Let Me Be Reborn

549. Gujarati Band9

* * *

“Phew, a real date with Hyun-mi would be fucked. ”

Taeyoung, who was lying on the couch, lowered his phone and sighed of relief. I don't know how positive I've been in the last two weeks since I did an unsettled request to avoid the crisis.

“Third grade is better, even if you meet her, not second grade. ”

Between physical education, the second grade was called a cursed class number.

A number where both the male and female gender ratios have been completely destroyed.

Even the red dot, the two women did not change their appearance.

The reason why there were so many girls elected at the school number was because of the rumor that there were too many men elected last year.

“As long as the president is a little short, he's a one-sided guy. ”

Mayumi, president, is the most prominent of the third grade.

She is close to 180 and has an attractive figure. I had a cool charm because my arms and legs were long and I felt like looking at the model. The last time I went to see a cheerleading car race, I wore hot pants and was unconsciously stuffed.

“Women who look tough on the outside are surprisingly stubborn in bed. · · ”

Taeyoung remembered Mayumi's face and fell into a daze without even knowing it. In his imagination, as a pro daughter, women in the academy have been committed dozens of times.

The house must be empty too. Taeyoung, who was filled with lust, shoved his left hand into the sweatpants. He shrugs his balls and takes them under his nose, sniffing and sniffing.

‘Ugh, it stinks. I'm gonna take a shower after this game. ’

I thought my nose was going to be paralyzed, but there was no one on Earth who could stop the pro's daughter from being triggered immediately.

‘The beginners don't know, but one of the daughters is the heiress. I can fuck anyone in my head. ’

When Taeyoung finished preparing all the tissues in the room, the phone rang a tone.

It was a distinctive sound, unlike the cracking message.

“Oh, you can't be serious!? ”

It's an instant beep.

It was a sign that a neighbor he was following just posted a new post. I opened my phone and clicked on the pop-up message to connect directly to the Insta app.

“Awesome! SSG at this hour! ”

The person who posted the post was an anonymous female user named SSG, who was recently confronted. The tag was full of all sorts of perverted investigations, and she was a famous sex star, sometimes known for releasing huge photos of exposure at dawn.


SSG1004 # Bored # Slow weekend # Giraffeing # Explosion of libido # Nipple Tweezers

Taeyoung, checking the hash tag, stepped on the word "nipple tweezers." SSG enjoys a variety of tools and exposure play, and has long experienced nipple exposure.

‘What a dump. Must have exploded in the middle of Sunday morning, like me. ’

Just before, Taeyoung, who was the best daughter, suddenly began to rub her phone in one hand.

‘Visual stimulation is also helpful for preheating. Ahem.’

Taeyoung quickly changed his attitude and watched the photo posted by the SSG.

White skin like a frit.

The nipple was straight through a bright, colorful circle with a wooden tong for sale in the stationery. Lie on the bed, the breast that flowed down the side was close to perfect, from size to shape.

“Oh, great! ”

Comments started running in real time less than a minute after posting.

Royal pervert 230dd: Take me, sexy. Huff-puff.

Homosexual Sphere (gogo78): I want to be a Tweezer today.

Sex 48394; sexbo: Don't you need an invitation from SSG? Get a free business trip

Taeyoung snorted when she saw the comment requesting an invitation.

“You're crazy. SSG's gonna fall for you. ”

The other night, Tae-young, who was hurt more by his mom, broke down his computer for a while and then went into the world of Insta after relaying the PC room. Suddenly, I realized that mobile ecosystems were overflowing with nasty data like the Internet.

He said goodbye to the many AV actors he had collected over the years, followed famous sex stars, and began to fill his hunger.

AV actors and BJs are literally professional sluts. They take off their clothes and have sex with men to make money.

"Sol Kamal, what are they like whores? '

Of course, there are times when sex is naturally good, but when you think about the label or the expenditure due to the starwind, you can't erase the commercial feeling.

Whereas the sex stars were completely different.

They were free.

They didn't ask for anything.

All they needed was a one-off like ♥ heart and a few comments - an unspecified number of spectations - were enough.

They were even ordinary people.

Most of them covered their faces, but they were definitely ordinary women who existed around us. Filthy perverts who defuse uncontrollable sexuality with cyber clichés.

Taeyoung felt overwhelmed with joy when he looked at the naked bodies of women who might come across him by chance. I even thought it was better to have the computer destroyed.

AV actor or BJ is a shell. The only real one is the sex star. ’

It was the conclusion that Tae Young made.

I am refreshing the comment and the SSG has made a comment.

Sex 48394; sexbo: Don't you need an invitation from SSG? Get a free business trip

(SSG1004): Invited? I've been thinking about doing a real event since I've been so bored lately. For the record, I like big things.

“Phew, even a direct reply! But what do you mean? Shit, I can't. ”

Taeyoung sighs a long sigh at the object that is tightly held in one hand.

If he had given me desire, he would have given me abilities. Why did God give Himself so much lust and give us such a crummy thing?

‘Oh, no. I'm not much of a prize, let alone a prize. ’

Taeyoung threw his phone away, and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

A new parallel world unfolds in his mind.

Taeyoung was the world's most powerful sex star in the universe. Taeyoung, the strongest person there, became a great object.

* * *

He sat in the corner of the gym and turned his back on his phone for a long time, declaring that he had given up in 10 minutes.



‘I can't find it. I ran a name search through 32 seaweeds, but none of them matched. ’

[Hmm, maybe you're mistaken?]

I don't know. I'm pretty sure we can't search by name. Come to think of it, I wouldn't bet my real name on posting pictures of exposure. I guess I didn't think I was working so well. ’

[I suppose so. because if you see your name or your face, you'll find out who all the universities are.]

