Level up from class F

Part 4. First Class Monster

From time to time, they showed interest in him, were surprised, amazed, and spoke. He thought it would be better if he gave him a mission to target a few quality swamps in a few days. However, such luck was not given often, and it was always by my side that I did not even erase it. With another long arm of chakra on his shoulders of profit.

The clans have become increasingly adept at resting strategically and restoring chakra. It has often occurred that one or two people enter the fifth grade swamp to hunt for personal practice. After hearing that Cats Eye Stone didn't come from a specific monster, everyone rushed into one more swamp to attack.

Now it is possible to deal with a class 5 monster of 3 million health by yourself, except for erasing it. It was only a matter of time. If Ji-Woo goes in and inflicts a fatal wound on the beast and ties it to the beast's attack, the time is halved, sometimes up to one-third.

The B rank Dealer's Arm in the Shoulder has a basic attack power of 1000, supported by Chakra rank and weapons, which can deal up to 3000 damage in a single attack. Profit constitution shortened the time it took to collect chakra than others, allowing it to attack 12 times in a minute, and it was figuratively able to reduce the health of 21.6 million in an hour alone. It was difficult to dodge the beast by yourself and launch an attack every five seconds, but it was not difficult as long as Erase was with you. So I had more fun with the raid that I erased as I gained more profit. Anziu was constantly thinking that he would be the best partner if we gave him a silent raid without trying to exchange emotions or talk.

Together, Clan A was able to hunt down and leave a Class 5 monster within the hour. You didn't even need a tank to hunt a Class 5 monster. Kanghyun and Tai were not only playing while Ji-woo was skilled, so their skills also grew rapidly. Both his fighting senses and his agility improved, and he was able to dodge attacks of a grade 5 monster on his own.

The swamp rises at such a rapid rate that Western GyehRu doesn't need to worry about such a thing, although Seogyu suggested that lower hunters might be able to attack a fifth grade swamp and control the hunt for a fifth grade swamp.

* * *

It was a day of raiding a second-class swamp, and everyone was looking forward to their merit.

Kang Hyun stayed next to Jung and joined the team. Appointments have often become irritable since having children - I don't think they had a good personality before that - but I felt more comfortable thinking about Kanghyun than Ji-woo. According to the official explanation, it was because I hated disappointing Kim Kang-hyun because I didn't care at all about disappointing him.

Ji felt sorry for Kang Hyun, but Kang Hyun was satisfied with the fact that he helped someone, especially Jung and Ji. After having children, the officer was banned from tanking. All the other clans opposed the commissioner's tanking. Since everything was strictly set up, the appointment was unable to speak.

I heard that erasing ‘our bean egg’ (this is the mark erased from my child) could not hurt my child, so I heard that I wanted to interfere with every step of the way, and I used to flee to Kang-hyun to avoid going crazy. The other clans were also very interested in whether the bean eggs were growing safely, so when they met the official, they left their face and reached the point of view from the ship.

The commissioner was banned from tanking, but he was only allowed to enter the swamp because it was too tight. The clans were grateful to the Tanker for their help in repairing the wounded Hunter, although the Tanker Arm could be a profit.

Before entering the swamp, the clans finish their inspections with their weapons and equipment.

“The owner of this swamp is named after the Demon Wolf. It's not that easy. Many dealers were injured while dealing with the Ghost Wolves. But if we're good enough now, we stand a chance. Let's do it.”

As Seo Kyu-tae spoke, everyone lit up their eyes and went into the swamp.

The profit from replacing it with a tank arm was the best tanker. In a world beneath the swamp where his skills are all, there is nothing to discuss about his life or the walls of murder. People used to be amazed without even knowing it when they saw the profit constitution pouring its aggressiveness completely into the monster.

It appears that the Ghost Wolf is not pleased with Clan A. From the moment Clan A entered, he was frantic, revealing his true personality.

There was no hard interest in dealing with monsters. The profit was carried by Ron Deer on a free-form basis. He moves like the wind as he tries to turn his attention away from the dealers and snatches their gaze. There was no one as good as the sense of combat.

He fought for his style and didn't seem to care about other people's movements, but he still saw everything. When the raid was over, he quietly realized that he was the one who had ruined the raid that day.

“If I were you, I'd leave the team quietly if I knew I was a problem for the team. Because then someone else could come in. And this team will be a little bit better than it is now. ”

When the goodwill said that behind the back, anyone who heard it felt the urge to press the switch that detonated the final bomb in the body of the goodwill immediately to blow the goodwill.

