Level up from class F

Act 11. Colony

“Grandma, you look like a lady dressed like this. ”

HyoJae said, and her grandmother laughed.

“I was surprised, too. I woke up dozing off in the salon, and there's a girl sitting in the mirror. I've been looking all over for you. ”

“Hey, Grandma Gura. Even if Min Hyo-Jae looked like her grandmother, she would have easily lived in the world. ”

Gil Mu-young said and silenced her with a sharp gaze.

"No, Grandma. I mean, you know. She's a very good liar. No, I'm not lying. You really are a lady. Ah-ha-ha-ha."

Hyo-jae smiled as he watched Gil Mu-young sweat.

"I think you've seen it. Let's go, too."

Her grandmother grabbed HyoJae's hand and waved it, pointing to the side where Yana was.

Yana lit up the awards ceremony in front of her. People were in a frenzy because they wanted to take pictures like Clan A. But the clan members of clan A were not the ones who stood in the way of rejection. People took pictures of Jana now and took selfies at various angles to capture the historic moments of standing with Clan A. Clan A couldn't stop them from becoming the backdrop of the picture.

It was only a short while before the dragondragon appeared. Ji-Woo ran to Dragon King and hugged him. The dragon tapped the back of an eraser, looking at the face of a heavy eraser.

“But I come to the PTA meeting once before my son graduates from high school. I'll be there next year. ”

As Yong-ha spoke, Ji-woo nodded.

“I don't think I've ever seen Sihyun look that bright. No matter how good I tried, I couldn't fill my parents' vacancies. ”

The dragon said, "Cut the crap and hit the dragon on the shoulder."

“Come on. Let's go. I didn't think you'd actually be able to make it, but since you're here, say hello to your parents for me. Shi-hyun needs help. ”

“Can I? Can't Si-hyun make you do it? Oh, I'm not very good at talking. ”

Jill hung herself with a cry.

“I know you don't speak very well. If I don't know that, who will? ”

“And yet you ask me to do that? ”

“You're the one people are most curious about. ”

He solemnly said as if he would not tolerate the rejection of the dragon.

The erase suddenly became urgent. The clan members rush together to say their parents' greetings.

Hyo-jae followed me, and his grandmother's voice tightened.

“Hyo-jae, the teacher. I said I'd get you a house. I don't know if he's gonna be okay.”

“What house? The boss?”

HyoJae asked with surprised eyes.

“When you come, you want to see Hyojae," you ask me. I'm the only one who's happy to see my grandson. There are other grandchildren, but I like you the best. I'm so upset that I can't see you anymore. I'm thinking about coming home without you. ”

“Why, Grandma? My oldest and my oldest mother aren't good enough for you? ”

“I'm neither grateful nor kind. I've been thinking about it since I thought you might be able to come home for the weekend, but the teacher said it's too dangerous to be there. What do you think, Hyo-jae? ”

“Grandma, I really miss you and I want to live with you. I think that's too embarrassing. I don't think we should do that. I'm graduating from high school next year, so just wait until then, Grandma. ”

“Yes, I am. I've lived so far, and it won't happen in a year. I'll take it from here. I'm sorry I didn't say anything. Hyo-jae, I can't help thinking. ”

“Grandma, you have to be healthy. When I graduate from school and become a hunter, I'll take care of my grandmother. ”

“Yeah, let's do that. ”

The two of them did not realize that the constitution of profit was coming. I suddenly interrupted two people's conversations about where I heard the benefit from.

“Since the house has already been signed and paid all its rent for a year, if you want to leave the house empty and make it a pile of dust, do so. ”

Profit Constitution said.

“Yes? Why, Ms. Grant? And that's why you did it. ”

He said as if he resented HyoJae. It was not only convenient for me to continue to receive what I could not repay immediately.

“I just know it is. Hey, Gil Mo-young. ”

When she called Gil Mu Young, Gil Mu Young rushed to Jor. I kept staring at Clan A members because I was afraid they would look me in the eye if I kept watching. Then I turned away from Ikhen. However, Gil Mu-young ran straight away without making her wait a bit.

“Hyo-jae's grandmother is moving in this weekend. Can you take the kids and help them move? ”

“Yes? Yes. Leave it to me."

“I'm sure there's a lot of new things to buy, but you'd be better off than the others, wouldn't you? ”

“Of course, boss. Leave it to me."

“Yes, I'll give you a card, so buy yourself something your grandmother needs and fill up the house. You'll need two beds on the weekends because Hyo-jae has to stay with his grandmother. ”

“Yes, I've already got all the paintings in my head. ”

“Yes, you should be good at that. ”

“No, I'm good at other things now, Ms. Grant. Now I can almost hear the gravity. ”

Mu-young said willingly.

“Really? That's weird. You don't think that's what Gravity is for? Something that can or cannot be lifted. One of two things. ”

Eek Heon said.