‘Dammit. What a waste of time. I'm gonna wash up and go home. ’

He was about to go into the shower with a towel, but the trainer approached again.

“Oh, you're going, Mr. Dohun? ”


“Take my proposal seriously. ”

“Well, I'm busy studying these days. ”

“No, it's not a competition for professional bodybuilders. There's a competition that's only open to college students these days. It would be a huge help to your résumé if you were injured. ”

“I understand.”

The Trainer adds one last word to defeat the annoying Trainer.

“For the record, coach Mina also went to the competition when she was a student. ”

“Really? Women go out? ”

“Yes. Muscle Mania has a female department. I used to work alone, but after the competition, I worked hard with real poison. And that winds up this way. ”

“Oh, that. ”

“It's a great place to start a Pilates Institute these days. I want you to take this seriously. You know, I don't know people's lives. ”

“Thanks anyway. ”

He thought in the shower.

How's Meena doing, by the way? I haven't seen him since he was preparing for the opening ceremony. ’

Did you suddenly hear the news and wonder?]

‘Just what. She wasn't the kind of girl to do that once. ’

When I think of Mina's elastic body, a signal comes from underneath. In the shower, where others were washing themselves, he ran out of the wardrobe room, politely gathering his hands and covering things.

[No, if you suddenly fall apart like that · · ·.]

‘I need to be healthy. That's where the attack started, by the way. ’

On a limited mission inside the gym, he seduced her with the excuse that he didn't have a towel.

And storm sex.

The lessons became more and more unbearable as the memories came back to life. Let's go out there and be with her.) and the equipment that had been there, and the posture of the day, were touched like a headlamp.

‘Ugh, I fucking love it when I think about it. ’

[My Lord, there are usually breakups when we meet. I thought it was a clean slate.]

‘But when we break up, we meet again. Don't you know? "

[Excessive greed is harmful. Sometimes you have to let go.]

‘You shouldn't put eggs in one basket. All men are no good. ’

[Phew, just do whatever you want. If your master decides to attack, is there a woman who can survive?]

‘I'm just going to call him. It's Sunday, so why don't you take a break? ’

The heartfelt doctrine leaves a message for Mina as she steps out of the gym.

Lee Dou Hoon: Sis. You're doing well, right?

I got a quick reply.

Sonmi Na: Oh my God. Who do you think you've been calling? Heh heh

Surprisingly, the reaction was not bad. To put it bluntly, she went diving for over a month, but Mina was still favorable.

He felt sorry and thankful for Mina, who never forgot herself.

Lee Dou Hoon: I heard about you after a long workout. I heard you've been doing well at school lately.

Sonmi Na: Who said that?

Lee Douhoon: The male trainer.

Sonmi Na: You're useless. It's just open teeth. You've found more than I thought.

Idohun Lee: You must have moved there because you did well. I used to hang out with PTA members sometimes.

Sonmi: Honestly, I took care of customers. I don't really like drinking.

Lee Dou Hoon: I see. I thought you were drunk that day. So drunk in gym · · · · ·.

Song Mi-na: Oh, why are you suddenly saying that?

He slowly throws the bait.

Lee Dou Hoon: I didn't see you until just before your practice.

Sonmi Na: I mean. I was so distracted because I always run it by the staff. It was good to get a paycheck comfortably. You went to work for instructor class again today.

Lee Douhoon: It's Sunday.

Sonmi Na: Yeah. Take a break on Saturdays and get a license class on Sundays. It's hard to deal with ordinary people on weekdays.

Sonmi's at the Pilates Shop, right? ’

[Yes, that sounds like it.]

I don't think we're far from here. ’

Lee Dou Hoon: So you're in the shop now?

Sonmi Na: Yeah, why?

Lee Dou Hoon: I'm on my way home from work. Can I see your face on the porch?

I haven't heard back from Mina in a while.

Before he even heard the answer, he turned to a Pilates shop that he had visited before. Time passed and a reply came.

Sonmi Na: Yeah. I was just on my way to lunch after halftime. Would you like to join me for lunch?

Lee Dou Hoon: Really? So you're giving me dessert?

Sonmi: Dessert?

Lee Dou Hoon: Yes, I want dessert.

Sonmi Na: Oh! Hey, you really.

Lee Dou Hoon: We're almost there.

Sonmi Na: What? Really? No. I'm in the shower.

Perhaps the reason the conversation was paused was preparing for washing up.

Lee Do-hoon: Lies. How am I supposed to tap it in the shower?

Sonmi Na: It's a waterproof phone. Are we really there?

Lee Dou Hoon: Yes, I have just arrived at the building. Now get up there.

Sonmi: The store's locked. I came in to clean up after you this morning.

Lee Dou Hoon: Please open it.

Sonmi Na: No. I'm naked.

Lee Dou Hoon: Should we wait outside?

Sonmi Na: Oh my gosh. How can you have a guest out here in writing? I'll tell you the password, so open it and come in. 1234 #

The lesson of confirming the security number of the electronic door presses the password that appears on the screen. After a while, the door opened with a siren.

‘Huh.Lucky me. Nice timing.'

[Well, you're one lucky guy.]

The Pilates Shop was familiar with the view as it was just before the opening.

Is the shower this way? ’

He slowly walked to the shower room. There was a sound of water coming from inside. He began to get stuck before he even entered the dressing room.

‘I was supposed to go for dessert, but now I have to go for appetizers. ’

He carefully opens the changing room door without making a sound.

There was white steam on the opaque glass inside the dressing room, and a pale silhouette grew up.

Sonmi Na: You're not in yet, are you? I'm almost done washing. I'll be right out.

However, the lesson of checking the crack was already undressed. He opens the shower door wide and leans back, with a firm erection.

“Meena. It's been a long time."

< 549. Gujarati Band9 > End

Angry Fire Column