Let's Manage The Tower

(8) Breakthrough?

With the help of the elders, Kaosuke and Shreyne met about a dozen people who believed in Mother Earth.

As a result, all of them were able to see the two, and it was also found that they looked differently depending on the depth of their faith.

The depth of faith in this case ranged from specific things such as having served as the main ritual of the Mother Earth god, to ordinary casual beliefs.

In particular, it is known that Aneta and Lumia were able to clearly see Kaiseki and Shreyn as priests of rituals performed in the village, and that they had always honored Mother Earth.

In the case of Inez, he was usually casual and thankful to Mother Earth under the influence of his mother Aneta.

Incidentally, Aneta and Lumia were the only ones who could clearly see Kaiseki and Shreyn. Others only looked vague like elders and their faces were not clear.

Kaosuke and Shreyne think that Aneta and Lumia have a great influence on the priesthood in the village.

There is also the idea of whether it can be concluded by verification with just a dozen people, but Kaiseki and Shreyn thought that this was fine.

Above all, since there were fewer people who believed in Mother Earth than they thought, they had decided that there was no point in doing so.

It is impossible to think in an era when there are examiners, but it is sufficient to realize that this is the case in this era.

For Kaiseki and Schlein, the Mother Earth God (Clara) was found to be important, and the question is what to do to return to the original era.

To verify it, Shreyn called Aneta and Lumia to the monastery prepared for the elders.

"--So, do you have any idea?

Anita and Lumia looked at Shreyn.

If you two think about it, suddenly even if they say such a thing, it's like that.

"Even so, since I am the elder's daughter, I have served as an important priest, and I am not so familiar with Mother Earth. After all, the most familiar person in the village is Lumiya, right?

"Wow, it's me!?

Loomia, who spoke to Aneta, opened her eyes and expressed surprise.

Indeed, as you say, if someone in the village says that the Mother Earth is the most knowledgeable, it is not that I am not complacent.

But that's why I don't have the knowledge to solve Schlein's situation...

Lumiya looked up at the ceiling to remember what she knew, but she finally gave up and shook her head to the side.

"... I knew it wouldn't work. Nothing comes to mind."

The knowledge of the Mother Earth, which Lumiah knew, was nothing more than a prayer for the richness of the year or a tribute to the fruit, and had nothing to do with Am.

Loomia had a sad look on her face, and Shreyne felt like she didn't care.

"Whatever. Just because Lumia doesn't know anything is helpful enough. They can assume that they don't know anything about this."

For Kaiseki and Shreyn, it is most difficult for them to deal with it halfway.

As Shreyne has just said, if you have no idea, you just have to look into it for yourself instead of asking the people in the village for nothing.

Of course, it takes longer to find out for yourself from one place than if the people in the village knew.

But as before, I can turn my time around to ask the people in the village.

Moreover, since Aneta and Lumia are familiar with the faith of Mother Earth in this era, it is not useless at all.

Aneta and Lumia, who had a convincing expression in Shreyn's explanation, then looked relieved.

The Elder told me to cooperate with Schlein as much as possible, so I thought it wouldn't help.

"So, what do you want to know?

"Well, wait. I can't think of anything right away... hmm? Kowske, what's wrong?

Almost at the same time that she said she couldn't think of it, Shreyne looked at it and leaned her neck.

Kaiseki, who was shook up by Shreyn, had been curious since he was talking to the people in the village who believed in Mother Earth.

Speaking of which,

"I'd like to ask you two, how do you see Shreyne's cane?

A tin wand?

"A tin wand?

Anita and Lumia leaned their necks simultaneously to ask the auxiliary questions.

The examiner who saw it was convinced that his predictions were correct.

"After all, can't you see the cane clearly for both of us? Shreyn should always have it."

"Why not? Is that true!?

In the unexpected words of Kaiseki, Shreyn opened her eyes and then looked alternately at Aneta and Lumia.

Looking at Shreyn, Aneta and Lumia had a confused look.

"I knew that Lord Shreyne always had something in his left hand, but I don't even know what he had."

"In my case, I can only see things like long sticks."

Shreyne was even more surprised to learn that Aneta and Lumia looked different.

And when I saw the exam aid, I had a difficult face.


"Oh, yeah. Well, in the meantime, you might want to stay in Inez."

For now, Inez is the only one who knows that he can see the cane clearly.

Neither the examiner nor Shreyne thought there was a difference at first, so they didn't confirm it.

Either way, it may be necessary to check with the elder, but for the time being, Inez suggested that we should listen to him.


Inez, who came to the temple where the auxiliaries were called to Lumia, somehow had a cramped face.

"No, I don't think you have that face all of a sudden, but did you do something strange?

Unexpectedly, Inez shook his neck to the left and right in a hurry.

"Yes, no. I was in some kind of tight air, so I thought maybe I did something funny..."

Inez was sensitive to the tight air that was floating in the monastery.

It may be because of the stacked age that I had a bad imagination about myself, but Shreyne was intrinsically impressed that the feeling wasn't bad.

Without giving such an idea, Shreyne shook her neck to the left and right before laughing.

"That's not true, is it? You're doing well. I just wanted to ask you something."

Shreyne reassured Inez before communicating her request.

There is no point in finding a breakthrough, but the person at stake is nervous.

That was Shreyn's thought, but Inés' expression was a clear relief.

Looking at that face, Shreyn thought behind her smile that it didn't matter if Inez of her time was so honest.