Level up from class F

Act 11. Colony

“Sejin, take the tide to the entrance. Go as fast as you can. ”

Sejin nods at the words. Sejin raises the tide next to him and carries the chakra out of the colony at a rapid rate.

“We're speeding up now. Skell stopped in front of us. ”

Tai said as she looked at the flu.

“I see more than just Skell. ”

However, the executive who had been following me suddenly stumbled over the wall. Then I touched Hergen on the wall. Hergen attacked the ship with my venom.

Hergen's venom was nothing. Even if the amount that would kill someone else was injected instantaneously, it was a renewable tank and he was able to overcome the poison as much as he wanted.

“Ugh. Must have been stabbed by Redrun. ”

The problem is chakra. The executive notices blood running through my veins. Due to the rapidly lowering temperature, it was difficult to maintain the sensitivity to the finer parts of the chakra.

Jiu looks at the appointment.

“What do you think? ”

“I don't think I can spin that much chakra at the same time. I think I should go outside. ”

Ji-Woo nods as soon as Jung speaks.

“That's all for today. We've gathered enough information about the colony. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said, thinking that if the executive were attacked and backed down, the eraser would easily lose his composure, and that Ji-Woo's chakra would not be able to handle it.

Soon Tai was in favor, and no one else argued. Jung felt sorry for thinking that the colony exploration had stopped because of him, but he did not know that restoring his body was the most urgent thing right now.

Holding onto Jiw's arm, Jill turns Chakra around and looks at the passing colony. Suddenly the blood stops and the Hergen venom is detoxified and the surroundings are warmed again.

There were no Cats Eye Stones, and Hunters picked up Rough Stones when they realized the raid was over. Joseon and Sejin approach the executive with worrying eyes.

“Are you all right?"

“Must have been stabbed by Redrun. I didn't know.”

Jung said with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Do you have a chance to come back before returning to Korea? ”

The Clan members tilt their heads, as Jouyu looks forward to it.

“That might be difficult. ”

Ji-Woo said.

“That's too bad. But I've had a lot of damage done today, so I think we can rest easy for a while. We have to take care of the rest. ”

Jouyu said, his expressions of regret are powerful. Clan A was the same. But as they went deeper into the colony, they all realized that Chakra was consuming more than they thought, and it was hard to get back into the colony immediately. It was a matter of providence.

“I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the next one. ”

As Seo Kyu-tae said, everyone said hello, leaving behind a regret.

* * *

At the Parents' General Assembly, the whole school was appalled by clan A's decision to come with Angieu. Hunter Academy students were busy because of the current parent assembly, which had nothing to do with them.

Parent General Assembly Day.

Gil Mu-young got up about an hour earlier, took a shower, practiced chakra, and said hello. Someone seemed serious enough to think that Gil Mu-young was supposed to go up to the Ganggang and say hello on behalf of the student. Gil Mu-young woke up Shi-hyun and Hyo-Jae earlier than usual and prepared them for school.

“Hey, stop pretending to be close. Don't you think it's pretentious? ”

When she told me, I shot her like she said, "Don't be ridiculous."

“You, man. I think you're misunderstanding me. You and I are close. What do you think your closest friends do? Why don't we have dinner and talk? Besides, we're sleeping together. How do you know each other any better? Min Hyo-jae, I was right, wasn't I? ”

“I appreciate the chitchat, but leave me out of it. ”

Hyo-jae said.

“Ha. Son of a bitch. At first, she was so calm that An-hyun abandoned all humans. This isn't all because he learns to do what you do. Huh?"

“Is Grandma coming? ”

Sihyun ignored what Gil Mu-young said and asked Hyo-jae.

“I don't know. I don't think he's coming. My oldest father probably went to Raid, and my oldest mother wouldn't be able to come alone without him. He probably won't make it. ”

“You miss me, right? ”

HyoJae smiled bitterly as she asked.

“He's cruel, too. Of course I miss you. You don't know that? If you're asking because you don't know, then it's stupid, and if you know and you're asking because you don't know, then it's cruel. Which one is it? ”

Hyo-jae found Yana first while Gil Mu-young was talking.

“Si-hyun, Yanada. Maybe Clan A's all here? ”

HyoJae said, and he ran toward Yana. I could not help but anticipate it. Hyo-jae also ran to Yana, and afterwards he saw the Bugatti of the Profit Constitution coming after him, and Hyo-jae headed there first. He did not know that a profit would come. He said he would be his guardian, but there was no reason for his guardian to come to the PTA meeting.

No one came from Gil Mu Young's house. When I said I had to come to the PTA meeting, Gil Mu-young's parents made me do the laundry, and now they told me it was their fault to expect me to come to the PTA meeting. He said that he would not have expected it from the first time he asked.

Gil Mu-young didn't think that even though his parents said that, it really wouldn't come out. However, when I called him this morning, he came back to tell me that Raid had a plan, so I couldn't miss it.

