Level up from class F

Part 7. Controller

How deeply you stabbed yourself in the forehead, and the blood continues to flow. All I had to do was get this madman to the hosts of the beast and ask Ramucil for help. Harry continued to walk through the white-covered reception room. He doesn't let go of his hand, puts it in his pocket, pulls it out again, grabs his fist, and then stutters in his pocket again.

Profit Constitution followed behind him.

Chug, chug, chug.

I heard something. With a strange sound, he draws Chakra to defend himself. However, the floor he had just stepped on did not support him, and he fell into a dark basement. You notice the weapon coming from the wall and miss the floor.


Profit constitution screamed out in anger at the ridiculous mistakes I made. There are no shocks. Chakra's whole body absorbs them. Even so, I didn't want to show off the fact that I was healthy. If the opposing Pokémon misunderstands their condition, they may be able to use it to their advantage.

The height fell considerably, but in doing so, it seemed to save us time down there. It was where Leonid and Michael were trapped. Yaroslav was there with him. Leonid and Michaels are in his eyes. Nothing was different from what I saw in the video. It was crumpled and tightly tied. They leaned unconscious, leaning like objects. Yaroslav's grief was much worse. We haven't been able to extract the chakra yet, but we haven't found a place to settle for a struggle.

Even when dealing with monsters hundreds of times bigger than me, they were hardly harmed by Yaroslav, but Como probably couldn't escape the venom of the monster.

A paralyzed Hunter cannot turn his chakra around and can't defend himself against light attacks. Moreover, with his hands and feet tied tightly, all resistance would have returned to nothing. Looking at Yaroslav like that, I thought I wanted the poison spike to silence the nerves that felt pain. He was worried about the pain Yaroslav would feel.

I looked up and saw Ramiscil. Harry was coming down the stairs gracefully. He seemed arrogant as if he had already expected it to be so.

Lamissil and Bradley Herbert stand side by side and look down on the benefits.

"Bradley Herbert. ’

He thought about it and turned Chakra all over his body. Profit Constitution looked at Bradley Herbert. There was no one to come to, so I was dressed up by myself. He looked like a pig wrapped in Armani, because he was wearing an expensive armani suit.

“It's you.”

Profit Hunt says Bradley Herbert's eyebrows twitch up.

“How did you find out? More importantly, what did you find out? No, actually, what I'm more curious about is why someone like you is so attached to the best loser couples like Harry and Ramsay. ”

Bradley Herbert grins as he speaks. The evil tale made me feel better as I avoided it.

“You said the name Bradley Herbert was familiar. Professor at Princeton, are you? There are people there I know who've heard a lot about you. You know who I am. I'm Vice President of Body Firm. I think you've seen me before. We've had a few chances to meet, and you've been busy, so it's always wrong. ”

Bradley Herbert's face changes slightly. I was just trying to get a seat at a small school and stick it up my ass, but I felt that this guy had a solid misunderstanding. Moreover, the man did not just misunderstand, he seemed convinced.

To the last guy who wanted to take down the one guy on top of me, "You're number one in the whole damn school! 'It was similar to the situation that made my lips shut. The person who heard it is ashamed because he didn't do anything.

Profit commitments brought up the names of several people. Bradley Herbert was also a professor at Princeton University. The Committee demonstrated its friendship with them. Body firms sponsored their research. When the specific figures and years came out, Bradley Herbert listened to the words without my knowledge and believed them.

Suddenly, even Bradley Herbert had a polite attitude towards profit.

“People used to talk about you. that you didn't get the chance and you don't get the respect that you deserve. The pigs who were already occupying the area had to leave and back off. Some people wanted to give you a chance. Body Firm asked if they could sponsor you. We had a very detailed agreement. We've been working on ways to help you do research in a stable environment, and we've made some progress. ”

The profit constitution muttered as soon as it came out of his mouth. I could see what he wanted to hear and what he was reluctant to say by focusing on the other person's reaction and observing it.

This Armani pigskin was a familiar type of profit. You're an incredibly talented person who feels unhappy because the world doesn't recognize his abilities. These people didn't know they were who they were. He rated himself much higher than he was, and he felt that everything he was unacceptable was because of his surroundings and others.

