Level 99 Villainous Daughter

5-27 Buchake Colloquium

◆5-27 Buchake Colloquium

His Majesty the King has been absent, and the previous meeting will be disbanded.

I'd like to dash home, but I'm worried that the Count of Archiam will be entangled with the Marquis. I glanced around... oh, my eyes were on him next door. In the end, I couldn't ask what my position was. I'm sure the King's investigation will be fine, but I'll just ask.

Sir Leveller?


He is frightened of exaggeration. I guess you really are a level-up Sir when you're so frightened. His Majesty was in charge of the treatment, so I wouldn't stick my neck in anymore.

I can't seem to listen to him properly, so I'll see the extremist aristocrats around me one by one.

There are other people who have raised the level of the ser--

"Get out of here! You're going to lose your job!"

Extremist aristocrats rarely demonstrate teamwork and move together. Flowing group action surged into the exit between Toshimi. It's not classy to go home with a dash.

Count Archiam remained in the idle back room.

Thank you for your hard work.

The moment I give a speech and the nervous count tries to reply, he still appears from the side. Marquis Prynan said boringly.

"Count Dorkness was a good stand-up. I'll tell you what I don't understand, and I'll take credit for my smoking skills."

"That's why... I don't know...?"

"Are you still confused?"... Your Majesty wants to see you. Archiam, so are you. Follow me. "

Even though he didn't want to do anything, the marquis became more grumpy.

He turned his heel and walked, so he chased after him.

Go through the front section between Shinomi and the door where His Majesty the King was entering and exiting, and follow the directions. The Count who walked next to him was nervous, his body hardened, and his walking style was uncomfortable.

The room I was brought to was a cramped study. There are bookshelves on either side of the room, but it's not like the office. I realized that the king's private colors were strong.

Sandwiched between books, the desk faces the back window, and in the center there is a round table and four chairs that can accommodate four people. It has a pleasant blockage. I like it here.

In one of the central chairs sat His Majesty the King, who had taken off his ceremonial cape.

He laughed when he saw me coming in after the Marquis of Prennan, and deepened his wrinkles by checking out the Count of Archiam who appeared from behind him.

"Thank goodness, Darren is here, too." Give me a call, both of you. "

The marquis had already sat down next to the king.

The Earl of Archiam will want to leave the Marquis, so I sit face to face with the King.

Then the Count sits in the empty chair, the chair between me and the king, but the Marquis of Pranan sits face to face, shaking his body.

"Don't tease him so much."

Angered by the king, the marquis snorted his nose and took off his gaze directly in front of him.

At the signal of the master of the study, tea is carried, and the four lean their cups in silence.

I didn't know if I was calm or nervous... the Count Archiam, who couldn't stand the silence, opened his mouth in horror.

"Um... why are we here...?"

Oh, he came all this way without knowing. I'm sure that's scary.

In order to relieve the count's anxiety, I will explain this gathering in advance.

"This is the Count, the anti-imperfection conference that calls itself Sir Level Up!"

”... huh? I wonder if I'm still hungry?”

Huh? The Marquis denied me when I anticipated what I was told to do.

His Majesty said awkwardly as he turned his gaze to confirm.

"There will be confusion when this matter is over." It's a place where people can talk to each other alone. "

What about the person who calls himself Lord Level Up?

"... first of all, there is no one who claims to be a Level-Up Lord as long as they observe."

Ah, I see. You're actually a level-up ser, but there was a noble nobleman who didn't level up.

"...... maybe I should have brought another one."

It seemed that Sir Levelled Up was behind.

Talk to the parties only.... it feels like a fucking sit-down. It is true that if this continues, the Marquis and I will be hostile to each other in the future. We may be able to break out of full hostility without even making peace.

There are many other nobles who are unable to speak at the meeting. I wanted to apologize first to the Emperor for letting me use my compassion.

"I'm sorry to have come to your meeting even though I know it's unnecessarily confusing."

"No, it's fine." If you are the head of the Balshain nobility, then everyone can participate. This is where I stood still, knowing that Lady Yumiella was involved. "

"It's not enough to make you take such trouble." It was this morning that Count Archiam decided to let go of the Guardian Lord. Even if I talked to you in advance, I'm sorry for the inconvenience...? "

His Majesty will find it difficult to judge if I ask you directly to guarantee the status of Lord Protector. On the other hand, I can't ignore my wishes, but if they are fulfilled by two things, I will get dissatisfied from the royal nobility, including the marquis.

