Level up from class F

Act 11. Colony

In the beginning, those who were unable to focus on the lessons properly to watch the demonstration are now focused on the lectures of Sejin. He was also nervous because he was going out to practice a few days later.

“Equipment and weapons will be rented from the Extreme Hunter. Talk to your professors about choosing a weapon. The professors who are going to be in each swamp, who are going to meet the monsters, who are going to be the leaders of each group, who are going to be screened as low-stamina level five monsters, but it's never going to be simple enough for most of you to be the first rank. ”

Sejin said cruelly without blood or tears. I felt like I was going to wear a Halloween mask and make my liver fall out, screaming and dense.

The students were very nervous and asked questions before going into practice. Sejin gave them a daily answer.

“It would be helpful to have questions like this in mind. Now you're the lowest level of hunters, but at some point you could be a clan master. If you can remember the questions that came out today, it will help you understand your clan. if you know what kind of questions the first hunters to raise, if you know what kind of emotional state they're in. ”

After Sejin spoke, I listened carefully to the questions and answers from other hunters.

“Here. Practice is practice. We're supposed to learn something today, so should we get going? ”

Sejin said that he would organize the questions. Sejin puts a picture of the monster on a large screen.

“A new dog has been discovered in the colony. They were found in colonies in the United States. It was discovered by the Veronica assault squad, but we still haven't found a way around it. Dog 52464, who contacted the Extreme Hunter Guild at the Veronica Strike Force. I think your genius brain can figure it out. ”

Sejin followed a rough description of the structure of the colony and how many species live in the colony and how many individuals each species consists of.

“It has been known so far. Colonies are maps with many anomalies."

While Sejin's words continued, the classroom felt silent. I didn't even hear a creak. That's how monstrous the beast on the screen was.

Sejin continues to look at the hunters.

"Things that worked in this colony might not work in that colony. So when you find a colony, you first have to explore the colony. Created and supplied in an Extreme Hunter, it is possible to see it from the outside without having to go directly inside the Colony. ”

"I saw an article once that said there seemed to be some sort of interference inside the colony, but was that resolved, Professor?"

A student asked Sejin.

"Yes. If the Extreme Hunter and Body Firm hadn't put a Delayed Researcher in place, the balance of monsters and radars would have been steep. But Hunters have delayed researchers. I'm saying this because. If any of you think you're bad at Raid, they might recognize your career path. It's also really important to develop the environment so that hunters can focus on Raid."

Sejin was just looking around at the students and talking, but he was worried that it meant a lot to him when he met Sejin's eyes.

'You think I'm incompetent as a radar.'

In fact, it wasn't just novices who thought that way. Jay thought the same thing. Almost everyone thought that except for a few of the high-class people who were full of self-esteem.

"Should the map have evolved like that? Do you think the map is evolving in response to Hunters developing sensors and being able to see the map from the outside?"

The question continues and Sejin nods slowly.

"That's what I see. Monsters, maps, hunters. Everyone is evolving from one another."

Sejin said.

I was nervous on the face of the young hunters listening to the lecture. Then Sejin smiled.

"Don't you think that's enough? Otherwise, isn't that a one-sided advantage? We have clan A and students at Hyundai Hunter Academy."

Sejin said.

Extreme Hunter and Extreme Hunter Guild, Clan A and Body Firm. The world was returning to Bahá 'h, the center of South Korea. The imbalance seemed to get worse by the day.

Good talent gathered at the Korean Hunter Academy, such as the current Hunter Academy, and I wanted to learn, work there, be recognized there, and take an important position there. Students taking Sejin's class were also sitting there with such winds.

“Let's focus again. This is the monster in question, Topsys. This topsys is seven meters tall, and the largest one found is only 11 meters tall, 11 meters tall. Yeah, I can tell by the look on your faces that you're disappointed. It's very small among monsters. ”

Sejin pointed to a picture of Topsys.

“Remind me of what? Doesn't it look like a big fly? ”

Like Sejin said, it looks like a fly with big eyes on its head. Even at 11 meters, it was never as big as a monster, and I doubt it looks threatening.

