Let's Manage The Tower
(7) Means of movement of vampires
When Kaiseki finished his field work at his new base and was at ease with management.
Shreyn, who showed her face, approached me and asked me this.
"I think Kaiseki makes a lot of magic tools, but don't you make anything about means of transportation? Except for the horseless carriage, of course.
It was a study aid with the face that I didn't know what to say for a moment, but I found a serious color in Shreyn's expression and thought about it for a moment before answering.
"Is it correct that there is no point in making now rather than not making now?
"Doesn't it make sense? What does that mean... I see. Is that so?"
It was Shreyn's face that seemed strange for a moment, but she nodded as soon as she understood it.
In the first place, there is hardly any difficulty with mobility.
If you travel from tens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers, you can use a flying dragon, and if you travel further, you can ask the Tengye clan.
I have a way to move faster than any other means in the world, so I dare not feel the significance of creating a new magical instrument.
Recently, Kaiseki has been saying that magic tools are a tool to make people's lives easier, but even though he doesn't use them, he can't make new magic tools just to make money.
When I saw Shreyne nodding with a convincing face, I heard that Floria looked like she was intrigued.
"What happened when you suddenly asked me that?
"Speaking of which, there were things that weren't necessarily hired."
Seeing Shreyne with such a delicate face, Kaiseki leaned his neck.
I thought the halfway phrase was Shreyne's only line.
Having listened carefully in advance, Kaiseki, who understood that he wanted some means of transportation, looked at Schlein again and heard it again.
"You want a new way to get around? Shreyne should be able to ride a dragon, right?
"No, it's not me I want."
As always, Kaiseki said bitterly to Shreyn, who had bad teeth.
"It's not like I don't want to make anything, so just tell me why.
In the words of the examiner, Shreyn began to talk about it.
Then, according to Shreyne, in short, vampires wanted legs when looking for other people scattered around the world.
It has been more than twenty years since the Vamilinian clan began living in the tower.
In the meantime, I've been searching for allies, but their range of exploration is expanding around the world, and their range of travel is becoming problematic.
I've heard rumors of that, but it seems that there have been times when I abandoned the distance too far.
Sometimes it was easier to gather more people than to go that far.
The vampires living in the tower hierarchy are growing steadily thanks to this, but it's time to come here and see the shadows.
"--Because the aim is not to increase the number of people living in the village in the first place, that's fine, but considering that they may be in places they have never been before,"
Hmm. I see.
The examiner also understood what Shreyn wanted to say and became convinced.
As in the Prost family, if Kaiseki herself is going to look for it, there are rumors that it is not enough.
Moreover, it is the majority opinion of vampires that it is attractive to have Kaiseki himself move in the first place.
It was an opinion that Shreyne could agree with, so I thought it would be nice if there were magical devices that could travel long distances.
I finished listening to Shreyn, but she looked a little like she was thinking.
"If that's what you're saying, it's okay to make a magical instrument, but..."
Having said that, Shreyn turned a little dark after seeing the exam aid.
"You still can't?
"No, there's no problem. If that's not the case, you don't have to rely on magic tools to get around anyway.
When Kaiseki said so, Shreyn became confused.
For Shreyne, the image of Kaosuke = magic equipment came to mind, so I couldn't think of any other method.
After seeing Shreyn's face, Kaiseki now turned to Floria.
Floria nodded and looked at Shreyne.
"Do you think Kowske is saying that vampires should use flying dragons, like the Tianyi?
"Dragon flying...!?
In Florian's words, Shreyn looked at Kaiseki in surprise.
I also wondered if vampires would use flying dragons on their faces, but there were others.
Speaking of which, there is a fear that if vampires who already live in towers use flying dragons, it will stand out in another sense.
It is natural to assume that if vampires who live in hiding in the real-world gods suddenly start riding the flying dragon, the flying dragon will also be kept in the tower from there.
If the flying dragon finds out that there is a way to ride freely, it is obvious that countries will stand up to noise.
Seeing Shreyne's face and understanding the concern, Kaiseki replied shrugging her shoulders.
"The other thing I don't know is if I made magic tools. Either way, it stands out."
"I'm sure that's not true."
Shreyne looked careless to the examiner who said so lightly.
Looking at that face, Floria shook her neck to the left and right with a bitter smile.
"Shreyne, don't be quick. I didn't say Kowske couldn't do it. Or is it Kowski who told me to use the dragon?"
The line of Florian gave Shreyne a happy expression.
Exactly as Florian said, Shreyne was quick to say that she had been refused a study aid.
Seeing Shreyn in that figure, Kaiseki said again with a bitter smile.
"As Florian said, I don't bother making suggestions to say no."
"... sorry."
"No, you don't have to apologize. I'm not blaming you. Rather, what about Feilong?
"... let me think about it for a second."
As expected, if a flying dragon is used as a means of transportation, it may be confirmed that there are many things including raising it.
I knew that Shreyn couldn't push it on her own, so I nodded immediately.
"Of course, that's fine. It's not compulsory, so decide whether you want to use it or not."
I see.
Shreyn nodded at the words of the examiner before returning to the village of Vamiliniya.
Then, a few days after this discussion, Shreyn, who had a discussion with the people in the village, declared to Kaosuke that he would welcome the dragon to the village with a clear expression.