The King nodded vaguely as his prediction seemed to have been met.

Contrary to his suspension, the Marquis of Prenean spoke clearly.

If our lord were to be a little girl, the day will come when I will be on the throne.

“Prenan, I'm not going to say anything like that.”

The king replied without concern that the count and I were stiff on the Shimonoseki Manifesto.

Oh, I'm just kidding. In a feudal country, jokes are not enough, but it is a strangely familiar exchange. If you've been hanging out with each other again and again, are these two pretty close?

Looking at them, who were separated by age from their parents and children, the parents laughed incredibly and the children sighed.

After exhaling, the king looks at Count Archiam and says:

"But... I appreciate the decision to let go of my position... but I'm sorry." Darren is happy to make his own decisions, and I'm glad. "

“No, no, I'm embarrassed that you've been holding positions that don't come with reality.”

"Don't be shy. Rather, I envy myself for being trapped by the curse of a generation of kings. One thing I'm curious about... who changed for me?"

“It's for myself and my wife, but most of all, I think about my children.”

"I see, I see." Children teach us a lot. "

I don't think His Majesty will learn from that prince.

The count was surprised by the clarity of the matter, even though I had it in my chest and didn't put it on the surface.

Your Majesty, do you need it!?

Archiam didn't grow up looking at his son and daughter, did he?

"Oh, I see. I thought about dealing with a baby who doesn't listen to me at all. I kept my parents' word, but why does my son cry all the time?”

"Tell the baby it's impossible."

“I knew it, but I had a time like that myself. But when I actually saw it with my eyes, I wondered if my father and mother had burned their hands on me without a heart."

Hmm, I don't understand.

Leaving me behind, my dad's rhetoric continues.

"Some parents don't care what their children look like." The part that was really difficult was left to the servants, but I wish I hadn't been dealing with Maurice who started walking...... I'm terrified. "

“That's right, you can confront both your childhood and your immaturity by confronting someone young and immature.”

You don't know, do you? Ah, but before and after Lui-kun's birth... I think I've changed. Was that change a growth?

When I was caught and I was thinking of Lui-kun, whom I hadn't seen for a few days, a human who didn't understand the atmosphere opened his mouth without reading the air.

When it comes to children, the monarch's children interrupted you.

Prince Edwin. You assured me of Elenora's identity, so I'll have to thank him later.

Don't touch Eleanor again, or I'll stick a nail in the marquis.

Since Eleanora-sama is different from Duchess Eleanora-sama under the bridge, right?

"I'm not going to tell a full lie in a secret room." I wonder if Hill Rose is still alive. "

Is that how you found out? You tried to put me in the position of Duke of Hillrose, and you know the Duke's intentions in causing a civil commotion. The only thing I could do was look at the King's face, who knew everything.

Count Archiam, who knew nothing, was confused.

"The Duke of Hillrose? Live? Why?"

If you don't understand the reason, what happened to the count who looked around everyone's face? The king said calmly, looking natural.

"There's no way the Duke of Hillrose is alive. Miss Yumiella is checking."

“Yes, indeed, the Duke of Hillrose died from a swarm of monsters.”

"...... is there anyone who can't have a private room conversation?"

Don't say too much about Grandpa. I still don't understand the count.

It's a secret room conversation, but this black-and-white marquis is likely to use even a shitty sit-in to find weaknesses. We will continue with the pre-build.

"I am grateful to His Highness Edwin for the Eleanora under the bridge." I'd like to thank you before I leave the capital. "

"Let me praise Edwin as well." He's a terrible son, but he did a good job. "

He said that with a complicated expression, dazed and delighted. After that, I will cough up one. I felt that the atmosphere in the venue had hardened just because of that. It's finally time to get down to business.

About Sir Level Up!

"... no. Not yet."

Not yet. I hear the rest of the story in silence as I scream at the teasing king.

Prynan, don't touch Miss Yumiella too much.

"Oh, the King's obsession with his unmarried daughter."

"It's not a good question to tap your mouth lightly!" What's the matter with trying to get her into a central conflict!? "

"Are you going to say something that will cause confusion?" Is it a political struggle to gain an advantage in the face of extreme confusion? Behind a calm front, it's much healthier than sludge. ”

Grandpa is too militant.