Bradley Herbert is increasingly caught in a profit trap. He had become a professor at Princeton College in Zodiac, and was about to consolidate himself with the benefits he wanted.

Harry and Ramsyl were only watching the profit-sharing skillfully strike the cobwebs at Bradley Herbert. In front of their eyes, a fat pig was about to blow me into a spider web, flapping your legs.

“You'd better not believe a word he says. That's how you use people. controlling people's minds by saying what they want to hear. ”

Lamissil warns Bradley Herbert. Bradley didn't like what he said.

"What does that mean?"

Bradley asks, but Ramiscil has not had a chance to answer. It was because the word of profit was followed immediately.

“Ramiscil. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so. I know Professor Bradley Herbert pretty well. ”

After saying that, he used the information he had heard from the delay to spread the lie appropriately. The most plausible lie is a lie that appropriately reflects the truth. It is no burden to lie like that, and even if information is misrepresented in a small area, we can easily pass it on by blaming the distortion of memory. None of the people who had been distracted by the complex lies that the constitution of profit made them realize that Jaroslav was smiling.

When he shot Jaroslav with a special gun containing the antidote, Bradley Herbert and Ramsyl had no time to reflect on what he was doing to fiercely stare at each other.

“You like Princeton. That's how he always works! It stimulates your inferiority! ”

As Ramsay yells at Bradley Herbert, Bradley Herbert stares at him with burning eagle eyes.

"Why? Am I wrong? He knows your weakness. I know your inferiority and I want to use it. You really think he doesn't know? Who you are. Princeton? Come on, Bradley Hubert. Don't let him get to you!"

Ramsyl advised Bradley Herbert, but Bradley Herbert had no intention of taking advice from him.

As a greedy layman who hoped for money, Lamissil was confident that Bradley Herbert would never harm himself as a Class A hunter, and he blinked as Bradley Herbert's gaze changed.

“Bradley, I respect you. You're better than any other Princeton professor, and I can get you that job if you want. Not just Princeton University, but anywhere you want to go. So let's not do this. It's time for us to work together. ”

Lamissil struggles to appease him, saying. Bradley Herbert couldn't stand the stubborn mouth.

“When I pulled the chakra out of the monster hosts and injected it into you, you didn't think it was purely chakra? ”

Bradley Hubert said: On hearing this, Ramiscil stares at Harry. But Harry didn't know that either.

“There's nothing to be mad about. I thought we needed a few devices to be able to trust each other. In a few minutes, two people will be unconscious and fall into a deep sleep for about three hours, and in the meantime, for you, something that you can't be sure of. You're Hunters, and I'm an incompetent civilian. Just in case you try to get rid of me and take back my shares. I think you'll understand. ”

He listened to Bradley Herbert and imagined what he had planned. It wasn't that hard to imagine what he had done because he had heard about all the stupid things he had done from delay.

He was a great man who got caught trying to plant a snuff film on another professor's computer that rapes minors to get the job he wanted. Such people do not give up the idea that they can attract loyal competitors in an easy way. He's not even a good competitor this time.

It is not at all difficult for those who are drugged or unconscious to cause scandals that disgrace their reputation. Bradley Herbert was the kind of person who could do something like that without feeling reprehensible. It was a good sign for the constitution that there was inner parts between them.

Lamissil glances at Bradley Herbert with puzzling eyes, but Bradley Herbert does not seem to be afraid. It was invisible to other people, but he might have already seen the effects.

"Come to your senses, you fool!"

As he stood up to Bradley Herbert with a shout, he stumbled, feeling the shock of being hit in the head with a blunt force. That was a great timing. Bradley Herbert might have been waiting for that and then said something.

Lamissil's body falls to the ground, but he can't even reach out. His head falls to the ground first. The face falls to the floor without wearing a chakra, the skin peels off and the blood spills out on the floor. Even though he had symptoms first, Harry was not safe there. He doesn't collapse as dramatically as Ramsyl, but suddenly slides to the ground as if he were an invertebrate.

Bradley Herbert quietly watches the two men fall to the ground and then gets up from the chair.