Let's Manage The Tower
(1) New associates
It's been a long time since Kuro found you.
Initially, I was going to let him stay with me to see how things were going, but I spent a relaxing time in the Kaiseki shrine without any particular problems, so I was going to keep keeping them together for a long time.
As a result, Eifa had given birth to three children, after a brilliant renovation of Chloe's partner.
The problem here was that Crow and Aifa were born in the hierarchy of towers, so they naturally remembered hunting, but since the children were in Kaiseki shrine from birth, monsters and even ordinary animals could not be hunted.
That was the problem, so we were moving our base to a level where it seemed safe for the clowns to hunt.
Of course, another black cat appears in that hierarchy.
I dared to choose such a hierarchy because I was careful to return to the wild whenever my children left their parents.
Whether the consideration was alive or not, the three children who were born disappeared from the base after a certain period of time.
With proper parental separation, each family (?) Half of them were lonely and the other half sighed with relief.
One day, the examiner who came to the base where Kuro was sitting was staring at Shreyn, who had been temporarily released from child-rearing.
"So was Kuro, but Aifa must have been wild, right?
"Yeah? Yeah, but?
"... why do you miss it so much?
Aifa was completely relaxed, stroked by the hand of the examiner.
When you try to stop the examiner from stroking you, you slip your body even further.
The trick only looks like a cat that has grown up, no matter how you look at it.
Of course, Shreyne knows that such a figure is only for the examiners, so she won't get too close by inadvertently.
"No, no matter why I was told... original personality?
"That's not true!
The examiner finally deflected his attention to Shreyn, who had so precisely penetrated him.
When asked why, I don't know why.
Nostalgic opponents (monsters) do not miss, and nostalgic opponents do not miss at all.
That doesn't change even if it's an exam aid.
However, the scope is only very wide in the case of examinations.
Schlein suspects that if the ordinary tamer is the pond around it, it would be as big as the sea in the case of a study aid.
Speaking of which to the examiner, I knew that the answer that there was no such thing would come back, so I dared not say it.
Without knowing that Shreyn was thinking of such a thing, Kaisuke, who was stroking Aifa, stopped his hand.
It wasn't because I was tired of stroking, but because I showed the tricks that Eifa cared about somewhere else.
"... what's wrong?
When Kaiseki heard that, he understood the meaning of the word, and he just stood up and started walking toward the entrance to the base.
It doesn't mean that something is at stake because you're not running.
In addition, I felt that the examiner who was looking at the appearance was somehow jumping with joy.
Shreyne, who was looking at Aifa in the same way, listened with her neck tilted.
"What's going on?
"Come on? I don't know, but for now, I don't think it's a bad thing. Did Kuro come back?
Kuro had left the base before the examiner arrived.
That was a common occurrence, so I didn't really care if he was out hunting anywhere.
Anyway, Kaosuke and Shreyne followed Aifa and headed for the base entrance in the same way.
So Kaiseki and Shreyne saw three black cats approaching each other to observe Eifa near the entrance to the base.
There are also three other black cats around it.
The latter are definitely Chloe and her children, born of Eifa.
"Ah, I see. I thought you had nested and left, but it's the type to come back."
"Really? I've never heard anything like that before.
In the first place, wild black cats should not be a very herd type.
It was surprising that it was a group, and above all, it was strange to Shreyne that she returned to her base.
The assistant who leaned his neck to hear Shreyn's words,
"Really? So they're special? Or maybe he came back because he knew he'd get the food if he was at the base."
In the vicinity of the base, the recall team replenishes the proper food, just like the family members.
That's why you don't have to go on an expedition to get fed.
At present, Kaiseki thinks that Kuro's departure from the base is a hobby.
Shreyn nodded at the words of the examiner.
"The latter is more likely. If there's a deal with Clos and Aifa, it's because it's heaven that lives here."
Always getting bitter food is a rare advantage for those who live in the wild.
In that case, it is not strange to think that it is not bad to live together with the indigenous people.
However, it is possible that the black cat itself originally had such an ecology.
Kaosuke and Shreyne were talking about it, and somehow three new black cats approached.
However, it was the examiner who stopped by with all three of them, not Shreyne.
Shreyn thought that might happen, so she was laughing inside while watching the puzzled study aid.
It was interesting to see that I was always confused when I had to get used to it.
Without such a shrain, Kaiseki gradually reached out to the three black cats who approached him bewildered.
If you try to touch it suddenly, there is a risk of being bitten, so don't do such reckless things no matter how much you study.
Even though Kaiseki reached out, he didn't really try to touch the newly added three black cats.
And you cut out your numbness, and the children of Aifa came closer and touched you with thoughts.
Looking at that, I wonder if you've finally made up your mind, the three black cats have gently touched the hand of Kaiseki.
Once I touched my hand, it was too early.
When you rub your own body and lick your hands, you get all you want to do.
Hmm. I wonder if you're safe.
In a way, Shreyne was even relieved by the scenery as expected.
I was relieved that Mitsuki, who had stayed away from the shadows, would not be crushed.
I don't know if it was because of Crow and Aifa's children or because they showed obedience as the top of the base, but the new three Black Cats were successfully adapting to the base anyway.
― ― Finish the exam successfully.
At this time, I had no expectation that this would be the biggest test for Blackcat to live in the base.