, right? ’

[That's the charm of Izzanda's skill.]

Sounds like charm. I can already hear the thumping in my ears! ’

Of course, in a typical case, you wouldn't even be able to make an extreme choice like GA. However, the EZSunda skill simulates the results presented in the view, helping to drive bolder choices.]


[Yes, have you ever heard of the brain computer interface?]]

‘No, this is a new story. ’

[What about the VR?]

‘I've heard of it. Isn't this Virtual Reality?’

[Yes, VR stands for virtual reality based on synesthetic stimuli such as audiovisual stimulation. It uses a Head Mounted Display (HMD) device that creates a stereoscopic feel by projecting different screens into the binoculars.]


[Visual stimulation is the most intense of the five senses. So when the majority of vision is taken over, the human brain perceives virtual reality as real. But of course, it's not an intellectual delusion that can't distinguish between reality and fiction, it's an instinctual delusion.]

‘I know what you mean. What kind of weird VR are you talking about, explaining brain computers? ’

I was preoccupied with useless explanations, and I picked Rossi up. Rossi replied:

because that's the final evolution of VR.]


[A computer interface is a technology that delivers direct electrical stimulation into the brain to create the perfect virtual reality. In other words, why not show them the world of imagination right away, without some kind of obscene HMD device?]

"Huh, is that even possible? I knew it! I knew it! ’

[Let's explain the principle, and you will quickly understand if you practice the skill yourself.]


I kept thinking about my options.

KB: I slip my hand between her legs.

KB: “Do you have a girlfriend? ”

The one in front is too dramatic.

The back is too boring.

The two views were pursuing the extremes, as if they were the bedding of a compass.

"What's the choice? Is there anything more okay? ’

[There is no neutrality on the running train.]

‘That's not what I meant when I said that. ’

[Anyway, let's start with the simulation. You have nothing to lose anyway. And by the way, the simulation of choice in the brain is almost instantaneous. because in the virtual world, the time axis of reality is meaningless.]

‘Aha. That's like psychometry. ’

[What would you like to simulate first?]

‘I think' is a much more normal approach. Let's go to ’

[Okay, touch the screen.]

Suddenly, a white light flashed before my eyes as I pressed the option that came to mind on the smart watch. Then I screamed unknowingly at the feeling that my whole body was floating as if gravity had disappeared.


[From now on, everything you see is in your virtual world. Remember, in an imaginary world, time doesn't pass.]

* * *


“Huh? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Sung-young, a hairdresser who had been obsessed with scissors for a long time, was furious with the screams of him.

“A, the scissors slightly listen · ·. ”

“Did you cut your ears? Well, I don't mind. ”

“Is that right? I guess I just touched it. ”

“Big, distracted kids are scared. ”

Sunyoung smiled and became obsessed with scissors again.

The sound of hair being cut while squeaking.

Even the look on my face staring at the mirror, as if covered in Kurt Bo, everything was the same as reality.

"Is this really virtual reality? ’

He was dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe it because it was so realistic.

When I pinched the back of my hand, even the touch was still there.

At that moment, I suddenly remembered what Rossi said.

Remember, in an imaginary world, time doesn't pass.

"Yes, a clock. ’

He looks through the mirror at the clock on the other side.

Surprisingly, the clock was still ticking even before that.

"Aha, so the watch is like a peanut? ’

Christopher Surprise's film [Inception] features a tool that distinguishes between dreams and reality.

Fangs spinning infinitely, ignoring the laws of gravity.

In his imagination, the totem was an immovable watch.

Admiring the reality of the virtual world, he asked.

“But do you have a girlfriend? ”

A sudden question stopped Sunyoung from shearing.

“Why? Try your hand if you don't have it? ”

“What · · · ·. ”

“Don't talk about it. I may look like a mother, but I don't know where the kid is. ”

Sunyoung didn't even think about listening to him until the end. After pinching the ball tightly, he was treating the discipline as a rookie.

‘Huh? This isn't it.' ’

Though the embarrassing lessons continued to speak up to anticipated reactions, Sunyoung's expression was already cold.

‘You're wrong. My interest in me is gone. ’

Where did this go wrong?

I thought it was an okay question.

‘Damn it, Rossi. How do I get back to reality? ’

[Turn the wheel of the smart watch once.]

When he turns the wheel, the light flashes before his eyes.

After a while, I opened my eyes again, returning like a lie to the length before the head was cut off. The clock ticking behind the mirror also began to move.

‘Aha, this is how it works. ’

[As a result of the simulation, it is best not to try.]

‘Okay, let's go this time. ’

Learned to strongly touch the option.

* * *


The feeling of having your head cut off with scissors is still real.

Turning his head, he looked outside the store and saw that the people crossing the road and the horns of the vehicle were even creepy enough. My imagination is all about the details.

“Tsk. You have to hold still. If you keep moving, you'll break your head. ”

Sunyoung tapped her head and fixed it in front of her. Seeing that, he was also reluctant to react, and the type of ‘sister' who ridiculed the man was clear.

For a guy like that, I might have felt like a rookie asking if he had a girlfriend. Usually this type prefers a bad guy like a good guy over a nice guy.

I glanced at Sunyoung's legs with my eyes wide open. 15 cm above the knee is visible through the ascending skirt with her smooth thighs.

‘It's crazy not to do it normally · ·. ’

I took my hand off Kurt Bo and carried it between Sunyoung's legs. I know it's virtual reality, but I swallow it. Good thing I didn't stab him with scissors.

Bam bam.

My hand grabs the flesh inside her thigh.