When Gil Mu Young turned around, he seemed to be the only child with parents who didn't come. However, Mu-young did not have a color. Gil Mu-young ran to the place where she ran. Jana's door opens on its own, and a dozen people descend from it.

“Clan A! ”

The sound spread, and the children swarmed like bees. The same was true of the parents. Everyone was as excited to see Clan A as they were to see the world's star. The same was true of Hunters from Hunter Academy. In Yana, Anjiwoo and Jeong all went down to Seogyu Tai, Yaroslav, Tain, Kang Hyun and Sejin.

Leonid and Michaels stand at a distance, waiting, and as they approach, Jaroslav runs up to greet them.

“I've heard that Kat's child has been misunderstood. That's great. ”

Leonid speaks, and Yaroslav nods, smiling.

“It's really good that Si-hyun can go to school safer than before. ”

Gil Mu-young was immediately next to him and greeted them diligently.

“Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Gil Mu Young.”

This is Gil Mu-young. Gil Mu-young.

I went around introducing myself to each of the clans, but I did not like the faces of the people who were introduced by Gil Mu-young.

“You. Have you seen me before? ”

The Thai asked.

“Yes or no? Oh, I've seen videos like this, but I've never seen you in real life like this. ”

“Then why was it so annoying the moment I saw you? ”


“Yeah. You, too? So did I.”

Kang Hyun said, Gil Mu-young was shocked as if he had been struck with an arrow in his chest.

“Really? I've been thinking about that. So I wondered when we'd met. ”

Seo Kyu-tae said.

Other people were surprised when they stepped up to Seo Kyu-tae and said that.

“Don't you? As a matter of fact, so did I. ”

Jiw asks the executive and wedges.

“Oh, well, actually, the moment I heard that name, my steam went up. ”

Jung said.

“Your name?”

Sihyun asked.

“Ahhhhhh. This is pointless. Useless!”

When Kang Hyun shouted, Ji Do looked at Kang Hyun and knuckled his finger and nodded.

“That's right. Useless. Ha, seriously! When we were corpse hunters, there was a lot of bullying. You're Gil Mu Young, right? Okay, I won't forget your name. ”

Kang Hyun said while grinding Gil Mu-young's hair. It was a pretty malicious touch.

“Are you close with Se-hyun? ”

The executive asked first if it was the most curious.

“Is Shi Hyun doing well at school? Are you good?”

“Yes, I'm doing a great job. I gave up my bed. I gave up my desk.”

While Gil Mu Young was speaking, Shi Hyun shook his head in horror, thinking he couldn't handle his own survival.

“Ahn Si-hyun, go in the back. Hyo-Jae's grandmother is here. ”

“Oh, really? ”

Ji-Woo was surprised and ran to the location of the profit-controlled vehicle. Hyo-jae's grandmother really came down from there and stroked Hyo-jae.

“Grandma, what brings you here? ”

When she ran to say hello, HyoJae's grandmother patted her down.

"Oh, it's Si-hyun. I never thought I'd see you again. Are you doing well without any pain? I haven't been properly greeted. Si-hyun saved my life. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know if it's right to thank an old man for saving his life. Anyway, yeah. Thank you."

My grandmother stroked his cheek and said.

"It's okay, Grandma. Hyo-jae told me everything. I also heard from HyoJae that I'm thankful."

Sihyun smiled and said. Gil Mu-young ran into a gap and greeted me prettier than Shi-hyun.

“Hello, grandma. ”

I tried to say it was Gil Mu-young, but my grandmother also kept her mouth shut because she didn't like people with the same name. Since she had lived a long life, she seemed much more likely to have suffered bad things from someone with the same name as her.

When HyoJae saw the way to treat my grandmother tightly, he felt relieved of the feelings that had been accumulated.

“Yes, yes. We meet good friends and go to school well. He came to get me like this. I haven't been here in a while. I was afraid Hyo-jae would be embarrassed, but this teacher bought me clothes, took me to a salon, and gave me perm. Hyo-jae, you're not going to take care of Grandma, are you? ”

When my grandmother told me, HyoJae sniffed and stole my snot.

“Why are you crying, punk? It's been a long time since I've seen you cry. Would it make you feel better to go there? ”

Grandma cried, too.

“Grandma, this is only happening now. I'm really good at other times. You don't have to worry about her. ”

Gil Mu-young went to one side of her grandmother and said as an adult. Sihyun smiled at Ikhun. Occasionally, I felt like my uncle had the ability to surprise people by taking things they didn't think were possible.

That's what I thought of my uncle. I don't pay much attention to the people who ask me to help, but if I wanted to, I'd really devoted everything to the stars.

Hyojae thanked him several times for leaning on his back.

“Pay me back later. It's too much for you to do right now. Just think of it as something I did in advance. ”

Profit Constitution said.