Level up from class F

Part 6: The Beast's Chakra

Yaroslav also walked around with a sword full of chakras, slashing the snail monster's flesh. The two of them worked like a laborer. It was the perfect simple labor to forget complex ideas. Yaroslav looks at the profit. Yaroslav did not know why the constitution of profit did what it did and what it meant. I wasn't sure he would answer me if I asked him. But I couldn't help but ask.

“Why on earth did you do that? Why did you have to go down the snail monster's throat? ”

He said in slow tone, moving slowly.

“I wanted to be reborn. Without my past, I feel like this is the new history of my life. I thought I'd feel reborn, but I was mistaken. ”

“Ahem……. ”

I wanted to shoot you if you thought it would make me feel reborn, but I didn't. Yaroslav could not find words to comfort him. Yaroslav also knew how profitable he had been. However, Yaroslav did not know why he suddenly felt that way.

The delay standing in front of the receptors and the expression of the young child gradually subsided. They all knew that Raid was going to be completely over soon. And when Raid is done, Seon Young sighs heavily. Delay swept the child's back.

“You were worried, weren't you? ”

I couldn't say no to Sun-nyeong.

Only one person, Chae Jun Hyung's expression was not good.

Chae Jun Hyung couldn't figure out what was making him so uncomfortable. It was not easy to see what the brush had drawn after watching the brush tease. However, Chae Jun thought he would know the painting. I thought I saw Ron Dyer's movements, and I knew the scars he'd inflicted.

Delays and infants spoke to Chae Jun, but he didn't answer.

“I'd like to take some body packs to the lab and do some research on the monster body, if that's okay with you? ”

When Chae Jun asked Seon Young, she said of course she was fine and that she looked tired to Chae Jun.

“No, I think it's because I've seen such an amazing radar up close. ”

“But it's a good thing it's over now. ”

Sun Ah-young said.

Chae-jun nodded his head and hid his face.

* * *

It was scary that even after so much time had passed, his memory had not faded at all in his head. I could have looked for pictures, but I didn't have to. He could recognize it.

Over time, as his chakra skills became more sophisticated and his skills with Rhone Dyr became more sophisticated, the wounds he inflicted on the beast's body could have changed, but his personality and will remained the same.

Chae Jun was sitting quietly in the lab with the lights out. I didn't even think to turn on the light. I wanted to find him and kill him if I could. I never gave up on wanting revenge for my brother. But why did he appear to be the lover of Sunyoung?

Chae Jun Hyung had to put together a lot to overcome the chaos.

The bounty, he knew, was not Hunter. Then one day, I started acting as a clan member of clan A. Chae Jun thought he knew the benefits. You may have seen him, but you've seen him from afar.

Chae Jun Hyung recalled what the delay said. In most cases, the profit-sharing is tanking. That meant that the profit-sharing could do both tanking and deals. Some of the talented dealers were also tanking dealers, but the delay was clearly strange. After saying that, there were a lot of strange things about the delay.

Chae Jun hyung sighed as if it wasn't over. It was then that I heard footsteps in the hallway. His lab was at the end of the hall, and there were no visitors to his lab at this time. However, the light was on in the hallway.

Chae Jun stood up on his feet.

He was the weapons master, but he had no weapon. Chae Jun hung around. He didn't make a decision whether to turn on the lights now or whether to kill his breath hoping that no one was here. I regretted not locking the door, but now it is too late to take any action.

When the door opened, Chae Jun killed his breath. The light is illuminated. The light on the side of the entrance has no chin to illuminate the inside.

Chae Jun found out that he was a benefactor. Profits have closed since then. Chae-jun didn't make a sound.

“To someone. I didn't think you'd talk about me again. ”

Chae Jun gave up everything when he spoke up. It was the attitude of the person who knew exactly that he was there. He was a serial killer, and now he knows it's meaningless to resist Clan A's Hunter of Interest.

However, the voice of profit constitution was extremely soft.

‘I can't believe someone came here to kill someone who knew who he was. ’

Instead, Chae Jun was more afraid of the idea.

Profit constitution turned on only one dark lamp in front of the door, and approached the chair and sat there. And I slowly opened my mouth.