“That's because you haven't seen a kid like me yet. I can hear Gravity on the corner. It's pushed. ”

“How many chakras do you want? ”

“I don't know about that, but it's better than nothing. ”

Gil Mu-young proudly said. She seemed to be looking at the world's best optimists, so she burst into laughter without even knowing it.

When all the clans are gathered, the clans ask Leonid and Micheal.

“How many of you think are gonna pass the Hunter's Test next year in second grade? ”

Profit Constitution asked Michiel.

“Three. ”

Michael looks at Leonid with an answer. Leonid nods.

“Right? Are those the three? ”

As she spoke, others smiled and nodded at the same time.

“Gil Mu-young must be caught in the cut line. ”

Kang Hyun said.

“But he's going to be a big help to that team. You need someone who knows how to say something that's hard to say, and someone who can say no to something that's hard to ask. And Gil Mu Young's talents are not bad either. ”

Michiel nods as he speaks.

“I'm going to teach HyoJae properly. He's gonna be an object of some kind. ”

He said as if the profit constitution had been Steamed first. After killing Hyo-jae's guardian, it didn't seem like an improvised decision.

“You're talking about a mental attack, right? ”

Yaroslav also recognized Hyojae and said.

“Yes. He's the one who will be Si-hyun's right arm. ”

Everyone nods. They also agreed that no one was more qualified to teach Hyo-jae.

“Are there any other kids you can use? You can't do it alone. ”

Jung asked cautiously.

“There were only two of them for me at first. Kang Hyun and Tae-in. Oh, there was a writer. That way, you'll meet one more person. ”

Ji-Woo nods as he speaks.

“I've been waiting for them to wake up. ”

Even Yana blinked her head light at Kanghyun's words.

* * *

Gil Mu-Young's parents were staring at the recording like it was ridiculous. It looks like the stuff in the house keeps disappearing, so I set up a surveillance camera, and the perpetrator is Gil Mu Young.

Gil Mu-young wandered around the house and shoved anything useful into her bag.

“Why do you eat so much salty stuff? I'll cook at home if I can. It's all instant. ”

I swept through all the canned goods and did not stop nagging by myself. After pushing everything he had found into his bag, Mu-young must have found the camera in a while. Mu-young is curious and approaches where the camera is.

Gil Mu-young's parents suddenly came to see Gil Mu-young's mouth. Gil Mu-young wiped the lens with her sleeve, saying, "Haa, haa, haa."

“I don't know why I keep living like this. You can't put it on, it's just dirt. You're not even gonna clean up. Now, what else do you take? ”

Gil Mu-young went into my parents' bedroom and even brought out a pillow. Then I took the cushions from the couch.

“That bastard! What the hell are you doing? ”

Gil Mu-young's father asked.

“Why are you asking me that? ”

Gil Mu-young's mother replied.

As soon as Mu-young finished taking my home, she took a taxi to Hyo-Jae's grandmother's house.

Hyo-jae and Shi-hyun were both there for the weekend. Gil Mu-young opened her bag like Santa's grandfather.

“Grandma, you said the pillows looked too high. Take a look at this first. If this doesn't fit, I'll buy a new one. ”

When Gil Mu-young told me, my grandmother had no intention of lying down on the couch.

“How are you?”

“Oh, it's so fluffy. I'm going to get some sleep. Where did you get this? Did you bring it from home? ”

When the grandmother sent a suspicious glance, Gil Mu-young shook her hand.

“I'm in my room anyway, and I'm not going home, so that's fine. And this is a cushion, and you can lean back on it. ”

Gil Mu-young is tired of carrying it, so he thought about not bringing it for a long time and took it out to the mini planter and finished the placement.

"Grandma, we have to come over for the weekend, so if you're bored until we get here, watch this. They don't want too much water. So if you're bored, just give it to me once."

How often do I have to water the meat? I lost it in the meantime, so I was roughly reminded.

“Oh, I'm dying. Hey, Cheonmin. Boil some noodles. ”

Now, Sihyun also boiled ramen thinking that I would be very unfamiliar if Gil Mu-young called me by a name other than Cheonmin.

I don't even get high anymore because I hear that now. If the medicine rises, collect it once and then drive it in the morning and spit it out.

Thanks to Gil Mu-young's care, the cost of living in Hyo-jae's grandmother was greatly saved. HyoJae told me not to bring this, but it wasn't even a road to listen to HyoJae in the first place.

Hyo-jae thought about what he said.

‘You're a good seed. There are so many good seeds. But if the environment doesn't support it, it disappears before it grows up. They don't bud, they rot, they get eaten by birds. It doesn't work. It doesn't rot. Grow up. That's your job. Be a little weaker than you are now. That's all I want from you, Hyo-jae. ’

I wanted to listen to the words of the constitution, but my personality did not change easily. However, I felt like Gil Mu-young was filling that part of Hyo-jae, so I was being thankful in secret.

Sihyun was having a hard day. Haemin left for another Hunter Academy. As a starting stage Hunter Academy, she said it was a place where she had a lot of work to do, but it seemed like an opportunity she couldn't give up.