Let's Manage The Tower

(1) Place of date

Kaiseki encountered Towa with a complex expression after visiting the management.

"Twa, what's wrong?

The auxiliary student was more surprised to hear the unusual expression of Twa.

Tois, who draws heavily on Florian blood (thought Kaiseki), is growing well as the next king.

The other day, Florian used to say, "You can change whenever you want."

It would be surprising, but not impossible, for such a twist to look embarrassed, as if it was a troublesome cut.

"Father, I'd like to ask you a little favor, okay?

Towa, who said so in a way that he could hardly say anything, further rounded his eyes.

It is unusual for Towa to say such a thing for the first time.

"... what?

Suppressing inner upset, the examiner becomes a serious face.

After seeing the examiner, Towa showed the technique of swallowing the words once, and finally uttered the words.

"... can I bring Daniela here?

At such a moment, Towa's head became pure white for a moment without knowing what the examiner said.

"... Hi?

Due to the difference between Towa's attitude and its contents, the study aid unexpectedly became an ecstatic expression.

In response to such an examination, Towa became more difficult to say than ever before.

"Eh, so I'd like to bring Daniela here..."

Looking at Towa's face again, I once again realized that there was something going on and decided to listen in detail.

When Towa heard her embarrassing explanation, Kaiseki turned to sympathize.

It would certainly be embarrassing to consult with my father.

I can see that it was cut too much.

Towa's advice was, in short, that she wanted time to date Daniela.

It was still good when I was in school.

We had friends who would help us and, above all, we had plenty of time.

However, after graduating from school, we didn't have time for each other, and even if time was convenient, it would meet with some kind of obstruction.

Obstruction, of course, is not obvious.

In the first place, the queen, Floria, admits to Daniela.

Doing something strange can ruin the queen's mood.

That's why they get in the way of subtle plans for euphemisms.

Florian is amazed at the detour, but the way is too exquisite to stop.

As a result, Towa came to consult with her father, Kaiseki.

"I see. Also, Towa is having some weird trouble."

Shreyn nodded with a subtle expression as she listened to him beside the examiner.

"Somehow... This is ridiculous, but it happens."

"What are you talking about? In the case of Twa, it's not straightforward, is it?


According to Shreyn, Kaiseki leaned his neck.

"There's a difference between Miss Twa and Miss Daniela. Unlike the rest of the continent, is there still no title as a kingdom?

As Shreyn turned her gaze towards the toe, the toe nodded small and sighed.

"Yes, we both know that, but if we could just..."

"I want to make time with you."

Kaiseki nodded when he understood what Towa wanted to say.

As an assistant who understands the feeling of wanting to be together, I wanted to make Towa feel better.

However, the examiner clasped his face with his arms.

"Um... is it difficult?

Looking at Towa who gave up slightly, Kaiseki shook his head to the left and right in a hurry.

"No, no, that's not true. Bringing them to management is no problem in itself."

Towa leaned his neck to the subtle words of the examiner.

"No, it's impossible to be alone at this level of management, isn't it?

"Father, it's almost impossible for someone like me to be alone before marriage."

If you are Prince Wang, you will almost certainly have an escort, and you will certainly have an escort because there will be no mistake.

Still, it was far more difficult to meet them in a decent way than it is now.

Not to mention, those who are in and out of management will understand the situation with Towa talking like this now.

After discerning these thoughts, Kaiseki sighed.

Though I had no choice, I thought it was very difficult to breathe.

"Well, I don't mind if Towa thinks so. There's nothing wrong with bringing him to management."

"Thank you!

When the examiner gives permission, he is as angry as ever (?) The customer's face looked happy because of the accumulation of the product.

Looking at Towa who had left management happily, Kaiseki sighed.

"Hmm, I want to do something about it."

Seeing these examinations, Shreyn leaned his neck.

"What should I do?

"I want to do that in the mountains, but I think we should stop."


Shreyn leans her head toward a thorough study aid.

"Because when parents talk about things like this, it's usually not a busy outcome."

Hmm. That's a good one.

Shreyn nodded as if she was completely convinced by the words of Kaiseki.


Seeing Daniela still nervous in front of herself, Kaiseki decided to quickly retreat into the back.

It makes no sense to make extra noises to make you nervous.

Colette and Peach, who were just coming to see how things were, also realized that and went after the exam aid.

As an examiner, I feel like my wife is putting me in danger by being rugged off on a holiday.

However, in this case, it is only to fulfill Towa's wishes.

That much bad reputation (?) is willing to wear it.

The assistant who moved from the relaxing space to the private room to be driven away roared with his arms tied together.

"What's wrong with you?

I watched the exam and heard Mitsuki follow me.

"I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say, I'm pathetic..."

It was the feeling of the assistant examiner who saw the two of them today.

Nothing like a crack appeared between the two of them.

Rather, it was the same feeling as before that made the situation look pathetic.

"I know what you're trying to say, but that's what Kaosuke-san said before. If you stick your mouth in a strange way, it won't be a busy result.

"That's right. That's why Florian is giving his hand too."

I talked to Floria today before Daniela came to management, but she still seemed to have the same feelings as Kaiseki.

Still, each other is a real god, a queen, and so on, so we can't talk strangely.

I was serious about whether I would even let it out as a god, but I suppressed it as a last resort to driftstone.

I snore too much, and I can't predict the consequences.

There is a feeling that there will be no such thing.

After all, I could only watch it, but I thought it might be the same in any home.