What would I do if I really started intervening in central politics? You don't think I'm gonna do this? I thought so, but it was different. He told me that he could take advantage of Yumiella's fuss.

The King slams the confused Marquis of Pranan.

"You're looking too lightly at Lady Yumiella!" Everyone there was in danger! "

"I know how strong you are." But she also understands the harm of wielding power. I will not act in the hands of force. "

The Marquis implicitly said that I was a man of politics. Ehehe, that's right. I don't want to do it, but I can do it politically.

Seeing him stubbornly, the king sighed. And he says to me:

"Lord Treasury is a level-up."


I heard a stupid voice. "Lord of Finance was a level-up...?"

Unlike the Guardian, I don't know what connects finance to level... but the King says so. I can't forgive you for raising the level of an underdog!

"But Lord Prenean is interested in raising the level."

Ah, then we'll talk soon.

I proceeded to speak to Sir Prynan in such a way as to catch up with him.

How many levels are there?

"What... what is the emperor saying?"

“I'm asking you at some level.”

"Count Dorkness? You have a strange eye."

Do not declare levels at all. Are you really interested in leveling up?

If I was angry, my level-up comrades would disappear. I asked again while suppressing the annoyance of infinite eruptions.

"Levels, numbers, how many? Tell me quickly."

"...... Was it 15?" Maybe because it was a long time ago-- "

"You've said it well!" There's no such thing as a slow level-up, so even old people are fine! There is nothing to be uneasy about. Everyone starts at level one. I got used to it little by little, one by one... no, for two years at my leisure. In two years' time, let's strive for level 99. "


"If you want to get started, it's better to go early, so let's go today." Fantastically, there are two dungeons near the capital. Because it's a hot spot, the old people must have built a city here. Unfortunately, it's not a good fit for a boss, so you'll end up on an expedition, so just keep that in mind. ”


"I guess it's level 15... well, there's nothing we can do about not seeing our strengths, so let's go to the Dungeon now."

Marquis Prenane tried to interrupt me several times. I understand. Don't worry, I keep on using my almost static facial expressions to create something that looks like a smile.

"You know, you're worried about injury, right?" When I get older, it heals slowly. But don't worry. If you have my healing magic, you can grow one or two of my arms or legs. However, since you have never tried the head, you should avoid it at the expense of other parts if you are about to be crushed. Well, your brain may grow, but you might wonder if you can retain your brain memory. Ah, but if you think about playing back synapses and neurons in your brain, you might be able to keep your memory intact. Well, it's like Thesaurus' ship, or if you quantum decompose your body and rebuild it somewhere else, you'll end up in a paradox like the original human... That's not science, it's philosophy... oh, that's the story. It's a level-up, isn't it? I am also making every effort to get closer to my normal senses. Anyone who is not comfortable with a guardian talisman going to the danger zone can stay in the guardian talisman. No, I'm also round- "

While I was talking about something super important, my hand came out from behind and blocked my mouth. Who are you?!

Grabbing his arms from behind, he turned around and punched Yumiella.

"Huh? Patrick? What's wrong?"

"...... they called me. I'm here to pick you up."

But right now, there's a lot to tell Sir Prynan... that's it? I can't see him.

Looking over the narrow study, Marquis Prenane curled up in a corner.

Before he could say if he was okay, the king said, "Make sure you get in between them."

“I'm sorry. It was a mistake to think that Lord Treasury was a level-up.”

Huh!? Really?

“I don't think there's a relationship between finance and level.”

"I see... ah, but is it true that Marquis Prenane is interested in leveling up? If you don't mind--"

Since I am the true level-up lord, enlightenment is essential.

A disgusting black and white aristocrat, he spoke with tenderness, but he shook his head to the side with tremendous force.

"No, no, I don't need to level up." I swear never to imitate you again. That kid doesn't resent me for cheating on me. Now take it home quickly! "

With all his unexpected desperation, the second half shouted, somewhat glancing at Patrick's face, and he said so.

It's not enough to talk yet, but Patrick tries to pull me out of the study.

"Even if you're not a Level-Up Sir, don't pull on the level..."

"I'm sorry." I'll take you home soon. Let's go, Yumiella. "

I could resist if I was serious, but I didn't want to go to the dungeon with Marquis Prenean that far.

The Count of Archiam had disappeared in no time. The trembling marquis and the bitter laughing king drove me away from my study while I was being dragged.