Let's Manage The Tower

(12) The End of God's Judgment

On that day, the world rejoiced at the arrival of the gods for the first time in a long time, and then fought against the gods.

Suddenly, God descended.

In the town where God actually came down, the atmosphere was a lot more interesting than what happened at first.

Then, as soon as God inspired God to know it, people understood what its presence was in the sky.

As soon as the understanding spread that God had come, joy came to people's hearts.

At the same time, however, the question arose as to why God had come.

To answer the question, the descended God spoke directly to the people.

And when I found out what was said, my face turned blue as usual.

"Judgment of God" is a judgment made against people when God comes directly down like this one.

At this time, it is not impossible to mistake that God will come down to the city where they are.

The coming of God took place simultaneously all over the world, and later turned out to be a mistake.

In addition, immediately after this descent, God conveyed the contents of the Judgment of God to the people.

Even though we know that the content of the trial is not directly related to us, we suspect that there is some relationship at that point in time, because no one knows if we have to give up as people.

Anyway, it was one thing that was communicated by God.

It was only that the temple of the kingdom of Gates in the Northern Continent was decreed.

It was important not to go wrong, but to the temple of the kingdom of Gates.

Neither as an aid nor as a god, I do not intend to harm the people of the Kingdom of Gates in this matter.

Nevertheless, some people will end up eating as a result, but it is a matter of the Gates kingdom.

The magnitude of the damage will naturally change depending on how the Gates Kingdom responds to this disposition.

I have no intention of being so involved as a god.

Anyway, with the arrival of these gods, the Judgment of God became known to the whole world.

Naturally, the nations will investigate what the temple in the Kingdom of Gates did.

As a result, this work became known to the upper echelons of each country or to the shrines.

It was impossible for the kingdom of Gates to hide it because of the judgment of God.

If Amamiya's Tower were to be heard, it would be impossible to hide it because it answered precisely.

Above all, there were some things that could not be hidden because the gods were involved accurately in this matter.


There were three dispositions that Kaiseki communicated to the Gates Kingdom side, but one of them was immediately transferred to implementation.

After all, of course, it's about sinking a Gates kingdom warship that was approaching the Central Continent.

Even if you say sink, you didn't use an example weapon where people are on board.

I warned him and used the tower's features to drill an irreparable hole in the bottom of the ship.

In addition, he gave time, as he had promised King Arthur before the warning.

I don't know what kind of instructions King Arthur gave, but when he actually attacked, he was already carrying food and so on, so I'm sure he gave the instructions well.

However, there were a dozen ships approaching this time, and about three of them were about to leave the waters.

Naturally, the examiner sank the three ships individually.

I didn't promise to run, so I'm not going to say anything about it in particular.

Rather, the three ships that fled would have done more damage.

It was King Arthur's instructions to do all the damage he could to his men if he stayed there without fleeing.

It was possible that someone had died in his own attack, but Kaiseki had no idea about it.

I don't know whether this is the influence of becoming a god or whether the world has changed, but the feeling around it may be different from before.

Regardless, the first of the three was carried out on the day of the meeting with the Kingdom of Gates.

What followed was the descent of the gods against the temple of the kingdom of Gates.

Whatever the reason, it took a long time for the gods to descend on the boulders around the world, so they waited a day for it to happen.

It was a world that had been a little confused since the judgment of God took place, but it soon subsided.

They went back to their normal lives when they didn't get hurt.

The problem was a church other than the church where God's judgment was made.

There was also a temple that did something similar or closer.

He was terrified that the judgment would soon come to him.

This judgment, of course, was only the temple of the kingdom of Gates, and there was no judgment of God in other temples.

Thankfully, the temple did not emerge to begin the same thing with peace of mind.

No one had the courage to do the same as soon as the Rule of God was executed.

The last attack was on the tower of Bahem.

It took days to get to the tower, not to tackle it.

Incidentally, I did not study aids for the offensive.

I didn't have to go out of my way to free myself immediately after I attacked.

Kouchi was the only one who went to the tower.

Mitsuki wants to go too, but either one of us has to stay as an escort.

As a result of the fair play, Kouchi went.

It was okay for both of us to go as an exam aid, but they refused.

For both of us, escort is our top priority.

Kouhi's attack on the tower seemed to have been carried out with all his might, and he was attacked in less than ten days.

When Kouchi attacked, he didn't know if Karl was in the tower.

The Gates kingdom group who came to the tower in the first place arrived at the tower sooner than they returned to the country, so it is possible that Kouhi was not there when he finished his offensive.

Even if he had been in the tower, it would have been possible for Carl to have escaped.

After attacking as promised, he immediately liberated it, making it a free tower for anyone to attack.

Carl hasn't confirmed that he tried to attack the tower since.

As a matter of course, the adventurers were seen entering, but there was no information that the tower had been attacked on the control board.


Naturally, the kingdom of Gates was devastated by a series of judgments.

Ironically, I don't know if it was lucky for the kingdom of Gates that there was no other country to come forward because the judgment of God was carried out.

Regardless, the Gates kingdom had no choice but to rebuild the country that had been torn apart by this incident.

"At least we won't be dealing with our continent in the future."

Alec was right in front of the examiner.

It was not foolish enough to put something in the Amamiya Tower again with this state of boulders.

In addition, there was another effect.

"In this case, it's a big deal to be hostile to us."

This will be bigger for the Amamiya Tower.

Because it was recognized that if they were hostile, the gods would come out if they succeeded.

To be precise, there is no such thing, but I have decided to leave it to the extent that you mistake yourself.

Of course I won't use it.

If we do that, we could be like the Gates kingdom.

If asked, I will answer honestly, and the mistake will soon disappear.

"Does that mean that the country that's going to play weird tricks is gone?

"What do you think? Humans are forgotten creatures. I'm sure you'll find another way to look at this as a thing of the past."

"Oh, I'm sure it is."

As for Alec, I think it would be good to be unable to do anything in the meantime.

One way to do this leads to the idea of creating a country that has also been consulted before.

Naturally, I have already told the examiner about it.

It was a different story how the examiner would judge after receiving it.