“What people who have lost their family or friends say. I didn't understand that. People who are going to disappear just a little bit earlier, and when they say they're gone, their world collapses, it's like their hearts stop. I didn't understand. I didn't want to. To be honest, it was disgusting. ”

Chae-jun thought about what he could do in that situation. The smartphone was placed on the chair with it in the bag. If it was profitable to use Chakra as a free material, I thought he could come and cut his throat before holding the smartphone on the chair.

“It was, like, a foreign language that I couldn't understand in my entire life. I sometimes wondered what that meant, what those people felt, but.... ”

Chae noticed that he looked up at himself.

Profit Constitution said.

“I think now I know what it feels like to lose someone I don't want to lose. When I feel like I want to be with someone, and I dream about the future with them, my mind keeps going to the past. I feel sorry for why I did it and want to change it.... ”

“Sun Representative. Do you know that? ”

Chae-jun asked.

The constitution of profit shakes its head.

“Don't ask the father of Senior Representative. A lot of people said he died of assault. Is this Vice President connected to the case? ”


Profit constitution responded urgently.

“That wasn't me. ”

“Do you remember all the people you killed? ”

Profit Constitution looked back at Chae Jun. He remembered the moment he killed Chae-jun's brother. To be precise, it was a moment of deadly assault. He was still alive until the moment of his benefit.

Profit constitution dropped its head.

“Even if I was different from who I was, I can't ignore what I did before. I have to take responsibility for that. ”

Cha Jun-hyung stared at him with cold eyes as he knelt on the ground.

“I won't use chakra. Whatever you do, I'll leave it to you. ”

Chae Jun got up from the chair. Profit Constitution pulls Ron Deer out and pushes him aside. And I touched my right shoulder.

“I'll take this off, too, so that my arm doesn't instinctively defend itself for me. ”

Chae Jun saw Profit Constitution cut off his arm in front of me. Chae-jun's mouth widened. And at that moment, all the questions were solved at once.

A hunter and a layman.

A tanker and a dealer.

Chae Jun Hyung looked at the profit constitution. The Profit Constitution's head falls to the ground.

Chae-jun approached him. Profit Constitution endured the kick that flew through my chest. My jaw stopped and I felt like my blood was spilling upside down, but it was pouring out all over me. It was an attack he could have prevented with chakra, but he didn't. Then it was less than one-tenth of the assault that Chae Jun's brother was subjected to.

Tears poured out of her eyes. I wanted to erase my cursed deeds. I wanted to dig my nails out. I wanted to rip it out. I wanted to do something if I could just make it not my memory.

Suddenly, Chae-jun stopped moving.

“I had some money that I didn't know was coming from before. Did you do this? ”

Chae-jun asked.

Profit constitution slowly nodded.

“Why? Were you already regretting that? ”

Profit constitution is dazed. Chae Jun-hyung understood that he was thinking of an answer.

“I wanted to apologize, but I'm not sorry. I'm sorry, but I didn't feel sorry. But I wanted to make it up to you because of me. ”

“Why didn't you say you were sorry? ”

“Maybe they didn't understand what they were missing. To me, the death of my family is a photograph and a seal. That's all it meant. The person who wouldn't even look me in the eye or smile while I was standing next to him, smiled at me in the photograph, and was buried underground. ”

“Now…. Does that mean something different? ”

“Think about her. How does it feel to lose a child? When I thought about it, I suddenly felt sorry. ”

Chae Jun looked at Ron Deer. I could have picked it up and staked the profits. After his brother died, there wouldn't have been a moment when he didn't want it. But he took it out of his eyes.

Chae Joon walked past him, taking a step, pressing down on the floor. The constitution of profit did not raise its head.

“I'm going to catch a first-class monster. He talked all the time. ”

“ ……. ”

“Chae Jun-seok. That's his name. ”

“ ……. ”

“When you kill a first-class monster. I want you to remember him. If you remember him and say something to him... He was a hunter. I think he's still going after the beast. And he was desperate to kill a first-class monster. Maybe he's around. ”

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't say you're sorry! I said do it! ”

Chae-jun looked back and shouted ferociously. After that, I ran down the hall without looking back.

Profit Constitution attached my arm. Tears poured out without rest. I remembered what I said to the shepherd that losing someone and grieving is because I feel sorry for myself.

At that moment, I wanted to see her like crazy. That was it.