At the same time, Sunyoung stopped the scissors.

“You · · · · ·. ”


I dared to ask again.

It's like the fart is getting angry.

Sunyoung glanced at me for a long time and began to scissor again.

Oh, my gosh!

I can't believe you're just standing there touching naked flesh.

I couldn't even believe the reaction I could not imagine.

It wasn't me, it was you!

I pulled my hand up and dug it under my panties. When she scratched the bottom, she cut her head off and said, "Hmm!” I exhaled roughly.

There was no hint of resistance or denial.

Rather, he even enjoys the taunt of his guests during his haircut.

Having gained courage, I flipped my panties to the side. Sunyoung's slightly wet treasure starts to wet her fingertips.


Clitoris grabs my shoulder with both arms to make sure the visa stimulus gets worse. Her hands tremble with a comb in one hand and scissors in the other.

“You · · ·. I can't keep cutting my hair like this. ”

“What did I do? ”

“· · Phew, really. ”

I still had the audacity to resist.

‘Wah, if I really didn't like it, I would have smoked it a long time ago. ’

More daring I pushed my finger in this time. Suddenly, you dig a long stop into her wet hole.

“Phew · · ·. ”


Sunyoung pleaded with me with a pee-pee face as she scratched her fingers loudly.

“Please, stop. ”


“Stop it. ”


“I don't like it.”


I stab my fingers without feeling sorry for Sunyoung who is crying.

I didn't care about the haircut already. When she looks at the man ridiculously, she surrenders a few times, and an unparalleled sense of conquest comes to her.

Finally, Sunyoung drops the scissors and comb on the beauty cart and loosens the curt bow roughly.

“Ah! I can't stand it, really. ”

“But you're holding out pretty well. ”

“· · Oh my gosh. Faces look naive. ”

“I've got the wrong guy. ”

“Hold on a second. I'm gonna lock the door. ”

Sunyoung locks the shop door inside and lights up the hall.

“I can see it out there. ”

Then I unzipped my pants and pulled out a tangled object from my panties.

First word on the big picture.

“Wow, you're so big! ”

“Why, do you think it's bigger than your husband? ”

Suddenly, when I heard that she had a child, I asked her.

“What did he say? I'm a douche bag. ”


You don't all have husbands because you have kids.

No matter how I imagined it, I would have been a little reluctant to be married, but now I don't feel guilty about what I said.

I command her shoulders pressed down.

“Suck it.”


I felt a hard desire to hide from her digging through the bridge and sucking hard at the object.

“You don't have a boyfriend? ”

Sunyoung paused and replied.

“What a lover. I'm too busy raising a child by myself. ”

“It's a waste. His mother's a woman, too. ”

Sunyoung looked up at me with a subtle face.

“You're not a student are you? Why do you say the mainbird is spirit · · ·. ”

“Why, do you want to see a student ID? ”

“Oh no, thank you. ”

After the Oral, she climbs on her thighs with her legs spread open. Then he grabs the object in his hand and sticks it in the hole himself.



“How's that? Pretty handy, huh? ”

“You're the best, even if you're useful. ”

Sunyoung bounced back and began to pout.


Surprisingly, I felt nothing.

Obviously, the piston quality continued, but I felt no sensation at all. Do you think this is exactly how it feels to be fucked in the air?

Why is it Herbal? ’

[No, it's the limit of skills.]


[because the system developers have blocked the direct source of the stimulus for insertion.]

‘What?! Why on earth would you do that? ’

[Virtual reality is an auxiliary tool. We were worried that if we could solve virtual reality until real sex, our racial desire would be replaced as well.]

The Oral is the same as it used to be. ’

[Oral sex was masturbated. You decided you didn't have to stop it.]

Shit, everything else is unnecessarily real and unnecessary. ’

[Master, the situation is just a figment of your imagination. Feel free to return to the real world.]

"Oh, my God. This isn't just about anything. ’

I rewind the wheel of the smart watch behind the sadness.

* * *

The lesson of returning to reality shakes severely.

"Ugh. Why are my hands so shaky? ’

[Virtual reality is highly psychoactive. Your brain weighs less than two percent, but your calories are nearly 20 percent. It seems that the sugar in the body is degraded as it consumes energy momentarily.]

What do you mean, "skill side effects"? ’

[You might want to save some chocolate and candy for next time.]

“Are you sick? ”

“Oh, no. ”

“You look pale. ”

Sunyoung stopped the scissors and looked at his face.

Is he a little weak? Tsk, tsk. Heroism is fine. ’

Sunyoung tasted sad.

For her who had not tasted a man in the last few months, the young and handsome lesson was a very attractive guest. It was due to the expectation that he would be accepted even though it was a deadline. Unfortunately, the lesson wasn't the roughest man she wanted.

‘Men without numbers are not so good. ’

Sunyoung was single.

The man who got her pregnant was a local nun who found out that Sunyoung was pregnant and irresponsibly fled to the military. Lost contact after that.

Because of this, Sunyoung had to make money at an early age.

Everyone was surprised when she told me that she had been living poorly until high school, and that she studied skills in a beauty school. I expected to quit in a few months, but she managed to pull through. After a long Ciuda life, I paid a small amount to my own shop. Parent

The power of the castle was that great.

However, the nature of the exasperated nature did not disappear easily.

Especially when you're looking at a man and you're still on the ground.

I met some nice and sincere men, but I was not at all enthusiastic. Especially when I was having sex, I didn't even think about getting wet underneath.

She was forced to tame the bad man.

< 200. Escape Sewer 24 > End

Angry Fire Column