Students were familiar with the Veronica assault force. Even when Clan A did not have a good relationship with the United States, the Veronica attackers were supportive of Clan A and famous for their great efforts underwater to restore their honor.

Leaving it, Veronica's assailant skills were also in the top class. Although he had been a supportive group for a while, he developed his skills by interacting with Clan A and sending lesser hunters to Hyundai Hunter Academy for training. It didn't make sense that such Veronica attackers had contacted the Extreme Hunter Guild without finding out about Topsys' tactics on their own.

Sejin smiles lightly as if he understood the Hunters' expressions.

“Topsys could have ended up being nothing. But there's a big problem. In order to understand the problems that Topsys creates, we need to understand the Colony's system first. Colonies are populated with individuals. Among them are colonies. The colony seems to have a certain number of inhabitants. 200 colonies, 250 colonies, 300 colonies. The number of entities that can live means that if you exceed that number, the entities inside come out. Yeah, it's a slightly different mechanism than a swamp. The swamp was a structure where monsters protrude when the edges grew and the colonies did not. ”

The students' eyes shone brightly.

“The way we deal with colonies is different. Hunters used to be able to go into the swamp and raid on their own free will. Now, it's not much different, but Colonies are much more important because of the scale and the risks of the monsters that live in them, and if there are 200 colonies that can live in them, the attackers that are built in the region are supposed to go out and attack them periodically. If you don't, the beast will come out. It's only a matter of time before the land of the living is destroyed once the monsters start appearing. ”

Sejin looked around the students and said. Students nodded and eagerly listened, with little or no nod.

“Let's go back to what we were talking about. Here's the problem with Topsys. These guys reproduce like crazy. That's what drives the monster away from the colony. ”

“Professor, are there any monsters in the colony who do natural death? ”

Sihyun asks. Se-jin gives him a finger shot.

“Now is the time for that question to come out. I'd be disappointed if I didn't ask you a question. Yes, there are monsters who die of natural causes in the colony. They die fighting each other. The colony then recognizes that number. There's a dying object, but a newly born object fills the void. But Topsys isn't just about reproducing at crazy speeds. I don't face death in the colony. ”


Questions poured out everywhere.

“Weak individuals in the colony are attacked by strong individuals. And that's how you die. But Topsys doesn't get attacked by these tiny, powerful individuals. ”

“You must have poison. ”

Mu-young said.

“Yes. Poison allows small individuals to defend themselves effectively. ”

“Is there a reason only Topsys reproduces so quickly? And I don't understand that even though reproduction is fast, individuals don't die of natural causes, professor. ”

Another student asked.

“Topsys regenerates himself when he matures and lays eggs. They degrade the older organs, they go back to being young. And it's a terrible thing to say to our hunters, but Topsys lays eggs without having to be male or female. Twenty at a time. Fortunately, Topsys' egg cannot protect itself with poison. ”

“Some other monsters eat Topsys' eggs, too. ”

Jay said.

“That's right. Otherwise the colony would have blown up already. And not to mention the collapse of that region, the United States could be wiped off the face of the Earth. ”

Hunters listened to it and kept their mouths open without speaking.

“Clan A has decided to do the same since things got so serious. Now, there's a limited number of places where Colonies are so aggressive, but that could be our problem someday. Clan A's first position is to confront them. Clan A, as well as the top class clans under the Nemesis and Extreme Hunter Guild mountains, can be joined together. I mean, think of a tactic. ”

Sejin speaks. Hunters are dazed, at which point they realize the question is being asked and roll their heads.

“Topsys looks like Paris, but not Paris. It's a good idea to put down your knowledge of Paris in the natural world. ”

Sejin says the Hunters' faces harden.

“How about building a sensor to detect where Topsys' eggs are and sending scouts to Colony with hunters immune to Topsys' venom? That way, it might be possible to maintain the colony's population just by stopping Topsys' egg from becoming Topsys. ”

A student said.

"That's a great idea. We want to find Hunters immune to Topsys' poison. Topsys lives on the outskirts of the colony, so he also plays a role in protecting the colony. When you're dealing with poisonous topsys, there's a recurring case of Hunters running out of chakra and not going any deeper."