“If I die, I'll die! ”

Regardless of who it was, it automatically came out. However, it was definitely irritating when someone explicitly pointed out the lack of competence as a matter of profit. I think I should work harder than others and become a facilitator that I should not be lazy in training.

The Ghost Wolf boasted a large size as a second-class monster, but it had a sleek atmosphere compared to its size. The ears on his face stood upright toward the sky, and the noble-looking soft fur wrapped around his body. When I saw the ghost wolf standing still with little time to live, I felt like I wanted to raise a miniature plank of the Demon Wolf at home. It was a monster with a refined and noble appearance.

With a body free of maggots, sharp protruding claws and a long stretched mother protected the Demon Wolf.

The Ghost Wolf tried to attack the dealers several times, but every time it got in the way, it unleashed all of my anger on him.

Erase was watching the profit-constituting raid while maintaining a position near the appointed place.

The same was true of Seogyu, who thought that if they needed help, they would fight with all their might, but now they needed to know the exact power of the profit.

Oddly, the dealer's Hunter Tattoo has an arm where the weapons are stored for use, depending on the situation. After all, the Profit Constitution will swap arms and increase its attack power while giving up its defensive power, launching an attack on the monster. The decision that the profit constitution made meant that he did not trust the other dealers, so Kang Hyun and Tain felt discouraged when the moment of the change of arms approached as the profit constitution surged.

“You're the best. Honestly, it's the best I've ever seen. ”

The executive said in a small voice.

It was a sunchick that had been awakened for less than a year as a hunter who erased her skill no matter how good she was. It was absurd that he would compare himself to the benefit he had accumulated of great know-how. I nodded, even after clearing my mouth. The constitution of profits was superior to Seogyu Kyu Tai and superior to forensic information.

Each has his own style, but instead of fighting cleverly, he gains on the bold side. Seogyu also lacked that.

Others were the ones who would put down the chicken legs that they had chewed on when they met the poor puppy under the table while enjoying their meal, but the profits would not make eye contact with the puppy in the first place, and would suck out all the leftover soup on their fingers and clean up the bones without any emotional changes even if the eyes made contact. Such cruelty and stubbornness have also seeped into the final moments of stabbing and extracting the beast's body.

The power emanating from the profit-containing superior machinery was considered to be supernatural. What was curious was that there was nothing excessive about his movements. If there was anything he could accomplish with 100, he would do exactly as much as 100. Wasting 0.1 on 100.1 would not allow him to do it himself, and if he saw others doing it unpaid, he would not hesitate to go and point out.

Such as these.

Kanghyun overdid his dictionary action when attacking monsters with Nemesis. Just like the Earl who swung his sword at the knight's shoulder in the position of a knight, Kang Hyun strikes a few unnecessary battles before hitting the monster properly. It was a terrible thing to be a monster.

Profit Constitution told Kang Hyun why he did that and told him to sneeze at once and cut it down immediately. Of course, the tone was not good, and Kang Hyun did not understand why he should be pointed out by the beneficial constitution and was angry. But I just couldn't talk to Kang Hyun. Everyone was thinking the same thing. If you can say that only once or twice, but you continue to do that in seven or eight hours continuously, it means that you are wasting your strength doing useless things ten times a minute and a hundred times an hour.

When Kang Hyun told everyone that he was right, Kang Hyun tried to change his habits while looking for help. However, there was a time when the movement came back while unconscious. At that time, I felt it almost simultaneously with the movement, but every time, I yelled at him because he was staring at the profit.

You have no idea how crazy that can be if you don't go through it yourself. While gazing at Kang Hyun in Thailand, I felt sorry for Kang Hyun on my own.

Clan A members now consume chakra unnecessarily during Raid, and then I blink unknowingly to examine the profit. It was a pretty shameful thing to do, but I couldn't help it. I didn't only care about my attacks, so no matter who made mistakes everywhere, I couldn't miss the scene. When the person who made the mistake made a mistake and looked up at the constitution of profit, he was always caught in the sight of the constitution of profit that he had seen in advance. It was natural for everyone to be indignant because they had all these useless talents.

The eyes of the beneficial constitution at that time seemed to struggle to live with such a humble human being, so it made me feel blasphemous to the person who received the eyes.