Climb the fighting bench.

The final opponent came. He was the butler who welcomed us into the castle.

I thought the strongest man in this country was King Elf, and then this butler was strong. Because of the amount of magic and the flow of magic as if I had spent a considerable amount of time training.

It's going to be harder than it was when I fought the Admiral.

"As a matter of fact, when Tina was a child, she took care of me."

The face-to-face butler spoke.

"To be honest, I'm not willing to marry Master Tina even if I win"

"What? So why did you come out of this tournament?

"Because I didn't think Tina was thinking about getting married yet. At least, there's no way you can find someone to make a deal with in three days when you're returned. Not to mention the noble Taoist sons who attract Tina."

... Oh?

Isn't this elf, maybe, a really good guy?

It's just that I'm also the son of a nobleman, right?

I hope you don't join me.

"At first, I was thinking about winning and putting the marriage thing on hold and ceding my rights to Tina when she found someone she wanted to be married to."

"Thought (...) eh (...) and (...) did (...)?"

"Tina seemed to support you wholeheartedly in the match up to earlier. In this tournament, where the winner will be his/her wedding partner, he/she supported you (...). Are you in love with Tina?

"... yeah"

"Really? The way Tina wants to be connected to you."

"Could you possibly abstain?

"Hehe, no way. My role is to move to make Master Tina happy. Let me see if you can protect Tina from now on."

I'm knocking down the National Army generals in this country, and that's not how it works?

"Oh, you can't be as strong as the first general you defeated, can you? If that's the case, Tina can kill you instantly."

Whoa, what a way to say a general in your own country. I'm pretty sure I'm telling you.

"What I want from you is more power than Tina, who can protect you. You can't prove that where you defeated me, but at least I can rest assured Lord Tina"

"I mean, if I take you down, you'll admit it, right?

"I said (...) ─. What do the nobles of this country say? Well, it would be one test to make them acknowledge."

"Okay, thanks for talking to me"

"I'm interested in you, the people who have won so far, and I want to talk to you."

The referee's elf climbed onto the arena.

The game begins.

"We're not gonna do anything about it, are we?

"Oh, here too."

Practice magic.


Create and attack the Knight of Fire.

─, but the Flaming Knight exploded before running out.

"Using the same hand three times, there's no way they won't take care of it."

A butler shot in a wind magic arrow and set off a fiery knight.


The butler set up a demon bow...

Arrows flew in at super high speed.

Generate magic barriers in orbit to slow down arrows and manage to avoid them. It was extraordinarily faster than the arrow released by Rifa.

"You avoided it well. Well, I don't want you to end up like this."

"Welcome back, Firence!

Shoot in a thousand rounds of fire.

"─ Huh!?

The butler turned himself over and avoided the spear of fire. The Spear of Fire is a magical barrier that domes around the arena.

Shattered the magic barrier.

I hear screams and surprises from the nobles who were at the venue.

"Hey, what is your magic now?!?

"You're right to avoid it. It's a thousand rounds of fire."

"Let, a thousand!?

"But it doesn't make sense if you're avoided.... How about this? Firelance!"

Create a thousand flaming spears in the air.

"─ Huh!?

Deacon is stunned by the flaming spear that just fills the sky. All the tips of the flaming spear were directed at the butler.

"I don't think this is all you can avoid. Oh, by the way, every bottle is the same power as (...) of (...) Ki (...)"

"Hey, what the hell are you!?

"I'm one of Tina's fiancée candidates. So, what do we do? If you don't surrender, I'll shoot you."

"Oh, haha, you can't win like this. Judge, I surrender."

"Thank you. Well, I don't need this anymore."

He pointed the tip of the flaming spear at the sky and struck out at high speed as it was.

"Shit, winner, human boy Hart-Vi Silveray!!

The referee gave me the declaration of victory.

Almost at the same time as the proclamation, detonate all fires launched.

Fire spears diffuse over the sky scattering colorful fires.

The butler thought that if he showed this magic, he would surrender, so he had incorporated magic into the spear in advance so that when it exploded, the color would arrive.

Fireworks to celebrate my victory.

"Tina, come on!


Tina runs up to the arena.

"I won! Now Alheim, as a nation, will you allow me to marry Tina?

With Tina's shoulders in her arms, she inquired toward the nobles and royalties sitting in the audience.

"Mi, you can't be admitted!

"Yes, it is unacceptable for people to be tied to Master Tina!

A voice of rebellion rises from the nobles and ministers.

"Everybody, listen up. I asked Silf, the Spirit King of the Wind, to recognize the winner of this tournament as Tina's companion and give them protection. Silf accepted it, too. You think they're gonna rebel it?

King Elf seems to defend me.

"That human must have used his cowardly hands!

"Weren't you letting your buddies do auxiliary magic!? Otherwise, there's no way people can use that magic!

"Sure! Illegal! Deactivate a match like this!!

I've been wronged and the match itself is going to be null and void.

It was as expected.

I'll give you a signal.

The person didn't do anything wrong

Voices echoed throughout the venue.

"Ko, what's this voice!?

"What? A voice enters my head."

The elves all seem to be hearing voices.

The wind swirls in the center of the fighting table.

Silf emerged from the center of the wind.

Hey, how many centuries have you been showing up in this country? Some people are new, aren't they? I am Silf, the Spirit King of the Wind.

"Master Silf!

Soon King Elf, who had even come to the fighting table, kneels before Silf.

You've met him before. I'm a king now. Long time no see

"It's been a while. I didn't expect you to manifest yourself."

'Cause you got the leaves of the world tree with a promise to give protection to the winner. I've already covered the two of them. You want me to undo that... maybe you're licking about me?

The wind flowing through the venue became cold.

The cold killing of the Spirit King shakes up the nobles and ministers.

"I don't even want to destroy you! The Royal Family of Alheim congratulates Tina-Harribel, Hart-Vi-Silbaray on their marriage!!

Okay, thanks. Who's in the venue? That was fraudulent! He said something about you.

Silf flies into the audience and crams into the nobility that was making noise until earlier. The nobleman could only tremble and shake his head beside him.

65375; I will testify in the name of the Spirit King. Hart didn't do anything wrong. He's a true winner.

There was nothing for anyone to argue against Silf's proclamation.

Looks like no one's complaining. So you two are getting married. Congratulations!!

Me and Tina were warmly enveloped by the silf wind.

At the center of the wind, Tina and I exchanged our mouths.